Profile picture for Steven Faccio

Organization: Vermont Center for Ecostudies, VCE

Affiliations: Vermont Center for Ecostudies, VCE

Contact Information

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Forest Bird SurveysProject Lead/Principal Investigator 1991-06-01 Ongoing
Mercury Burdens in AmphibiansProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2006-05-30 2006-08-31
Mountain Birdwatch - VCEParticipant 2000-01-01 Ongoing


Name Date Authors Type
Long-term Avian Research and Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont: 2020 Report to the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative2022Christopher Rimmer, Steven Faccio, Nathaniel SharpAnnual Report
Long-term Avian Research and Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont: 2018 Report to the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative2019Christopher Rimmer, Steven Faccio, Nathaniel SharpAnnual Report
Long-term Avian Research and Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont: 2017 Report to the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative2018Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Long-term Avian Research and Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont: 2012 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative2013Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield & Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2011Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioReport
2011 Annual Report to VMC: Part I. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield Part II. Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2011Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield2010Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Population Connectivity of Bicknell's Thrush: Insights from Geolocators2010Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
A Dynamic Occupancy Model of Bicknell's Thrush Breeding Habitat2010Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2010Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Mercury Bioaccumulation in a Terrestrial Food Web of a Montane Forest2009Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven Faccio, Eric Miller, Allan StrongReport
Atmospheric mercury in Vermont and New England: Section 5 - Terrestrial Food Web Study and Manuscript2009Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven Faccio, Eric Miller, Allan StrongReport
2009 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Part I. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield and Stratton Mountain Part II. Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2009Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
2008 Annual Report to VMC: Part I. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield and Stratton Mountain Part II. Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2008Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
2006 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Part I. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield; Part II. Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area; Part III. Mercury Burdens in Amphibians from Mt. Mansfield and Stratton Mountain2007Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
2004-2005 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Part I. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield; Part II. Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2006Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
2003 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Part 1. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield; Part 2. Forest Bird surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2004Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
2002 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Part 1. Demographic Monitoring of Montane Forest Birds on Mt. Mansfield; Part 2. Forest Bird surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area2003Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
2001 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative: Part I. The relationship between cone mast, red squirrel populations and migratory songbird demographics in montane fir forests; Part II. Forest Bird surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Lye Brook Wilderness Area 2002Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Underhill State Park: 1999 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative1999Christopher Rimmer, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Forest Bird Surveys on Mount Mansfield and Underhill State Park: 1997 Report to the Vermont Monitoring Cooperative1998Christopher Rimmer, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Monitoring Forest Bird Populations in Vermont: Results of the Vermont Forest Bird Monitoring Program, 1989-19961997Christopher Rimmer, Kent McFarland, Steven FaccioDocument
Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Underhill State Park: 1996 report to the Vermont Forest Ecosystem Monitoring1996Christopher Rimmer, Steven FaccioAnnual Report
Forest Bird Surveys on Mt. Mansfield and Underhill State Park (1995)1995Christopher Rimmer, Steven FaccioAnnual Report