The three Vermont State rocksshown above (L to R) are marble, granite and slate.
Redstone Quarry Visitor Information
̽̽ Natural Areas Program
The Quarry is Closed
Redstone Quarry Natural Area is open to the general public for daytime use, however, you must ask permission from the ̽̽ Department of Geography and Geosciences to visit.
Redstone Quarry Visitor's Guide
Redstone Quarry Information Brochure
“Redstone was a popular building material in Burlington in the 1800’s not only for its remarkable appearance and durability, but also because it was readily available at a small quarry within the city limits. In 1958 the university purchased the three-acre Redstone Quarry to use primarily for geology classes. Redstone Quarry, however, is not just a place to observe rocks; it is a small yet diverse ecosystem. Once severely altered by people this quarry has been left untrammeled to return to a somewhat natural state. While there are no developed trails here, visitors may take short walks along the wetland area at the base of the quarry cliff face. The area is noted for its diversity of birds and amphibians, as well as its showy wildflower displays.” (̽̽ Natural Areas, Redstone Quarry)
Before Visiting
The Quarry is Closed
We ask that group users contact with their visiting plans (date, time and size of group). The ̽̽ Geology Department and the ̽̽ Environmental Program keep track of visitor-use for administrative and management purposes, and to avoid double booking. Plan ahead.
- Activities: No motorized or non-motorized vehicles, such as scooters or bicycles. Otherwise, enjoy the site’s diverse ecosystem through keen observation.
- Dogs: are still permitted, but must be leashed, stay on trails, keep out of water. Clean up after your dog. Liability: ̽̽ assumes no liability at the site.
- Maintainance: The site is maintained by ̽̽ Environmental Program’s Natural Areas Center.
- Ownership: Redstone Quarry has shared ownership; ̽̽ owns the base of the Quarry, while the face and top are privately owned.
- Collecting: Permission is required for the collecting and removal of any natural objects including plants, animals, rocks, or soil from Redstone Quarry. Contact Environmental Program at ̽̽ or call (802) 656-4055.
- Samples: As with any natural resource, please do not remove any samples.
- Trespassing: Remain at the ̽̽-owned base of the Redstone Quarry. Do not climb the privately owned quarry face to the privately owned quarry top. Climbing the face would be a danger to you, damage to the ecosystem, and constitute trespassing.
Park vehicle at the top of Hoover St., over the lip, go left and park on the quarry floor. Parking on Redstone Terrace is allowed too, but do not block this residential thru road.
̽̽ Natural Areasinclude Carse Wetlands, Centennial Woods, Colchester Bog, Concord Woods, East Woods, Molly Bog, Mount Mansfield, Pease Mountain, Redstone Quarry, and Shelburne Pond.
The Museum Remains Closed
̽̽ Perkins Geology Museum in Delehanty Building on ̽̽'s Trinity Campus, houses the ̽̽ Perkins Museum of Geology.
Educational Materials and Visitor Information
The Perkins Museum Remains Closed
Educational Materials
Educational Materials see sidebar for list
Visitor Information - The Museum Remains Closed
These areas remain closed
Visiting ̽̽-owned geologic sites, see Lessor's Quarry and Redstone Quarry
includes Evolution 001, Published Data, Virtual Field Study, and a Resource Center.
Also see Perkins Museum of Geology Exhibit # 21: The Fossil Record which incudes The Fossil Record of Evolution: Examples from the Vermont Collection.
Other Geology Field Trip Locations in NW Vermont
- Salmon Hole: the Geology
- Winooski Valley Park District
- Lake Champlain Land Trust
- ̽̽ Natural Areas
K-12 Summer Science Programs
- Environmental Science Day Camp (Grades 1-7)(On hold during reorganization of the Geology Department)