
Vermont Forest Indicators Dashboard

Stand Age Diversity

Score for 2017:
Long-Term Trend:
Scores are 
The age of the trees in a forest provides us a sense of the amount of time since a stand-replacing disturbance event has occurred, which can result from hurricane or logging, for example. Across our forests, we want a diversity of stand ages, with some stands being newly initiated and others having been in place for a long time. Many wildlife species thrive in areas of recent disturbance where there are young saplings and lots of understory plants. Other important ecosystem services come from those forest stands that are the oldest. Here, we use stand ages (in 40 year grouping) extracted from Forest Inventory and Analysis data1 to quantify the proportion of our forest in three age groups: very young (0-40 years), young (41-80 years), and mature (81+ years) The current year is scored as the distance between the deviation from the long-term mean, scaled to be between 0 and 1.
FEMC Archive Resources
Dataset: Forestland area by age class