¶¶Òõ̽̽ Internal Funding Opportunities:

Below students will find information about the requirements and eligibility for specific grant applications. FOUR grants are considered "internal" awards meaning the money is coming from ¶¶Òõ̽̽ and its affiliates. For external awards such as the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REUs), please refer to the Fellowships side of the office as they are nationally-competitive awards. All FOUR-funded research must have ¶¶Òõ̽̽ faculty sponsorship, but need not take place directly under a ¶¶Òõ̽̽ faculty member or even at ¶¶Òõ̽̽. Students must adhere to University Research Ethics and Policies.Ìý

The FOUR office sponsors the following funding opportunities:

  • Mini Grants:Ìýsmall amounts of funding for research expenses (rolling applications).
  • Travel/Presentation Awards:Ìýwill help cover the expenses associated with presenting or performing your work at conferences and competitions (rolling applications).
  • Summer Awards:Ìýfunds will cover a personal stipend for you and may have money for your research expenses. Make research and scholarship your summer job!
    • Applications accepted and reviewed yearly in March.

Rolling Awards


Mini-Grants are available starting July 1st of every year, and are considered for funding until we run out of money (usually in late March).

Mini Grants are small awards used exclusively for research expenses. They may not be used to cover personal expenses, stipends, tuition costs, or any expenses related to a course. The average Mini Grant is $600 (domestic projects) to $1000 (international projects).

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed on the first of each month. The program runs until funds are exhausted. Because the money is available as needed (rather than by strict deadline), review does not begin until you submit ALL parts of the application.

Application Requirements & Eligibility

  • You must have a ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Faculty Sponsor/Mentor.
  • All safety and ethics training must be complete at the time of application. If you are unsure of what training or paperwork you need to complete, we ask that you talk with your faculty and when necessary consult with Risk/Safety. This is the primary reason that slows the review process.
  • If you need approval for human or animal subjects projects and you are the PI of the project, we may grant preliminary approval prior to your receipt of the protocol from the Research Protections Office. If you are NOT the PI, but instead working on someone else's protocol, we must have a copy of the key personnel list (indicating your name) before we will review your application.
  • An itemized and complete budget is necessary for application. We strongly advise students consult their faculty sponsor and/or the FOUR office on Budget Creation & Management. This is the second highest reason that keeps an application from being accepted.
  • If you are asking above the average grant amount, we require that you demonstrate an attempt to meet your additional need using alternative funding (through another grant, through your department, or through other means). You may receive funds from multiple sources to meet your budgetary need. Please indicate on your budget what items you ask FOUR to cover and which will be covered by the other funds.
  • There are two types of Mini Grants sharing the same application: the standard (no indication on the application necessary) or the Honors College Thesis Mini Grant (indicate in application).
    • For the Honors College Thesis Mini Grant you must have a letter/email from your home college acknowledging acceptance of your thesis proposal. For more information, click here.


Travel/Presentation Awards

Travel/Presentation awards are available starting July 1st of every year, and applications are considered for funding until we run out of money (usually in late March).

These awards may fund expenses associated with in-person conference presentations, virtual conference participation and presentations, and even some publication costs.

Please note: Travel restrictions may apply and international travel requires approval through GoAbroad.Ìý

These awards are used for presenting/performing at a conference or other public event. The average award for domestic travel is $700; for international travel, $1100. You must have your presentation/paper/performance accepted by an organization in order to apply for this award (proof of this must be provided as part of the application materials). Presentation grants may be used for registration fees, food, transportation, parking, presentation costs, or lodging.

Application Requirements & Eligibility

  • You must have a ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Faculty Sponsor/Mentor.
  • If you are travelling internationally, you are required to go through the GoAbroad! system. Your travel must be registered more than six weeks prior to the trip, so please begin by contacting the office for registration on GoAbroad! as soon as you know believe you are going abroad.
  • Travel outside of Vermont that is not to your home state requires prior permission from your college dean and must be received 14 days prior to your departure.
Please note: The University will NOT fund trips to countries under a US Department of State "travel warning" designation.
  • An itemized and complete budget is necessary for application. We strongly advise students consult their faculty sponsor and/or the FOUR office on Budget Creation & Management. This is the second highest reason that keeps an application from being accepted.
  • If you are asking above the average grant amount, we require that you demonstrate an attempt to meet your additional need using alternative funding (through another grant, your department, or other means) or sharing resources (traveling with other students, sharing hotel rooms). You may receive funds from multiple sources to meet your budgetary need. Please indicate on your budget what FOUR funds will cover and which items will be covered by the other sources.
  • We need proof of conference acceptance at the time of your application submission. This can be just a screenshot of the email as well as a saved email or letter.

Summer Funding Programs

SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Funding) Awards

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program covers most of the FOUR summer undergraduate research internship awards. This pulls together several different awards under one common application. All provide a $4500 stipend (rather than paying a wage) and students may request up to $500 for research expenses (except for Food Systems Undergraduate Research Fellow).

Prior to receipt of a SURF, students will need to enroll in a 1-credit summer research internship credit (SINT course). As part of that course, students will be required to virtually attend three short informational/orientation sessions throughout the summer, including "Ready, Set, SURF!", "Mid-Summer Check-In", and the "End of Summer SURF Party!".

For more information about the SURF Award, click here!

Simon Family Public Research Awards

The Simon Family Public Research Awards provide talented and motivated students with an opportunity to do community-based research that enriches their educational experience and contributes to the welfare of their community.

In recognition of the strain felt by community partners during the pandemic, there are two pathways for funding, Simon Fellowships and Simon Public Research Awards.

  • Simon Fellowships are awarded to 3-5 students engaging in community-based research projects. Students write the proposals, perform the research, and create the deliverables for their community partners. Each student receives $6000 (to be split between research expenses and a personal stipend).

Get more information regarding the Simon Fellowship by clicking here.

  • A Simon Public Research Award is a faculty-directed experience that seeks to enhance engagement with a community partner. As such, a faculty member submits a short proposal describing the educationally enriching experience ("research internship") they are creating for a student to assist in moving forward a relationship or project with a community partner in mind. Students receive aÌý $4000 stipend.

For application download click here; for questions please contact us.

Deadlines & Important Dates

  • Applications made available: Early January
  • Application Deadline for Simon Fellowship: April 1st
  • Application Deadline for Simon Public Research Award: April 8th

If you applied and received an award, congratulations! Before, during, and after your project there are a few requirements you need to fulfill:

Before beginning your project/using your money:

  • All Risk/Safety requirements and/or protocols (IRB, IACUC, IBC) must be completed prior to beginning your project or receiving funds.
  • A contract (provided by the office at the time of award confirmation) must be signed by you, your mentor, and your department's business manager before we release the award.
  • If you are being reimbursed, you must have original, itemized receipts AND file them within 60 days of purchase or return from travel.

After you've completed your project and spent your money:

  • File yourÌýAward Completion Form
    • This should be filled out and turned in within 2 months of spending your funds (due on October 30th after a summer award).
  • You must present at the annual Student Research Conference. Even if your research is not "complete" we want to hear from you at the conference. If you have specific questions regarding this, contact the SRC Coordinator directly.
  • Any time you present or distribute the research that you do for your grant, please include the name of the award, and use PDF icon of the FOUR logo

Other questions? Contact us!