Dataset Overview

Measurements of macroinvertebrate diversity, biotic index, richness, and species percentages of 4 composite sites in Stevensville Brook and Browns River

See Full Dataset Documentation


To establish a site-specific database and to monitor trends of macroinvertebrate populations.

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset is ongoing

Start date


Anticipated end date



68 records with 28 fields

Data Availability

This dataset is downloadable from the FEMC, and available to download from another site.

Data License

Linked - Third party determines data license

Preferred Citation

Burnham D., and J. Kellogg.2001.Biometrics by Site by Visit. VT Department of Environmental Conservation. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/stream-macroinvertebrate-monitoring/dataset/biometrics-by-site-by-visit

Update Frequency

Not planned

Maintenance Plan

Data collection complete


No links available for this dataset

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