2023-24 Immunization Compliance Report
CategoryStudent CountPercentage
Tdap met318995.9%
Tdap not met1384.1%
MMR met320496.3%
MMR not met1233.7%
Varicella met319696.1%
Varicella not met1313.9%
Hep B met317995.6%
Hep B not met1484.4%
Dormitory Enrollment2998
Meningococcal met296098.7%
Meningococcal not met381.3%
Medical Exempt20.1%
Religious Exempt230.7%
Provisional Admittance1805.4%

Contact:Medical Clearances Coordinator, immunizationcompliance@uvm.edu, 802-656-4115.

Definitions and Notes

Enrollment: For the purposes of Vermont Department of Health reporting, this includes only fall semester new entering students, i.e. first year and transfers.

Dormitory Enrollment: is a subset of enrollment.

Met: meets the vaccine or evidence of immunity requirement.

Not Met: does not meet the vaccine or evidence of immunity requirement. Includes students with medical and religious exemptions, and students provisionally admitted.

Met plus Not Met: equals the enrollment count.

Medical and religious exemption: includes students with a current year signed exemption form for one or more vaccines.

Provisional admittance: includes students who neither meet requirements for one or more vaccines nor have a current signed exemption.

Limitations of this data:

Any student counted as “not met” for an individual vaccine must also be represented as having either an exemption, or counted as provisionally admitted. When looking at the individual vaccines it is not always possible to determine why compliance was not met.

Statewide School Vaccination Data

For statewide data, see the at the VT Department of Health website.