
Internal Funding Opportunities

Kate Tracy, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean for Research, and Matthew Wargo, Ph.D., Chair of the Research Committee, call your attention to the following internal funding opportunities. Application forms, instructions, and additional guidelines are available below.

Please read the guidelines and instructions carefully, and address questions concerning the suitability of proposed projects or budgetary items to Dr. Wargo at: Matthew.Wargo@med.uvm.edu.

Notice of specific updates as of fall 2023: There have been a number of changes to the two internal funding opportunities listed below as of fall 2023. Please see the document Summary and Explanation of IGP and BSP Updates (PDF) for specific summary of changes. Please carefully review these updates and all program details before applying.

Internal Grant Program (IGP)

The goals of the IGP program are to fund preliminary work in support of garnering the investigator’s first substantial extramural grant or to bolster applications to expand the research portfolio to compete for additional extramural funding. The IGP is primarily intended for new investigators, as per the NIH definition, though investigators outside of this category will also be considered.

This program provides 2-to-1 matching funds for all departmental support up to $75,000 ($25,000departmental contribution). In all cases, principal investigators should first approach their department chairs or unit leaders (research center, etc.) for matching fund commitments. The cap for IGPs without departmental support is $15,000. All full-time (75% FTE or greater) College of Medicine faculty members are eligible to request research support from the IPG funds, with evaluation guided by the goals described above.

Download the Internal Grant Program form for detailed guidelines and application:

Internal Grant Program form (DOC)

Internal Grant Program form (PDF)

Starting in autumn of 2023, the deadlines for submission for the IGP program are as follows: The IGP program has a single deadline of 11:59pm on December 10th (or same time on the next business day if the 10th falls on a weekend)

Bridge Support Program (BSP)

PLEASE NOTE: ¶¶Òõ̽̽HNMG has changed their policy and will no longer provide FTE for clinician scientists who are awarded LCOM Bridge Funding.

These funds are intended to support all full-time, College of Medicine faculty (75% FTE or greater) who, for one reason or another, currently, or will in the near term (within 6 months), find themselves temporarily without extramural funding for research. Funding is available to faculty members with previous support though individual grants as well as through components of multi-investigator grants.

Download the Bridge Support Program form below for detailed guidelines and application:

Bridge Support Program form (DOC)

Bridge Support Program form (PDF)

Starting in autumn of 2023, the deadlines for submission for the BSP program are as follows: 
The BSP program has a single deadline of 11:59pm on May 10th (or same time on the next business day if the 10th falls on a weekend)

Important Notes on the Review Process
  • Applications will be reviewed by the College of Medicine Research Committee; two reviewers will act as primary and secondary reviewers, though external reviewers may be asked to provide assessment to bolster the review process. Accordingly, all submissions should be written in a language that is understandable to scientists who are not experts in the applicant's field of study.
  • Each application will be scored by the entire committee using the NIH system (1-9); the Chair of the Committee reports the scores to the Senior Associate Dean for Research, who, along with the Dean, makes final funding decisions.

Note: While the number of funding cycles has been trimmed, we anticipate funding up to the same number of proposals per year.

Funding and Grants Administration
Progress Report

All recipients of IGP/BSP funds are requested to submit a 1-2 page progress report 1 year after start-date as escribed further in the program instructions. Funds will be available for a total period of 2 years with availability of funds for the second year contingent on appropriate progress reporting.