Man standing in black suit smiling at reception.


̽̽ is committed to recruiting and inspiring all employees. We have designed helpful tools for managers to assist new employees in their journey, manage temporary hire paperwork, develop offer letters, and much more.

New Employee Onboarding

Orientation for New Employees

The employee onboarding process begins with a welcome letter containing helpful campus information and links to sites like the. After their hire date, employees attend anOrientation and԰DZԳDz.

Step One:Two weeks prior to the anticipated New Hire Enrollment date, HRS must receive the following forms (located on the HRS Forms page):

  • Employee Information Form:Please include this form with the offer letter.
  • Distribution Form
  • Personnel Action Set-Up Form

Step Two: New employees must be registered for New Employee Orientation.After the ePar has been completely processed and a new employee record has been created in PeopleSoft, register new employees using the Onboarding Enrollment Form.This online form must be completedno later than 12:00p.m. (EST) the Thursday beforethe anticipated New Hire Enrollment date.

If you have any questions, please contact the HR Onboarding Team via email at

Supervisors Checklist for NEO (PDF)

Current Employees

Staff Exit Interviews

The exit interview process provides employees who voluntarily leave ̽̽ with the opportunity to give feedback on culture, job satisfaction, benefits & pay offerings. The purpose of the exit interview is to gain insight into opportunities to enhance employee job satisfaction and organizational performance.

Staff Exit InterviewFAQs(ʶٹ)

Staff Exit Survey Questions (PDF)

Training Sessions for Exit Interviews

In support of the new process, we have created a professional development workshop entitled “The Art of Exit Interviews.” The workshop will be a regular part of Professional Development and Training offerings. You can view and register for sessions throughPeopleSoft(course number HRS017).

Exit Interview Privacy Statement

We value your input. The information provided will not affect future references. Information collected during exit interviews is private. This information will only be shared in aggregate and personally identifying information will be removed before it is shared. However, if unethical or criminal behavior, incidents of discrimination or harassment, regulatory non-compliance or other legal issues are divulged, the survey administrator is obligated to take action by notifying Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Office, Police Services, Audit Services, or other appropriate University office. The information provided in these circumstances may include personally identifiable information. You may also submit concerns either with self-identification or anonymously, to the.

Career Development

Encourage employees to engage in the impactful opportunities made available by Professional Development & Training.

Leaves, Benefits & More

When referencing anything from leave and time off to benefits and compensation refer to the appropriate employee handbook. Policies regarding temporary employee leave can also be found here.

Crisis Support

The university has a wonderful crisis support partner through Invest EAP. The program provides everything from grief counseling to financial tools.

The Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity thrives to ensure that every member and prospective member of the campus community receives fair and equal treatment and opportunity, and experiences an inclusive environment.

Leadership Management

Grow as a Leader

Looking to grow as a leader? Professional Development and Training offers a range of specialized programs especially for ̽̽ Supervisors. We recommend the following:

  • 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan Session

  • Campus Tour

  • Wellness Resources at ̽̽

  • IT Security, Must Now Policy, & Safety at ̽̽

  • ̽̽ History

  • Key Reporter

  • New Employee Experience Groups

  • Sexual Harassment and Training

  • Campus Sustainability Series

See more here:

Diversity & Inclusion

Supporting new and existing employees by encouraging diversity and inclusion plays a key role in ensuring a successful and healthy department.Diversity & Inclusion Resources

Recognize Achievements

At ̽̽, we strive to create an atmosphere of inclusive excellence. Employee recognition and encouragement to engage in campus opportunities play a key role in developing that atmosphere. Please visit the Staff Appreciation website for ideas on informal and formal ways to recognize staff.Staff Appreciation

Providing Professional Work References on Current/Former Employees

The Vermont Reference Law (House Bill 264), effective July 1, 2011, grants civil immunity in specific cases to an employer that furnishes information about a current or former employee’s job performance to a prospective employer that requests it, provided the information is shared in good faith. While the law has specific application to individuals who are likely to have regular or unsupervised contact with a minor or vulnerable adult, ̽̽ recognizes that the following guidelines represent sound business practice for providing any and all employment references.

It is important to note that the presumption of immunity in favor of the employer may be overcome, and the employer sued, if the employer discloses information which the employer knew or should have known was false, knowingly disclosed misleading information, or disclosed information in violation of the law. Faculty and staff are therefore expected to understand and carefully adhere to the following guidelines.

Definition: Job performance is defined as:the suitability of the employee for employment;the employee's work-related duties, skills, abilities, attitude, effort, knowledge and habits as they may relate to suitability for future employment;the reasons for the employee's seperation (if applicable); andany illegal or wrongful act committed by the employee.

Guidelines for Providing Work References:
Keep these principles in mind when providing work references for individuals:

• Be factual—avoid emotion. Stick to the facts and provide only job-related information. Never make false or malicious statements or include suspicions, accusations or exaggerations. Do not provide false flattery.

•Inquire as to the duties and responsibilities of the position. Focus on knowledge, skills and abilities as they relate to the vacancy. If requested, you may share job title, dates of employment, job duties/responsibilities and salary.

•Speak in terms of behaviors, not labels. (Rather than saying the employee had "poor work ethics," say the employee "missed four important deadlines." Avoid the use of words like "troublemaker," "screwed-up" and "crazy.")

•Provide an accurate, balanced reference. Speak to what the employee did well in addition to any problem areas.

• Provide relevant information. Employers may be held liable when they do not disclose information about a former employee which leads to the injury of a third party.

• Do not volunteer extra information. Address only the questions asked and avoid inappropriate conversation.

• Do not disclose personal information. Refrain from giving information related to medical history, family issues, residence, arrest record, religion, race, national origin, child care provisions, pregnancy status, sexual orientation, age or genetic information.

• Avoid providing negative information about an employee’s job performance if you did not make the employee aware of the performance problem. Do not provide information that the employee was not aware of or never had the opportunity to address.

• Only provide a work reference if you have direct knowledge of the employee. Never guess or rely on hearsay to respond to reference questions.

• Remind ̽̽ hiring supervisors to contact Human Resource Services for internal employee performance appraisals and other job-related documentation. HRS may be reached at 656-3150 or

• Maintain consistency. Stick to published guidelines when providing references for all current or prior employees.

Red stone building in background, man riding bike in the foreground.

Are you a supervisor looking for helpful tips about New Employee Onboarding (NEO)?

Supervisor's Checklist for NEO (PDF)