̽̽ Police Services is one of more than 130 law enforcement agencies in the United States that participates in the , which was created from several recommendations from the .

The Police Data Initiative promotes the use of open data to encourage joint problem solving, innovation, enhanced understanding, and accountability between communities and the law enforcement agencies that serve them. In the case of ̽̽ Police, this means releasing open data in the public interest in order to promote fair and impartial policing and transparency in law enforcement.

These data sets are presented as raw data and in accordance with open data publication .

Data are presented in an open (*.xlsx) format.

Roadside Stops: 2017 - Present

Roadside Stop Data (xlsx)

This is data pertaining to roadside traffic stops made by ̽̽ Police Officers. The data includes all of the information required by , including information about the perceived race and gender of individuals stopped by ̽̽ Police. In September of 2020, this spreadsheet was updated to include three new data fields pertaining to officer use of force during roadside traffic stops in accordance with amendments to 20 V.S.A. § 2366.

The data reflects roadside stops conducted from January 1, 2017 onward. This data is updated on a monthly basis. Each individual stop is delineated by a single Incident Number, and multiple rows reflect a single roadside stop if they have the same Incident Number listed. Multiple rows may be included for a single stop if (A) a vehicle operator was searched, cited, and/or arrested on multiple counts or charges, or (B) more than one individual was searched, cited, and/or arrested during the roadside stop. A second individual being involved in a roadside stop typically is a passenger in the vehicle that has been pulled over.

The data fields included in this dataset include (click for more):

  • Incident Number – The ̽̽ Police Services incident number for the traffic stop.
  • Call Type – The primary call type for each traffic stop. If the stop was primarily for a traffic violation, this will be “traffic,” but if, for example, drugs were found during the course of the stop or a driver was determined to be intoxicated this may be “drugs” or “DUI.” As such, all calls listed in this document are traffic stops, but incident types other than “traffic” may be listed.
  • Violation – If a criminal violation occurred, it will be listed here.
  • Ticket Violation – The traffic violation that either prompted the stop, or that a traffic citation was issued for. To know whether a citation was issued, refer to the Ticket Outcome field.
  • Code – A code that represents the same information listed in the Ticket Violation field.
  • Violation Location – The location where the roadside stop occurred.
  • Stop Based On – The grounds for the traffic stop. This may include but is not limited to things such as “Moving Violation” or “Vehicle Equipment.”
  • Ticket Outcome – Whether a warning, ticket, or arrest was made during the roadside stop. If blank, none of these outcomes occurred. To know what the warning, ticket, or arrest was made for, refer to the Ticket Violation (for tickets and warnings) and Violation (for arrests) fields.
  • Search Based On – The grounds for a search, if a search was conducted. This field will also indicate if no search was conducted during the stop.
  • Contraband/Evidence – Whether contraband or evidence was found during a search. Will generally be listed as “X = Not applicable” in stops in which no search was conducted.
  • Perceived Race – The race of the operator (or other individual) involved in the roadside stop as perceived by the officer who conducted the stop.
  • Issued to Gender – The gender of the operator (or other individual) involved in the roadside stop as listed in DMV records and/or on the individual’s driver’s license or other state-issued identification.
  • Issued to Age – The age of the operator (or other individual) involved in the roadside stop at the time of the stop.
  • Date/Time – The date and time when the roadside stop occurred.
  • UOF Summary – Indicates whether force was used at any point during the stop. If this field says "N/A" it indicates that the incident occurred prior to the collection of this data point for traffic stops.
  • UOF Type – Indicates the type of force used, if any, during the course of the stop. If this field says "N/A" it indicates that the incident occurred prior to the collection of this data point for traffic stops.
  • UOF Injury – Indicates any injuries resulting from force used by officers in the course of the stop. If this field says "N/A" it indicates that the incident occurred prior to the collection of this data point for traffic stops.


̽̽ Police Services strives to be transparent with the public. In the interest of transparency, certain departmental policies and procedures are published here for public viewing.

Fair and Impartial Policing Policy

Fair and Impartial Policing Policy (PDF)

̽̽ Police Services is committed to fair and impartial policing. Fair and impartial treatment of all persons is expected and required of ̽̽ Police Officers and all other departmental employees. The department’s Fair and Impartial Policing policy provides professional techniques and strategies, ensures periodic training on subjects related to fair and impartial policing and the psychology of bias, and provides mechanisms to intervene, document, investigate, and hold employees accountable for incidents of biased policing.

Fair and impartial policing enhances legitimate law enforcement efforts and promotes trust within the community. By treating all persons with dignity and respect in accordance with the principals of fair and impartial policing, ̽̽ Police Services is best able to ensure the safety of the community.