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Recruitment & Hiring at ̽̽

Recruiting and hiring new talent is a multistep process that requires time, effort, and knowledge. Human Resources can help you navigate how to develop recruitment materials, promote the job opportunity, and clearly communicate ̽̽'s inclusive culture in order to find the right person for the job.

Recruitment & Interview Guide

Hiring guidelines and tips

The purpose of this guide is to assist you, the hiring supervisor, through steps in the process of selecting new employees:

  1. Organize Search Committee
  2. Create Posting Language
  3. Advertising & Outreach
  4. Develop Evaluation Materials
  5. Evaluate Candidates

Posting a Free Job on LinkedIn

Posting your open job on LinkedIn is a great way to advertise your role for free. Posting it this way also links the job to ̽̽'s job board on LinkedIn which means folks searching for jobs at ̽̽ will be able to see your job. Please note, you can only post one open role at a time. If you have multiple open roles in your department, you will need other folks to post these jobs for you.

  1. Login to your personal LinkedIn account.
  2. Navigate to Jobs at the top of the homepage. You should see Post a free job on the left hand side of that page.
  3. Input Job title, company, Workplace type, Job location, and Job type. Select Write on my own.
  4. Paste the ̽̽ Introduction, Job Summary and Minimum Qualifications from the job posting into the Description box.
  5. Add or remove any Skills you wish to include.
  6. Input Pay if you wish (not necessary)
  7. Applicant collection: this step is crucial. Change the "Receive applicants" dropdown to "At an external website" and paste the link to the job posting in the Website address field.
  8. Post without promoting.

We recommend posting this job to your personal LinkedIn and using hashtags to increase visibility. Recommended hashtags include: #̽̽, #hiring, #JoinUs.

̽̽ Introduction

We recommend pasting this introduction at the beginning of your job postings when advertising externally:

Since its inception in 1791, ̽̽ has worked to move humankind forward. ̽̽ is a Public Ivy and a top 100 research university, where our exceptional institution in an unparalleled location attracts top minds and talented professionals. Our hometown perennially appears on national rankings that praise its livability, access to nature and recreation (including the best skiing in the northeast!), thriving food and music scene, rising identity as a technology and innovation hub, and its status as a top college town. At ̽̽, you won't just be part of a team – you'll join colleagues committed to excellence in their field, diversity and inclusion, and educating accountable leaders for humankind. Whether you're drawn to our thriving academic community, our commitment to environmental sustainability, or our dynamic campus culture, ̽̽ offers an environment where your talents can thrive and make a difference. ̽̽ is more than just a place to work – it's a community where you can truly make an impact.

̽̽ offers a flexible work/life balance, winter break, and a comprehensive benefits package, which includes medical, dental, vision, tuition remission, employee wellness, and more. To learn more about ̽̽'s benefits, visit our Benefits Summary page.

Quick Reference Points

The information below is intended as a brief introduction to the process of recruitment, or a refresher, however it is not a substitute for reading the Recruitment Guide, linked above.

  1. For new positions and existing faculty and staff enterrecruitment information in PeopleAdmin.
  2. Once the position is posted, applications can be viewed.
  3. Extended posting may be requested if the applicant pool is not adequate.
  4. Upon approval from Provost, conduct facultyjob interviews. Staff positions do not require approval to interview. Administer driver's check if appropriate.
  5. Select the top candidate and initiate a Hiring Proposal in PeopleAdmin.
  6. For staff positions, complete the Proposed Salaryfields in the hiring Proposal with your next supervisory level/Human Resources representative.
  7. Route Hiring Proposalto Dean/Director for approval. Dean/Director willapprove/route accordingly.
  8. WhenHiring Proposal status is “Ready for Offer”, make the offer of employment to the candidate selected. A copy of the written offer must be sent to Payroll Records.Schedule new employee for benefits orientation and refer them to the .
  9. If the offer is accepted, notify unsuccessful interviewed candidates. Other applicants will receive an update through the ̽̽ Job Site/Electronic Applicant System.
  10. Change the Hiring Proposal status from “Ready for Offer” to “Offer Accepted”.
  11. CompletePersonnel Action FormandSalary Distribution Formand forward to Payroll/Records Office.Employee Information Form,W-4, andEmployment Eligibility Verification (I-9)will be completed by new employee in Orientation. All forms can be found in our forms library.
  12. Maintain paperwork and electronic materials for three years.

Description & Posting

Position Description

For new and existing staffpositions, a position descriptionis required.

Complete the Position Description tab along with additional required recruitment information in PeopleAdmin and route to your Business Manager or Dean. Your HR consultantwill review the position and notify you.

WritingStaff Position Guidlines

Recruitment Information

Recruitment actions are initiated using thesystem. Consult theStaff Actions in PeopleAdmindecision tree forguidance. Recruitment information informs Human Resource Services aboutthe job and your advertising needs.

Upon completion of Recruitment Information, submit the recruitment requisition to your Dean's Office for administrative review and approval.The normal posting period is one week. New positions are posted daily.

Following review and approval of the recruitment information, you may post the position on the job website via PeopleAdmin. If you have not previously established an account on, contact your business manager.

If you have requested an opportunity hire and it has been approved by Affirmative Action, HR Research & Analysis will inform you as soon as they have reviewed the Proposed Salary information. If your request for an opportunity hire is not approved, Affirmative Action will contact you to explain the denial.

Posting the Vacancy

Carefully reviewjob posting information, includingjob summary, minimum qualifications for the job, and any special requirements of the job.Special working conditionsshould be stated on the posting. The posting should state if the job includes:

  1. regular or more than occasional overtime work
  2. on-call assignments and provision of emergency services
  3. passing a security clearance
  4. internal applicants to serve a four-month probationary period
  5. working hours for either salaried or hourly employees that are different from normal working hours, such as part-time, weekend, or shift work
  6. a probationary period for an exempt position
  7. having a valid driver's license, CDL, or other endorsement
  8. a check on driving history. If the individual is required to drive a University vehicle, a driver's record check must be processed through the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles. The details of this procedure will be discussed with the hiring supervisor. Pre-duty alcohol and substance abuse testing is undertaken for those requiring a Commercial Driver's License.
  9. union status
  10. grant funding

̽̽ Descriptions (PDF)

Extended Posting

A posting may be extended if you are dissatisfied with the first applicant pool or wish to widen appeal. When you extend a posting, you must accept for consideration all applications submitted during the re-posting period.


External applicants (candidates not currently employed at ̽̽) may not be interviewed until after the one-week posting period. However, internal applicants (current ̽̽ employees) may be interviewed during that time. All applications may be reviewed during the one-week posting period. All applicants will apply via the PeopleAdmin online̽̽ Job Site.

Reviewing the Applications

Applications are stored on the PeopleAdmin system and are viewed online. For information on usingPeopleAdmin, please refer to our How to Guides webpage.

Applicant Interviews

It is the hiring supervisor's responsibility to review all applications, make a determination of the most appropriate candidates, and schedule interviews with those candidates. If you need assistance in determining the selection criteria, a recruiter can help you.

*UE-represented employees who apply for a position and meet minimal qualifications shall be given an interview for the position (Article 17).


Equal Employment Opportunity

̽̽ and State Agricultural College is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for all people without regard to unlawful criteria including race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, positive HIV-related blood test results, status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran, or gender identity and expression.

Numerous civil rights laws and regulations govern employment practices. The laws that pertain to interviews and the selection process are generally intended to assure that employers use nondiscriminatory, directly job-related criteria in selecting a new employee. Be aware that you may not discriminate between candidates upon the following bases:

Pregnancy -You may not reject an applicant merely because she is pregnant. If the pregnancy would not prevent satisfactory performance of the job duties, you must give the candidate equal consideration for employment.

Age -It is unlawful to discriminate in employment against persons 18 or more years of age.

Reasonable Accommodation -Qualified applicants with physical or mental disabilities that significantly limit a major life function are protected from discrimination on the basis of their disability as long as they are (1) able to perform the essential functions of a job with or without reasonable accommodation and (2) do not cause a direct threat to their own safety or that of others. For more information, contact Amber Fulcher, the Americans with Disabilities Act and 504 Coordinator for The Division of Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at 802-656-0945.

Arrest records without convictions -An arrest without a resulting conviction does not serve as proof that the arrested individual committed an illegal act. An arrest is not relevant to that individual's ability or competency to perform a given job. Therefore, an employer should not inquire into records of arrest.

Arrest records with convictions -A conviction may or may not be relevant to the hiring process, depending on the particular job in question. The crucial question is whether or not the offense relates to performance of the particular job. For example, if you wish to hire a shuttle driver, you will carefully review an applicant with a history of traffic violations. If you wish to hire an accountant, you will avoid an applicant with a recent embezzlement conviction. These offenses are job-related. However, if the situations were reversed and the applicant with the traffic violations applied for the accountant position, and vice versa, the conviction would probably not be a disqualifying factor. Among the factors to be considered in reviewing the job-relatedness and relevance of convictions is the relationship between the offense and the job requirements, the remoteness in time of the conduct, and the seriousness of the offense.

Sexual orientation -It is the policy of ̽̽ that a person shall not be subjected to employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Educational background -It has generally been considered discriminatory to require applicants to prove they have a high school diploma. Whether or not a college degree is required for a position is a question of fact to be decided on a case-by-case basis. Before you impose a degree requirement, ask yourself whether a person with certain practical experience could perform a job as well as a person with a college degree.

Gender identity or expression- It is the policy of ̽̽ that a person shall not be subjected to employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression.

Conducting an Interview Consistent with EEO

The following section notes questions you may want to include or exclude to keep job interviews consistent with guidelines and requirements. These recommendations offer examples only, and are not all-inclusive:

  1. Treat questions as job-oriented as possible. Review the PD for help in determining what questions are pertinent to the job.
  2. Thoroughly explain all of the duties and responsibilities of the job. Encourage the candidate to ask questions about these.
  3. Fully discuss all education, training, and experience listed on the resume or application, especially in terms of how the person's background has prepared him or her for this particular job.
  4. Ask for a review of former work, if necessary, to determine if the person has sufficient skills for the job.
  5. Ask if s/he has had other training or experience, perhaps of a more informal nature, that might be related to the job.
  6. Avoid personal questions that have little or no bearing on job performance. For example:
  7. Don't ask if s/he is planning to be married, has or is planning to have children, if and how the spouse is employed, who cares for the children, or if the spouse plans to transfer
    • Don't ask a person's national origin
    • Don't ask a person's religion
    • Don't ask where or with whom a person lives
    • Don't ask if a person has friends working at the institution
    • Don't ask if a person has an arrest record
    • Don't ask about a person's financial status
  8. If a position demands full-time regular hours with limited exceptions, or if it demands frequent weekend or evening work:
    • Clearly explain this in describing the job
    • Ask the person if s/he will be willing and able to make a commitment to such a job
    • Don't ask if s/he must take a vacation when the spouse and children do
    • Don't ask why the person has held solely part-time jobs, even if the record indicates this
  9. If the position demands lengthy on-the-job training and orientation, and a fairly definite commitment to the job of several years:
    • Clearly explain this in describing the job
    • Ask if this is the type of job commitment s/he would be willing and able to make
    • Don't ask if the person plans to live in the area for a long time
    • Don't ask the person's age
  10. If the position demands a high degree of personal interest in and commitment to a particular subject area, concern, technical type of work:
    • Explain this clearly in describing the job
    • Ask if this is an area of considerable long-term interest to the person
    • Ask why and how s/he became interested in the field
    • Ask what new aspects of the field s/he would like to learn about or be involved in
  11. If personal information that would otherwise afford a basis for a claim of discrimination is offered voluntary, don't use this as an excuse to ask further questions of a personal nature. Instead, make an effort to guide the interview back to pertinent issues.
  12. Two final considerations to keep in mind during all interview and hiring situations:
    • Try to treat all applicants in a similar manner when considering them for the position
    • Keep an open mind to hiring a "nontraditional" applicant for a position traditionally held by one predominant type of person

Legal and Illegal Interview Questions(PDF)

Conducting an Interview Consistent with ADA

Title 1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against any applicant or employee with a disability if the person is qualified and able to perform the "essential functions" of the job, with or without "reasonable accommodation." Employment practices covered by law include:

  • recruitment
  • compensation
  • hiring
  • tenure
  • promotion/demotion
  • benefits
  • discharge
  • other employment-related activities

Do's for ADA Compliance

  • Do review job descriptions and selection criteria to ensure that selection criteria are job-related.
  • Do identify essential job functions for all positions including physical/mental demands of each job.
  • Do describe or demonstrate essential job functions to applicants and inquire as to their ability to perform them.
  • If requested, do respond positively to a job candidate's request for assistance or accommodation during the interview process.
  • Do keep an open mind to making reasonable accommodations that will enable the job candidate to perform the essential duties of the job.
  • Do train employees with interviewing responsibilities as to what can and cannot be asked in job interviews.

Don'ts for ADA Compliance

  • Don't make inquires regarding a person's physical characteristics, health, or disability on either the employment application or during the interview process.
  • Don't make employment decisions based on perceptions about the individual's physical or mental abilities or disabilities.
  • Don't limit an employee's duties based on a presumption of what is best for the person.
  • Don't segregate employees with disabilities.
  • Don't refuse to provide requested accommodations during the pre-employment or employment process unless such accommodations would impose "undue hardship."
  • Don't use qualifying standards or employment tests unless such criteria are job-related.

Preparing and Conducting the Interview-Clery Act Compliance

Guidelines to the Clery Act require ̽̽ to share police statistics with all interviewees for a position. With amendments to the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (renamed the Clery Act), we publish our campus safety information for the university community via the World Wide Web. ̽̽'s annual security report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by ̽̽, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

The report includes institutional policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crime, sexual assault, and other important information and resource referrals. You may obtain a copy of this report from the, 802-656-2027.

Preparing and Conducting the Job Interview

Chances are you may be feeling constrained by what not to ask in an interview. The following takes a positive approach and looks at what you should ask in order to select the best possible candidate.

Just as a job candidate prepares for an interview, so must the interviewer. A selection interview should be as structured as possible, yet tailored to each applicant. As an interviewer, you should evaluate the same general criteria for each applicant. A selection interview that follows a general standard outline will produce more reliable and valuable information than an unstructured interview, and is less likely to run afoul of laws governing the selection process.

Preparing for the Interview

  1. Review the PD. You need to learn as much as possible about the requirements of the job to be filled - the specific demands of the work, salary level, and the working conditions - in order to elicit relevant information. Valuable information about the job can be obtained in an exit interview with the person who is leaving.
  2. Identify the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the tasks. Based on the previous employee's performance, what qualifications were essential to success on the job? What did unsuccessful employees lack? How much did successful employees learn and develop while on the job?
  3. Write out your questions to make sure they are clear and comprehensive.
  4. Review each candidate's resume and application and note areas to explore. This should be done ahead of time so that this information will not have to be referred to continually during the interview. Interviewers sometimes make the mistake of interviewing from an application form. This type of interviewing simply duplicates what is already a matter of record. Contact the Employment Office or Affirmative Action for information on recruitment assistance, videos, and websites. There are many resources available to support a skillful, effective interview.

Based on these considerations, you should generate a list of questions structured around these headings:

  • Behavioral questions:These are questions that seek demonstrated examples of past behavior as the best predictor of future performance in similar circumstances. Questions are structured, open-ended, and designed to determine desired competencies.
  • Job knowledge questions:These questions assess job knowledge that is essential to job performance and must be known before starting the job. They often concern the technical aspects of the job or basic knowledge that is necessary to learn the job.
  • Job sample/simulation questions:It may be possible to have the applicant actually perform a sample task of the job as long as it is required of all interviewed candidates.
  • Worker requirement questions:These usually take the form of "willingness" questions such as whether the applicant is willing to work under various conditions, to do repetitive work, or to travel.

Conducting the Interview

  1. Establish rapport. If the applicant is apprehensive, it may be difficult to obtain useful information. The interview setting should be conducive to good communication. Ideally, you should use a private office. You should be able to talk in a conversational tone of voice and give the applicant your undivided attention. Forward your calls to voicemail to avoid interruption. Make the applicant feel at ease.

    The emotional climate the interview creates will be even more important than the physical environment. Your first role is that of host. A warm greeting and a suitable introduction will help establish rapport and create a pleasant atmosphere. Following the greeting, some small talk is usually valued. It relaxes the interviewer and the applicant and helps establish mutual confidence. A friendly exchange of comments creates an atmosphere that allows conversation to develop more freely and rapidly.
  2. Explain purpose. Set the agenda. This will help relax the applicant by letting him or her know what is about to happen. Also, it puts you in control of the interview by providing a "road map."
  3. Gather information. Your comments, questions, and careful listening are the keys to controlling the interview.

    A common error of interviewers is that they concentrate on the next question they plan to ask, and don't hear what the applicant is saying. If you listen closely, you will be in a better position to ask follow-up questions that probe deeper into a candidate's qualifications than you might otherwise. If you talk as much as 50% of the time, you're dominating the interview. Your job is to listen and evaluate.

    Many interviewers fail to recognize the value of comments and concentrate exclusively on questions, causing the interview to resemble an interrogation. By only asking questions, you are making the task harder. You are conditioning the applicant to answer questions rather than encouraging spontaneous talk about things that might be important.

    Avoid asking questions that require a "yes" or "no" answer. Instead, ask open-ended questions that encourage the applicant to express ideas and information and allow more freedom in response. For example, if you ask, "Did you like that job?" you might receive a yes or no as an answer. However, if you ask "What things did you like most about the job?" you may receive several responses that will contribute to your understanding of the applicant's motivation and interest. It will help to write some questions in advance. Words like "why," "how," "what," "describe," and "tell me about," will yield more complete answers than leading questions such as "Do you like to work with people?" The question "What type of work do you enjoy?", for example, will yield more information than "Do you like to work outdoors?"

    Avoid the use of leading questions. This tempts the applicant to slant answers to suit you. Your purpose in the interview is to obtain a clear, balanced picture of the applicant's qualifications without revealing the responses you hope to hear.

    Note-taking can be helpful, especially if you have several interviews scheduled. It helps ensure accuracy and demonstrates to the applicant that you are interested in him or her as an individual. Be sure to explain in advance what you're doing and why. One favored method is holding a clipboard in your lap instead of taking notes at the desk. Keywords or phrases can be jotted down. Try to maintain eye contact while taking notes and be sensitive that writing down responses may create tension for some interviewees.
  4. Describe the job and the organization. A detailed description of specific duties should generally be saved until the latter stage of the interview. By describing the job in detail before this stage, you may be inadvertently coaching the applicant on how he or she should appear and how to look as good as possible.

    An interview is a two-way process. There are things the applicant needs to know from you about the position and the organization. Provide sufficient facts, favorable and unfavorable, about the position, your department, and promotional opportunities in a direct manner so the applicant can intelligently choose whether the position is acceptable.
  5. Answer questions and allow the applicant to add information. This stage is directed toward the applicant's objectives - to gather information about the job and institution and to sell him or herself. You should provide the opportunity to accomplish both.
  6. Conclude the interview. Simply thanking the applicant for his or her time and outlining what will happen next is an honest and comfortable way to end the interview. Give the applicant an approximate date by which you'll make your decision.
  7. After the interview be sure that all opinions, evaluations, and additional information are recorded immediately.
  8. References. Since letters of recommendation often lack candid and specific assessments of work performance, we advise that you talk directly with previous supervisors. Such conversations allow you to raise questions and gain information that is not commonly included in letters of recommendation. Inform the candidate that you plan to do this. Further, performance appraisal and other job-related documentation maintained in Payroll Records may be accessed on University candidates. Speak to your recruiter for assistance.

Reference Checks

Following Selection

  1. Obtain hiring and salary approval via the PeopleAdmin system by completing the required steps.The Dean/Director will approve the top candidate(s) and if necessary, will route the requisition to salary review.
  2. Refer to theHow to Guide webpagefor assistance with PeopleAdmin.

  3. Make the offer of employment - Once the supervisor receives the status of Ready for Offer on the Electronic Application System, a job offer may be made.

  4. An Employment Notification Letter must be prepared and sent to the candidate regardless of whether a verbal offer was made. The letter must include the position title, annual salary or hourly rate, starting date, full-time equivalency (FTE), term of employment (9, 10, 11, or 12 months per year), exempt or nonexempt status, probation period, union status, and whether the employee's pay will be from restricted funds. The letter should also inform the candidate that employment is contingent upon fulfilling the Immigration Reform and Control Act requirement to provide proof of identity and employment eligibility upon beginning employment. Any special job requirements, such as those listed in this guide for inclusion in the posting, should also be stated in the Employment Notification Letter. A copy of the Employment Notification Letter must be sent to the Payroll/ Records Office for inclusion in the new employee's file, please see templates on the Form's page.

  5. Once the position is accepted, thePersonnel Action FormandSalary Distribution Formshould be completed by the hiring department and submitted to Payroll/Records. The Employee Information Form, W-4, and I-9 will be completed by the new employee in Orientation. All new full-time employees must attend an orientation, which is held twice a month. For further information or to schedule a new employee for Orientation, please visit SupportResources.

  6. Notify unsuccessful candidates. - It is your responsibility to notify each candidate whom you interviewed regarding the status of the position. Other applicants will receive an update in the Electronic Application System.Sample Turndown Letters, including one designed for internal applicants, may be changed or adapted to suit the situation, or you may write your own. These letters should be sent out within a week after the position has been filled.

Automated Applicant E-mail Notifications

Criminal Conviction Information Email

Hello {{application__applicant_detail-user__first_name}}:

We wanted to let you know that your application for the {{posting__job_detail__job_title}} position is still under consideration.

In order to meet the requirements of Vermont state law (effective July 1, 2017), we require that you submit additional and/or updated information on your application regarding criminal conviction history. Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign in to your account at https://www.uvmjobs.com/
  2. Click on the 'Your Applications' link on the left navigation bar.
  3. Locate the Application for {{posting__posting_detail__posting_number}}, and click the 'Update' link. (Note: the 'Update' link can be easy to miss. It is located next to the job title and can look like it is part of the job title.)
  4. Click 'Yes, update this Application'
  5. Fill out or update the required information, then click next.
  6. Certify and Submit your application.

Please reply to this email or call ̽̽ Human Resources at 802-656-3150 if you have any questions.

Thank you,
̽̽ Human Resources

Not Interviewed/Not Hired- Send Applicant Email

Hello {{application__applicant_detail-user__first_name}},

Thank you for taking the time to apply to the {{posting__job_detail__job_title}} position here at ̽̽. After much consideration, we regret to inform you that you were not selected for an interview. If the hiring team is unsuccessful in filling this position during the initial process, your application may be reconsidered.

We wish you success in your search for a position!

Thank you,
̽̽ Human Resources

Interviewed Not Hired- Send Applicant Email

Hello {{application__applicant_detail-user__first_name}},

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the {{posting__job_detail__job_title}} position here at ̽̽. We enjoyed the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about you. After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with other candidates who we feel are more appropriate for this position.

Again, thank you for taking the time to apply and meet with us. We wish you success in your search for a position.

Thank you,
̽̽ Human Resources

Application Withdrawn

Hello {{application__applicant_detail-user__first_name}},

This email confirms that you have withdrawn your application for the {{posting__job_detail__job_title}} position at ̽̽. If you did not withdraw for this position, please reply to this email or contact us at (802) 656-3150.

Thank you,
̽̽ Human Resources

Posting Cancelled – Send Email

Hello {{application__applicant_detail-user__first_name}},

Thank you for your interest in the {{posting__job_detail__job_title}} position here at ̽̽; we greatly appreciate the time you took to apply. We are writing to inform you that our search to fill this position has been cancelled.

We highly encourage you to consider other job opportunities at ̽̽. To view current openings, visit our web site at www.uvmjobs.com; the web site is updated daily.

Thank you,
̽̽ Human Resources

Campus Resources

In addition to this handbook, personal assistance with the hiring process is available from:

440 College Street, 656-3244
Financial Analysis & Budgeting staff review faculty budgets and line information and coordinate the strategic hiring approval process with the Provost Office. These steps are completed prior to posting any tenure-track position.

Human Resources

228 Waterman Building, 656-3150
E-mail Us
HR Consultants assist managers and supervisors with classification of staff positions. HR Compensation staffdetermine pay bands for recruitment and, in conjunction with hiring departments, all starting salaries and salaries for internal transfers, returning employees, and selected nonexempt positions with documented market conditions.

HRS prepares the Hot Line, a 24-hour, 7-day telephone recording listing all job vacancies, maintains and updates the ̽̽ Employment website. HR staff will either answer your questions about hiring new employees or refer you to the appropriate office.

428 Waterman Building, 656-3368
The Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity works with hiring managers to assist them in understanding and conducting an active search that includes networking and building a diverse pool of candidates. In addition, the Office monitors interviewing and hiring to ensure that the University's policy on Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity is followed.

Hiring by Employee Type

Employee type

Hiring Guide: Faculty

Hiring Guide: Staff

Hiring Guide: Temporary

Position Number Management Guide

When starting a new recruitment, one of your first tasks is to determine whether you should use an active existing position number, use an inactive existing position number, or create a new position number. We have developed aPosition Number Management Guide(pdf)to help you.


Advertising Options

Once the position is posted you are welcome to advertise the opportunity. The following is a comprehensive list of resources and potential costs.

Please note, Inside Higher Ed and Higher Ed Jobs are two paid sites that scrape our jobs page and post our roles. VT Job Link (the state Department of Labor site) scrapes and posts for free.

Burlington Free Press

Banners on BurlingtFreePress.com

  • 30 day campaign $200
  • 15 day campaign $120
  • The Graystone Group assesses a 10% charge for the coordination of Burlington Free Press ads.

Print Ads

  • 1/8 Page (5.04”x3.67”) – 1 position $258 (per day)
  • 1/4 Page (5.04”x6.7”) – 2 positions $508 (per day)
  • 1/3 Page (5.04”x8.67”) – 3-6 positions $657 (per day)
  • 1/2 Page (5.04”x13.58”) – 7+ positions $944 (per day)

Advertising Examples

Describing ̽̽ in consistent terms in all job advertisements is important. Please adhere to the

Job Title – Department – Requisition #
Ad text contains Job Summary, Qualifications and any Special Conditions.

Sample #1

Biomedical Equipment Technician I – IMF/TSP - #032576

Repair, calibrate, install and perform preventive maintenance on various high cost, complex medical equipment and associated systems. Associates Degree in Biomedical or Electronics Technology and one to three years related experience required or an equivalent combination. Position is located in Rutland, VT. Valid Vermont driver's license or ability to obtain and driver's check may be required. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are encouraged* to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.

*For Classified Executive positions or staff positions with titles containing ‘manager’ or ‘supervisor’, the word ‘required’ must be substituted for ‘encouraged’.

Job Title
Ad text should contain a paragraph about ̽̽,Job Summary, Qualifications, Special conditions. How to Apply (including Posting #) and application deadline or “Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are found.” AA/EO statement.

Sample #2

Biomedical Equipment Technician I

Since 1791, ̽̽ has worked to move humankind forward. Today, ̽̽ is a Public Ivy and top 100 research university of a perfect size, large enough to offer a breadth of ideas, resources, and opportunities, yet small enough to enable close faculty-student mentorship across all levels of study, from bachelor’s to M.D. programs. Here, students’ educational experience and activities are enriched by our location — from the energy and innovation of Burlington to the forests, farms, and independent spirit of Vermont. ̽̽ provides students endless ways to explore the world, challenge ideas, and dig in on the most pressing issues of our time.

̽̽ is seeking a Biomedical Equipment Technician to repair, calibrate, install and perform preventive maintenance on various high cost, complex medical equipment and associated systems. Associates Degree in Biomedical or Electronics Technology and one to three years related experience required or an equivalent combination. Position is located in Rutland, VT. Valid Vermont driver's license or ability to obtain and driver's check may be required. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are encouraged* to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.

For further information on Req. #______, or to apply with electronic application, resume, cover letter, and a list of references with contact information, visit our website at: www.uvmjobs.com. Tel: 802.656.3150. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are found.

̽̽ is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women, veterans, individuals with disabilities and people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged.

When you have received notification (via system generated e-mail) that a position has been posted, you can place your advertising.


  • ̽̽ has contracts with three staffing agencies including: Adecco, Spherion & Westaff. Discover their contact info and rates on the spreadsheet below.
  • Identify yourself as University department representative in order to take advantage of pricing agreements.

Recruitology Online Posts

  • $90 per post

For more information on how to expand your recruitment efforts to your candidates, see theRecruitology page. The Graystone Group is also knowledgeable about this service.

Get the Word Out

Advertising Within ̽̽

Once the supervisor has determined the content of the job posting and it has been approved, it may be posted on the.

Telephone Hotline

The University's Job Hotline (802-656-2248) is a 24/7 telephone recording of position vacancies at ̽̽. The recorded message, updated every Tuesday and Friday, lists the job title and department. After listening to the Job Hotline, applicants may view the qualifications, responsibilities and most up-to-date information related to specific positions by visiting the ̽̽ Job Site at.


All job postings are listed on the ̽̽ Job Site at. The website is updated daily.

Advertising websites to consider are,,,,,, and.

Listserv Broadcasting

Position openings may be posted via listservs both within the University and beyond. Copy for the printed advertisement and the listserv broadcast should have the same basic message, although it need not be identical in length. For example, essential functions, deadlines, and Affirmative Action notice should be included in all outreach.

Newspaper Advertising

Advertising examples and advertising resources are available elsewhere on this page. Local advertisements are usually considered to be those placed in Vermont, in papers such as the,, and. Each ad must include an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action statement.

Vermont Department of Labor

Vacant positions may be posted onthrough the Vermont Department of Labor, the state employment agency. They have a computerized application selection process that allows access to lists of candidates throughout the state.

Advertising for Cultural Diversity

The Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity works with hiring managers to develop a list of resources and advertising placements to create a diverse candidate pool.

Online Application System - Assistance in Your Employee Search

At this point in the hiring process, your search will be assisted by an online application system that provides information yo help you hire the best candidate. It is the bridge between applicants and the hiring department, providing quick access to information on ̽̽ job candidates.

All applications are submitted via the Electronic Application System. The system can easily and quickly obtain stored information on applicants and organize it.


is a free, national jobs board primarily used by current students and recent graduates, including at ̽̽ and most other VT and local colleges. Staff using Handshake to recruit will need to create a user account and connect to, or create, an employer profile for their department or unit. Contact the for questions about students’ use of Handshake.


  • (higher ed IT; ̽̽'s membership provides discounted rates—please ask)
  • (National Association of Colleges & Universities Business Officers)



  • (South Burlington's Community Online)

Graystone Group

Graystone Group

Graystone is a vendor that can be used by ̽̽ departments to help with advertising placement for staff positions. After your position has been posted, you can place the advertisment.


  1. Create a new e-mail to: ads@graystoneadv.com with the subject line:University of Vermont Ad Request.
  2. Copy and paste the applicable information into the e-mail. You are required to include the Advertising Text, List of Publications/Websites for ad placement, Cardholder Name and Cardholder e-mail (for billing purposes).
  3. Send the e-mail.
  4. Graystone will e-mail you a proof of the ad with the date that it will run and the cost. You can request any edits that you would like.
  5. Once the ad is placed, the cardholder will receive an e-mail from Graystone with a link for billing. Refer to Advertising Billing Instructions.

Note: The Graystone Group assesses a 10% charge for the coordination of Burlington Free Press ads. This fee does not apply to the majority of other print and web ad placements.

To Place Advertising Independently

  1. Determine where you wish to place your ad. A list of potential publications/resources is available.
  2. Utilize the “Advertising Information” report to provide information to your chosen vendor.

Resources for Job Candidates

Resources for Uob Candidates

Items to Share

  • Copy of the posting
  • Department organizational chart
  • Department website
  • Department and University mission or vision statement
  • News articles about events or research in your department
  • Clery Act campus safety information
  • ̽̽ map
  • Our Common Ground
  • Your business card

̽̽ offers a comprehensive, competitive, and generous benefits package. Candidates may have lots of questions about medical, dental, vacation, sick leave, life insurance, tuition remission and retirement benefits as well as fitness, parking and library privileges. Encourage candidates to visitour .

Our Common Ground

̽̽ is an educationally purposeful community seeking to prepare students to live in a diverse and changing world. We who work, live, study, teach, do research, conduct business, or participate in ̽̽ are members of this community. As members, we believe in the transforming power of education and agree to help create and foster an environment where we can discover and reach our true potential.

We aspire to be a community that values:

RESPECT.We respect each other. We listen to each other, encourage each other and care about each other. We are strengthened by our diverse perspectives.

INTEGRITY.We value fairness, straightforward conduct, adherence to the facts, and sincerity. We acknowledge when things have not turned out the way we had hoped. As stewards of ̽̽, we are honest and ethical in all responsibilities entrusted to us.

INNOVATION.We want to be at the forefront of change and believe that the best way to lead is to learn from our successes and mistakes and continue to grow. We are forward-looking and break new ground in addressing important community and societal needs.

OPENNESS.We encourage the open exchange of information and ideas from all quarters of the community. We believe that through collaboration and participation, each of us has an important role in determining the direction and well-being of our community.

JUSTICE.As a just community, we unite against all forms of injustice, including, but not limited to, racism. We reject bigotry, oppression, degradation, and harassment, and we challenge injustice toward any member of our community.

RESPONSIBILITY.We are personally and collectively responsible for our words and deeds. We stand together to uphold our common ground.

Getting to Burlington

  • From Montreal: 100 miles
  • From Boston: 220 miles
  • From New York City: 290 miles
  • From Albany, NY: 145 miles

Burlington International Airport is located 3.5 miles from campus. Major airlines include United, Continental, USAirways, JetBlue, American, Delta and Northwest. Burlington is served by Vermont Transit Bus Lines. Amtrak travels to Essex Junction, just 15 minutes from campus.

Ferries run on Lake Champlain, between New York and Vermont. For information about the three routes — Essex, NY-Charlotte, VT; Port Kent, NY-Burlington, VT; or Plattsburgh, NY-Grand Isle, VT — call (802) 864-9804 or visit.

Directions to ̽̽

From I-89 North or South: Take Exit 14W. Proceed 1 mile west on Route 2 (Williston Road, which becomes Main Street) to campus.

From north or south on Route 7: Enter Burlington from either direction. Turn onto Main Street (Route 2 East). Go uphill one light to South Prospect Street.

From the Adirondack Northway (I-87): Take Exit 20. Proceed north on Route 9 to Route 149, headed to Fort Ann, N.Y. In Fort Ann, take Route 4 North to Route 22A in Vermont. Follow Route 22A through Vergennes, then follow Route 7 North into Burlington. Turn right onto Main Street (Route 2 East). Go uphill one light to South Prospect Street.

From Burlington International Airport: From airport grounds, turn left onto Airport Drive. At next stoplight, turn right onto Williston Road/Route 2 West. Drive 4-5 miles west to ̽̽ campus, at top of hill. (Williston Road becomes Main Street.)

Cultural Resource Guide

Use the resource guide to explore cultural resources from ethnic food markets and restaurants to places of worship (and everyting inbetween) in Burlington and the surrounding areas.

The Vermont Professionals of Color Network

Vermont Professionals of Color Network exists to advance networking and career development opportunities for its members, to increase civic engagement, to grow generations of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) leaders to join the ranks of leadership and management, and to economically empower BIPOC organizations, businesses and entrepreneurs in the state of Vermont. VT PoC offers a Newcomer Nexus program that will assist Vermont businesses & organizations to recruit and retain people of color from out of state by engaging with new hire candidates during the interview process and upon their relocation to VT. The program will also demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) by local organizations and in-state business leaders by “walking the walk”, and lead to stronger recruitment & retention of culturally diverse candidates. Learn more about and the program here.