
Vermont Forest Indicators Dashboard


Score for 2016:
Long-Term Trend:
Scores are 
Under a changing climate, precipitation patterns may alter in a number of opposing ways. We may experience more frequent and severe droughts, while at other times, there may be more extreme precipitation events. Extreme rain events can cause flooding in low-lying areas, but even upland forests may experience “overland flow”. This occurs when rainfall is so heavy that it cannot be absorbed into the soil. Aquifers are not replenished and soil erosion may happen, exposing tree roots and washing away nutrients. Total annual precipitation is the sum of all water (in the form of rain, snow, or ice) that fell within a calendar year for Vermont. As trees are adapted to the conditions they have experienced, deviations in precipitation from the long-term mean (both above and below) could be problematic to forests. Therefore, annual precipitation scores are computed as the change from the long-term mean.
1Rustad, L., Campbell, J., Dukes, J.S., Huntington, T., Lambert, K.F., Mohan, J. and Rodenhouse, N., 2012. Changing climate, changing forests: The impacts of climate change on forests of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada.
FEMC Archive Resources
Dataset: Annual Summaries of Climate Trends in Vermont