
Grant Writing Support

Requesting assistance early (more than 2 months from deadline) ensures availability of RD support!

Proposal Review and Grantsmanship Critique

  • Thorough review of your full proposal for grantsmanship with annotated comments and suggestions
  • Review for responsiveness to reviewer critiques (for resubmissions) and to RFP/RFA requirements
  • Substantively edit your draft

Additional Proposal Writing Assistance for Early-Career Faculty and Faculty Working With a New Federal Agency

  • Detailed checklists, timelines, and templates tailored to your funding opportunity
  • Assistance in the preparation of non-technical proposal sections
  • Editing to improve the clarity, flow, formatting, and presentation of your document

Decision Tree: Grant Writing Support Services


Click on the decision tree above to view a larger version. 

  1. Submit a Request
  2. The time until submission deadline determines the type of support offered, subject to the Research Development team capacity
    1. <2 Weeks: Case-by-case**
    2. 2-8 Weeks: Grantsmanship/Editing
      1. Main proposal review
      2. Strategic Planning
      3. Checklist
    3. >2 Months: Grantsmanship/Editing
      1. Main proposal reiew
      2. Strategic planning
      3. Checklist and timeline
      4. Regular meetings
      5. Supporting documents review

*Pending initial meeting with a member of the Research Development team. 

Students writing.

Request Grant Writing Support

Fill out this simple form to request assistance with your grant writing needs.