
Patrick Leahy Honors College Peer Mentors | The Patrick Leahy Honors College | ̽̽(title)

The Peer Mentor Program is designed to help students as they transition to college life and the Patrick Leahy Honors College.

PLHC Peer Mentors 

Incoming first-year PLHC students and sophomore admits are grouped with a PLHC Peer Mentor. Peer Mentors are a valuable resource; they offer the student perspective, share in experiences, guide first-year students through their transition to college, and aid sophomore admits as they join the PLHC community. Peer Mentors are hired from each of the undergraduate colleges at ̽̽ and represent an array of disciplines and majors. Students are chosen based on their leadership experience and motivation to think deeply about what it means to be a member of the PLHC community.

Interested in learning more about becoming a Peer Mentor? We encourage you to connect with a current Peer Mentor to hear how this experience has helped our students develop leadership and organizational skills.


Peer Mentors plan creative programming and events centered around wellbeing, healthy social life, and academic curiosity and intellectual life. Past favorites include community wide pancake breakfasts, apple picking at Allenholm Farm in beautiful South Hero Island, and open mic nights. Some annual Peer Mentor events are “Wintering”, held in February when things get a little cold and grey outside, and the famous kickball tournament in May. Mentors also arrange many more activities during the year and serve as guides during registration and tutors with Chemist-TEA study sessions before general chemistry and organic chemistry exams. These are just a few of the events PMs host for the entire PLHC community. PMs also lead smaller events tailored to the needs of the mentee groups they serve.

Meet the Peer Mentors

Fernanda De Oliveira Girelli


Hi everyone! My name is Fernanda and I’m from Elizabeth, New Jersey. I’m a senior majoring in Computer Science at CEMS. I'm currently part of VERSO, CS Crew, and SWICS. Outside of academics, I enjoy trying new things and visiting new places! So excited to meet you all! Feel free to reach out fdeolive@uvm.edu

Kaylee Donovan


Hey guys! My name is Kaylee Donovan, and I am from South Shore, Massachusetts. I am an upcoming sophomore this year and a Civil Engineering major, with a Math minor. In Vermont I enjoy thrifting, going to concerts, going on a hike, and just hanging out with my friends! I am very much looking forward to being a peer mentor this year, and can not wait to connect with all of you. My email is kdonova7@uvm.edu please reach out with any questions or just to chat!

Lindsey Earle


Hi everyone! My name is Lindsey Earle and I’m a junior from Groton, Massachusetts. I’m majoring in neuroscience with a health and society minor on the pre-med track. Currently on campus I participate in cellular neuroscience research in the Stanley Lab and work as a medical assistant in the Cancer Center at ̽̽MC. Outside of academics, I’m also an active member of Alpha Chi Omega and love traveling, hiking and skiing. Please feel free to reach out lkearle@uvm.edu. Can’t wait to meet you all! 

Maisie Franke


Hey all! My name is Maisie Franke and I use she/her pronouns. I am a sophomore majoring in Social Work with a minor in Law & Society. I’m from Duxbury, Vermont so don’t hesitate to ask about things to do around Burlington or other parts of Vermont, especially good outdoor places! I am a huge skier in my free time and am a part of the Outing Club, the Nordic Club Team, and I’m an officer for Chicks on Sticks. I’m always happy to answer questions or share more about my experience at ̽̽ so please reach out! My email is mfranke@uvm.edu. Can’t wait to meet you all!

Anna Gale


Hi everyone! My name is Anna Gale and I’m from Johnson, Vermont. I’m a sophomore majoring in Biomedical Engineering. On campus I’m a part of the Nordic Skiing club and am on the E-board for the Biomedical Engineering Society. I am also excited to start doing research on lung cancer in the Seward Lab this year! In my free time I love to run, knit, ski, hike, and try to learn new languages when I have the time. Feel free to reach out with any questions or just to chat! My email is anna.gale@uvm.edu

Reva Gill


Hey y’all! My name is Reva (Ray-Vuh) Gill (she/her/hers), I’m from Austin, Texas (hook’em) and
I’m going to be a sophomore in the PLHC at ̽̽! I am a biology major in CAS and an
emergency medicine minor. I’m strongly considering medicine career wise and would consider
myself to be on a “pre med track”, however, I really just love all things biology, outdoors and
life/animal science. On campus I dabble in club swim, folk music club and have taken a number
of trips with the ̽̽ outing club. Outside of school I enjoy picking up new hobbies (hacky
sacking, drawing/collaging, making music, baking), physical movement (running, hiking, biking,
lifting, swimming), enjoying the outside, and neglecting my grammatical and spelling errors (live
free or whatever). I can’t wait to head back to the best place on Earth, PLHC Land, and meet
everyone! My email is reva.gill@uvm.edu please do reach out. :)

Anna Hallock


Hi! My name is Anna Hallock and I’m from upstate New York (about 10 minutes outside Albany). I’m a junior in Rubenstein with a major in Environmental Science and a minor in Sociology, and this is my second year as a Peer Mentor. I love live music (which I’ve gratefully discovered that Burlington is a hotspot for), crocheting, spending time outdoors, and recently I’ve been obsessed with my new Kindle! On campus, I enjoy participating in and supporting the Yarn Club, Feel Good, the Ski & Snowboard Club, and Amnesty International. I’m excited to dive into my second half of my time at ̽̽, and to continue exploring all that Vermont has to offer! If you have questions or just want to chat, please feel free to reach out to me anytime at anna.hallock@uvm.edu

Hunter Holoubek


Hi everyone! My name is Hunter Holoubek. I’m a junior with a major in Psychological Science and a minor in Neuroscience in the College of Arts and Sciences. I’m from Cumberland, Rhode Island and I’m always excited to meet other Rhode Islanders - there aren’t a lot of us! I love connecting with people and providing help/info wherever I can. If you ever have any questions you think I could help with (psych/research/SAS/honors college/etc.), please don’t hesitate to reach out! At ̽̽, I am the Vice President of the Psychology club and a member of the Beekeeping Club. I am also a member of two research labs: one focusing on habit-formation and the other on the dentate gyrus. You can also catch me participating in various activities around campus, such as recreational volleyball or bouldering. In my free time, I enjoy playing guitar, skiing, and finding spots to go hiking near campus. If you have any questions at all or even just want to chat, feel free to reach out at hunter.holoubek@uvm.edu

Alyssana Lasek (Sana)


Hi Everyone! My name is Sana and I am a junior from Charlotte, VT. I am studying biological science in the College of Arts and Sciences with a minor in integrative health and wellness coaching. At ̽̽, I am a member of the premedical club, ski & snowboard club, and PEP. I am also very excited to begin working with Dr. Sigmond this year to complete a pilot study evaluating a meal delivery intervention to improve food insecurity among patients on buprenorphine or methadone for opioid use disorder. I am currently working at CHC in Burlington as a medical assistant and I am also a volunteer birthing doula at ̽̽MC. In my free time I like to go to spend time with friends and family, play volleyball, snowboard, travel, and spend as much time on the beach as possible! If you have any questions or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out. My email is alasek@uvm.edu. I’m looking forward to meeting you all! 

Emily Mynar


Hi everyone! I’m Emily, a senior microbiology major in CALS with a minor in computer science. I spent the last semester studying abroad in New Zealand. At ̽̽, I do research on HIV in the Thali lab with the goal of eventually pursuing a PhD. I am also co-editor in chief of the Nat Phil, ̽̽’s science publication. Off campus, I love climbing, hiking, running, snowboarding, and pretty much anything else that gets me outside. I look forward to meeting everyone! Feel free to reach out to me at emynar@uvm.edu

Sarah O'Leary


Hey everyone! My name is Sarah O'Leary (she/her), and I am from West Hartford, Connecticut. I am a junior Environmental Science major in RSENR with a minor in Health and Society. At ̽̽, I am an Eco-Rep, an editor for Headwaters Magazine, and involved with a few more clubs. In my free time, I love to explore the outdoors with friends, use the bouldering wall, play pickleball, and host movie nights. Back home, I am a volunteer at a local dog rescue which is my favorite thing to do. You can also find me hiking, cooking, and baking. I am honored to be a part of this community and excited to meet you all. If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to me at sarah.oleary@uvm.edu

Avinabo Poddar (OV)


Hey! My name is Avinabo Poddar, but I go by OV. I’m from West Grove, Pennsylvania, which is somewhere between Philly and Amish country. I am a junior in CAS majoring in Psychological Science with Neuroscience and Biology minors. On campus, I am a member of the varsity track team and I work at the tutoring center. Hit me up if you need any help with MATH 1212 or study skills! Outside of school, you’ll probably catch me fly fishing, cheffing it up, or pushing my side hustles (giving out fresh cuts, selling guppies, etc.). Don’t be afraid to reach out at apoddar@uvm.edu if you need anything or just want someone to chat with! 

Maddi Rice


Hi! My name is Maddi Rice, and I am an Economics major with a Law & Society minor, and planning on pursuing law school. I’m from Chester, Connecticut. At ̽̽, I am a Senator on the finance committee for the Student Government Association and a member of both Chicks on Sticks and the Ski and Board Clubs. I am also going to be a TA for Introduction to Macroeconomics. I love going to the beach, playing golf and pickleball, skiing and reading. At home, I work at a local ice cream shop (Honeycone), and over the years I like to say that I’ve achieved scooping the perfect scoop! Please reach out if you have any questions! My email is morice@uvm.edu.

Ella Sarama


Hi everyone! My name is Ella Sarama and I am a sophomore neuroscience major and emergency medical services minor on the pre-med track. I am from Leonia, NJ and have been so happy to be in Vermont! At ̽̽, some of the clubs I have been involved in are the neuroscience club (which I will be co-president of this semester!), pre-med club, and UPRAWR. This semester I will also be joining the Salogiannis Lab to do research! Outside of ̽̽-related activities, I love to cook, bake, and read. I am also an EMT and volunteer as one near my hometown, but this semester plan to join a Vermont EMS service! I am very excited to meet all of you, if you have any questions for me or just want to talk, feel free to reach out! My email is esarama@uvm.edu.  

Milan Shah


Hello everyone! My name is Milan Shah (he/him) and I am a sophomore studying Biomedical Engineering in CEMS on a pre-med track. I grew up in Rockaway, New Jersey, about 30 minutes outside New York City. I work in the Fiorentino Musculoskeletal Orthopedic Imaging and Biomechanics Lab, which is connected to both CEMS and the Larner College of Medicine. I am the BMES Liaison to the Biomedical Engineering Society as well as a member of SASA and ISSA. I love camping, backpacking, hiking, skiing (of course), cooking, and building LEGOs. I am also a TA for Human Cell Biology and have plenty of connections throughout ̽̽ and beyond. If you have any questions about HCOL, ̽̽, or pre-med/medical school, please reach out at milan.shah@uvm.edu anytime (I usually respond pretty quickly)! 

Ryan Stailey


My name is Ryan Stailey. I am a sophomore biomedical engineering student! I am from the seacoast of New Hampshire. At home, I spend my time outdoors surfing, climbing, biking, and skiing. I work at the University of New Hampshire’s outdoor education department called the Browne Center in the summer. At ̽̽, I am a part of the Biomedical Engineering Society as the Fundraising Chair, the Alpine Ski Racing Club, STEM Ambassadors program, and the MIOB Lab.  If you have any questions feel free to reach out to my email: rstailey@uvm.edu 

Sarah Tilley


Hi everyone! I’m Sarah Tilley, I’m a sophomore Biological Science major (in CAS) with a
Chemistry minor. I’m originally from Alaska but I’ve spent most of my life in Southern Vermont
and I’m loving Burlington. On campus I’m involved with the mountain bike club, tele ski club, and
futsal club, and I can’t wait to keep checking out more. This year I plan on studying abroad
second semester and getting involved with some research. Outside of school I love to
backpack, travel, and any/all kinds of biking and skiing! I’m so stoked to join this team and for
the year ahead. My email is sarah.tilley@uvm.edu if you have any questions or want to reach

Allyson Turner


Hi everyone! My name is Allyson Turner. I am a senior molecular genetics major on a pre med track. I am from Nottingham, New Hampshire which is about a 3 hour drive from campus. On campus I am involved with MEDVIDA, rock climbing club, premedical club, Linking Engineering to Life, and do research in the Bruce Lab. In my free time you will find me in the mountains, hiking or skiing, or crafting at home. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions! My email is aturne10@uvm.edu

Tovahn Vitols (Tov)


Hey all, my name is Tov and I’m from central VT! I am a sophomore majoring in Linguistics (CAS) and Computer Science (CEMS). Around campus, I am part of the ̽̽ Salsa Team, the Historical Fencing club, and the Contra & Folk Dance society. In my free time you can probably find me outside, baking, or being a nerd. Feel free to email me at tvitols@uvm.edu if you have any questions, or if you just to chat! 

Mindy Yan


Hello! I’m Mindy and I am a CAS junior studying Anthropology and Environmental Studies, along with a minor in Spanish! I’m from Washington state but have loved finding a home in Vermont. Much of my free time is spent hiking, reading, doing arts & crafts with my friends, and tending to my ever growing collection of plants. I am so excited for the upcoming year and if you ever have any questions or just want to say hi, don’t hesitate to send me a message at mayan@uvm.edu