
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
Downloadable2018BuoyWaterTempDataThis file contains daily water temperature measurements from the Vermont Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research’s (VT EPSCoR) Basin Resilience to Extreme Events (BREE) Buoy in Inner S
t. Albans Bay, Lake Champlain, VT, USA. The Buoy is located at (44° 47’ 37.889” N, 073° 9’ 18.641” W). BREE is funded through NSF Award# OIA-1556770.

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2017-09-01 to 2020-04-15
Downloadable2018_2019FishDietFileThis file contains all information on fish diets from the study. Prey lengths were converted to dry mass using equations described in our paper. Dry masses were then converted to wet masses. Finally,
total biomass was calculated as the product of wet mass and prey count.

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2017-09-01 to 2020-04-15
Downloadable2018_2019FishMasterFileThis file contains all information on fish collection and processing. All demographic data are included in this file. Any empty cells are where data for a given sample were not measured or recorded. B
elow are descriptions of certain variables: Species: BG - Bluegill; PS - Pumpkinseed; YP - Yellow perch TL (mm): Total length of each fish WT (g): Mass in grams of each fish Condition factor: Fulton's Condition Factor calculated for each fish Otolith (y/n): Whether otoliths were successfully recovered from a fish GSI: Gonadosomatic index calculated for each fish Alum. Tray weight (g): Weight of aluminum sample trays. Dry weight subsample (g) included the Alum. Tray weight, therefore, the tray weight needed to be subtracted. Wet weight subsampe (g): Fish homogenate was weighed before drying (used to estimate predator energy density - see bioenergetics model methods in paper) Dry weight subsample (g): Fish homogenate was weighed after drying (used to estimate predator energy density - see bioenergetics model methods in paper)

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2017-09-01 (ongoing)
Downloadable2019BuoyWaterTempDataThis file contains daily water temperature measurements from the Vermont Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research’s (VT EPSCoR) Basin Resilience to Extreme Events (BREE) Buoy in Inner S
t. Albans Bay, Lake Champlain, VT, USA. The Buoy is located at (44° 47’ 37.889” N, 073° 9’ 18.641” W). BREE is funded through NSF Award# OIA-1556770.

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2017-09-01 to 2020-04-15
Downloadable2019LipidExtractionMasterFileThis file contains lipid content measurements for each fish sample within the study. For methods on how lipid analyses were conducted, please see our paper. 2017-09-01 to 2020-04-15