students in front of waterman building

Diversity Course Submission Guidelines

Faculty are invited to submit proposals for courses proposed for inclusion in the Diversity General Education curriculum.  Once the course proposal has been completed and submitted electronically in ̽̽'s Courseleaf system, it will follow the workflow established for the specific college or school, ultimately making its way to the Diversity Curriculum Review Committee.

Proposals are accepted from all academic fields and disciplines. The instructional faculty for diversity courses must hold a ̽̽ faculty appointment. The content of proposed courses must capture the intent and overall spirit of the diversity competencies and course criteria as articulated in the Course Action Form.  It is not expected that a single course will or can address all diversity competencies.

Diversity Course Proposal Guidelines

  1. Submit a Course Action Form through the Courseleaf system.
  2. Attach the Diversity Course Action Form Supplement (Word) to the Courseleaf submission. To meet the criteria for D1 or D2, courses must address at least three of the diversity competencies.
  3. Attach a Diversity Statement to the Courseleaf submission
  4. Attach a Course Syllabus to the Courseleaf submission.  The DCRC will look for evidence that the same commitment to diversity espoused in the Diversity Statement is also reflected in the syllabus.

Diversity Course Proposal Review

During the proposal review, the DCRC will look for the following:

  • Evidence in the syllabus that the course meets the appropriate D1 or D2 diversity criteria, and addresses specific Diversity Competencies
  • D1 proposals address the question of race and racism in the US in more than 75% of the course content.
  • D2 proposals focus on diversity of human experience in the more than 75% of the course content.

Course Action Forms

The CourseLeaf automated system will allow you to enter your course change information online, attach documents, and track your electronic submission as it makes its way through the approval process. When you log into the system to make course changes, there are introductory instructions on the landing page.

Effective October 26, 2020, Course Action Forms (CAF) that include a General Education action must also include a supplement that provides additional information for committee review. Please complete the form below and attach it in the “Companion Documents” section of the Course Action Form before you submit the CAF into workflow.

Diversity Course Action Form Supplement (Word)

Timeline for Diversity Course Proposal Review

  • Once a proposal is entered into the Courseleaf system, it will follow the workflow established for the specific college or school.  This may include the Chair, Dean, and Curricular Committee, and may take up to 30-days for each step in the workflow.
  • The DCRC is notified of each Course Action Form awaiting action in Courseleaf.
  • Proposals reaching the DCRC for action at least one-week prior to each scheduled DCRC meeting will be considered by the committee.  The DCRC meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
  • Proposals approved by the DCRC return to the Courseleaf workflow.
  • The final steps in the workflow include:
    • Provost
    • Public Comment (posted for 30-day period)
    • Registrar
    • Banner

​Notice: All Course Action Forms are due in the Provost's Office by February 15 for inclusion in the next year's course list and catalogue.  Course proposals must reach the DCRC for consideration at their January meeting in order to meet the deadline for inclusion in the course catalogue.

Special Topics Courses

Approval of Special Topics courses for Category 1 or 2 diversity credit may occur under the following specific guidelines:

  1. Approval of a Category 1 or Category 2 course that carries a “special topics” number (095, 096, 195, 196, 295, 296) will be for the course taught by the instructor listed on the Course Action form only.
  2. Approval of a Category 1 or Category 2 course that carries a “special topics” number is for one academic year only.
  3. A request for another year of approval for the same course taught by the same faculty member requires only a letter from the instructor indicating the course has not changed from that originally approved by the DCRC.
  4. A “special topics” course approved for Category 1 or 2 diversity credit will be approved for a maximum of three offerings in separate semesters (and/or winter or summer sessions). Two or more sections of the course in the same semester taught by the same faculty is equivalent to one offering.
  5. To continue to be offered to meet a Category 1 or 2 diversity credit requirement following three offerings, a permanent number and position in the catalogue is required.
  6. When a “special topics” course approved for Category 1 or 2 diversity credit is transitioned to a permanent number, a full DCRC review must be completed, as for any new course requesting to fulfill the requirement.

Section-Level Courses

University requirements for Diversity will be designated only at the course level.  The only exception is a Special Topics course, as they are experiemental in nature and can be offered a maximum of three times.  University requirements for Diversity are offered at the course level rather than the section level for the following reasons:

  1. Unit planning - When there is a requirement at the University level, we need to be sure we have sufficient capacity to meet the need.  This is best accomplished at the course level.  It is not sustainable to rely on a particular faculty member or a particular syllabus.
  2. Clarity for students - If a student looks at a list of courses for a University requirement, the reasonable assumption is that any section of the course will suffice.  There is no need to place an additional burden on the student to look carefully at sections of the course to ensure the specific section will meet the requirement.

Note for College of Arts & Sciences Faculty

Faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences are welcome to propose courses for the D2 requirement even if those courses do not fulfill the CAS Non-European Cultures Requirement; D2 courses taught in CAS do not have to also fulfill the CAS Non-European Cultures requirement.  Please not that the University's D2 requirment pertains to cultural divesity broadly, and the CAS Non-Eruopean Cultures (NEC) requirement are not identical.

Undergraduate Catalogue Listing for Diversity Courses and General Education Requirement