Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Cross-site Study of Soil Nitrification and Stream Nitrate Export: Soil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metrics

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Examine the link between soil nitrification and stream nitrate export.


  • John Campbell: Content Provider

  • Nancy Burt: Content Provider

  • Jamie Shanley: Content Provider

  • Hal Bell: Content Provider

  • Scott Bailey: Content Provider

  • Donald Ross: Principal Investigator

  • Beverley Wemple: Content Provider

  • Kathleen Donna: Content Provider

  • Greg Lawrence: Content Provider


  • soil nitrogen, stream discharge, water chemistry, watersheds,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates

    Data Table

    • Title: Soil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metrics
    • Start Date: 2002-10-01
    • End Date: 2004-09-30
    • Description: Nitrate and ammonium concentration and rates, soil C and N measurements, other soil and landscape metrics including pH, and basal area of common tree species.

    • Purpose: Examine the link between soil nitrification and stream nitrate export at various sites in the northeastern region. Identify factors which influence or control soil nitrification rates (NR) to understand watershed N export. Examine 10 small, forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. to investigate the relationship of topographic, vegetative, and soil controls with soil NR.

    • Condensed Title: Z0163_SoilNitrification_StreamNitrateExport

    • Object Name: VMC.163.321

    • Data Type: mySQL
    • Citation: Donald Ross. 2004. Soil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metrics. FEMC. /femc/data/archive/project/soil-nitrification-stream-export/dataset/soil-nitrification-rates-landscape-metrics

    • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/soil-nitrification-stream-export/dataset/soil-nitrification-rates-landscape-metrics

    Attribute List

      Attribute Name: ws
      • Label: Watershed Name
      • Description: The name of the watershed
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: Site
      • Label: Watershed Site
      • Description: The site within the watershed
      • Storage Type: text
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: watershed
      • Label: Watershed ID Number
      • Description: Watershed ID number
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: id
      • Label: Sample Point ID
      • Description: Unique number for each sampling point (except Sleepers and Buck)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      Attribute Name: zeroNO3
      • Label: Field Nitrate Concentration
      • Description: Nitrate concentration in the field
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: millimoles per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: oneNO3
      • Label: Nitrate Concentration After 20 Hours
      • Description: Nitrate concentration after about 20 h
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: millimoles per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: nitr
      • Label: Net Nitrification Rate
      • Description: Net nitrification rate
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: micromoles per hour per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: zeroNH4
      • Label: Field Ammonium Concentration
      • Description: Ammonium concentration in the field
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: millimoles per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: oneNH4
      • Label: Ammonium Concentration after 20 Hours
      • Description: Ammonium concentration after about 20 h
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: millimoles per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: ammo
      • Label: Ammonification Rate
      • Description: Ammonification rate
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: micromoles per hour per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: sum
      • Label: Nitrification and Ammonification Rate Sum
      • Description: Sum of the nitrification and ammonification rates
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: nitrN
      • Label: Nitrification Rate Per kg N
      • Description: Nitrification rate per kg N
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: nitrC
      • Label: Nitrification Rate Per kg C
      • Description: Nitrification rate per kg C
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: fnitr
      • Label: Nitrate Fraction of Inorganic N After 20 Hours
      • Description: Fraction of inorganic N that is nitrate, after about 20 hF
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Standard Unit: customProportion
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: C
      • Label: Total Soil C
      • Description: Total soil C
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: grams per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: N
      • Label: Total Soil N
      • Description: Total soil N
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: grams per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: CN
      • Label: C / N
      • Description: Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Standard Unit: customProportion
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: tenmLwt
      • Label: Soil Dry Weight
      • Description: Dry weight of 10 mL of soil (volume used in extraction), surrogate for bulk density
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: Pw
      • Label: Moisture Content
      • Description: Weight of water / dry weight of soil; unit is percent
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Standard Unit: percent
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: percent
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: wetness
      • Label: Soil Wetness
      • Description: Soil wetness calculated from regression with C and moisture
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      Attribute Name: H
      • Label: Total Soil Hydrogen
      • Description: Total soil H (run on defunct CHN analyzer)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: grams per kilogram
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: pHw
      • Label: Field-Moist Soil pH (Water)
      • Description: pH of field-moist soil in water (2:1 V:V)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: interval
      • Standard Unit: customPH
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: PH
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: pHs
      • Label: Field-Most Soil pH (CaCl2)
      • Description: pH of field-moist soil in 1 mmol/L CaCl2 (2:1 V:V)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: interval
      • Standard Unit: customPH
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: PH
      • Number Type: real
      Attribute Name: OiOe
      • Label: Oi+Oe Horizon Depth
      • Description: Depth of the Oi + Oe layer
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: centimeters
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: Oa
      • Label: Oa or A Horizon Depthj
      • Description: Depth of the Oa or A horizon (horizon sampled)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: centimeters
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: forfloor
      • Label: OiOe and Oa Sum
      • Description: Sum of OiOe and Oa
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.01
      • Unit: centimeters
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: E
      • Label: E Horizon Present
      • Description: Presence or absence of E horizon, Y = 1, N = 0
      • Storage Type: int
      • Measurment Type: nominal
      • Custom List: E Horizon Codes
        • Code: Code
          • Definition: Meaning
        • Code: 0
          • Definition: No E horizon is absent
        • Code: 1
          • Definition: Yes E horizon is present
      Attribute Name: lslope
      • Label: Local Slope
      • Description: Local slope at sampling site (24")
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: degrees
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: Southness
      • Label: Southness
      • Description: Southness of site calculated from compass bearing of slope, cos (180 + degrees)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: degrees
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: GIS_slope
      • Label: GIS-Derived Slope
      • Description: 10 m (?) slope calculated from DEM, unit?
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: degrees
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: Slope
      • Label: Clinometer-Measured Slope
      • Description: 10 m slope measured with a clinometer,
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 100
      • Unit: degrees
      • Number Type: rational
        • Bounds:
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 180
      Attribute Name: Topo_index
      • Label: Topographical Index
      • Description: Topographical index calculated from DEM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: interval
      Attribute Name: Elevation
      • Label: Elevation from DEM
      • Description: Elevation from DEM
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.1
      • Unit: meters
      • Number Type: rational
        • Bounds:
        • Minimum: -11000
        • Maximum: 8850
      Attribute Name: SM_ba
      • Label: Sugar Maple Basal Area
      • Description: Sugar maple basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      • Precision: 0.0001
      • Unit: basal area per hectare
      • Number Type: rational
      Attribute Name: YB_ba
      • Label: Yellow Birch Basal Area
      • Description: yellow birch basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: BE_ba
      • Label: American Beech Basal Area
      • Description: American beech basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: BF_ba
      • Label: Balsam Fir Basal Area
      • Description: Balsam fir basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: PBI_ba
      • Label: Paper Birch Basal Area
      • Description: Paper birch basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: M_ba
      • Label: Mountain Maple Basal Area
      • Description: Mountain maple basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: STM_ba
      • Label: Striped Maple Basal Area
      • Description: Striped maple basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: RS_ba
      • Label: Red Spruce Basal Area
      • Description: Red spruce basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: WA_ba
      • Label: White Ash Basal Area
      • Description: White ash basal area (includes 1 mountain ash from Brush D)
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: BA_ba
      • Label: Basswood Basal Area
      • Description: Basswood basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: H_ba
      • Label: Hemlock Basal Area
      • Description: Hemlock basal area
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Total_ba
      • Label: All Species Basal Area
      • Description: Sum of basal area of all species
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Conifer_ba
      • Label: Conifer Basal Area
      • Description: Sum of basal area of red spruce, balsam fir and hemlock
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Con_dom
      • Label: Conifer Share of Basal Area
      • Description: Percentage of total basal area comprised of conifers
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: SM_dom
      • Label: Sugar Maple Share of Basal Area
      • Description: Percentage of total basal area comprised of sugar maple
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: YB_dom
      • Label: Yellow Birch Share of Basal Area
      • Description: Percentage of total basal area comprised of yellow birch
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: BE_dom
      • Label: American Beech Share of Basal Area
      • Description: Percentage of total basal area comprised of American beech
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: SM_den
      • Label: Sugar Maple Density
      • Description: Sugar maple density
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: YB_den
      • Label: Yellow Birch Density
      • Description: Yellow birch density
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: BE_den
      • Label: American Beech Density
      • Description: American beech density
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: RS_den
      • Label: Red Spruce Density
      • Description: Red spruce density
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Conifer_den
      • Label: Conifer Density
      • Description: Red spruce + balsam fir + hemlock
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Ca
      • Label: Calcium Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of calcium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Al
      • Label: Aluminum Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of aluminum, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Fe
      • Label: Iron Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of iron, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Mn
      • Label: Manganese Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of manganese, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: K
      • Label: Potassium Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of potassium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Mg
      • Label: Magnesium Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of magnesium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Na
      • Label: Sodium Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of sodium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: S
      • Label: Sulfur Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of sulfur, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: B
      • Label: Boron Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of boron, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Cu
      • Label: Copper Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of copper, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Zn
      • Label: Zinc Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of zinc, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: P
      • Label: Phosphorus Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of phosphorus, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio
      Attribute Name: Mo
      • Label: Molybdenum Concentration (Extractable)
      • Description: Extractable concentration of molybdenum, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kg
      • Storage Type: decimal
      • Measurment Type: ratio


    • Past Methods (no longer in use)
      • Nitrification rates
        • Started: 2002-10-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: Potential net nitrification rates were determined by the 1 day method of Ross et al. [2006], which measures the NO3 concentration in the field and again after 1 day’s incubation of a mixed horizon sample. These potential rate measurements are indices and should not be interpreted as actual rates, regardless of the method.

      • Wetness
        • Started: 2002-05-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: In May 2002 wetness measurements were taken at the H and A horizons using 30-39 samples collected per site. Site wetness or dryness was noted. Samples were sealed, dried, dessicated and water content was generated as kg H2O/ kg dry soil.

      • Soil sampling
        • Started: 2002-10-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: Soil samples were collected along transects parallel to the stream, usually 50 m apart.

      • Soil pH
        • Started: 2002-10-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: Soil pH was determined on field-moist 5-ml subsamples in 10 ml of both water (pHw) and 1 mmol l-1 CaCl2 (pHca). Extractable Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, and S were determined on air-dried 2-mm-sieved samples using the Modified Morgan’s soil test procedure (Wolf and Beegle 1995).

      • Nitrate and ammonium
        • Started: 2002-10-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: Nitrate and ammonium were determined using a flow injection autoanalyzer (Lachat QuickChem AE, Hach Inc., Loveland, Colorado). Carbon and nitrogen were determined by a CHN elemental analyzer (CE440, Exeter Analytical, North Chelmsford, Massachusetts)

      • Vegetation sampling
        • Started: 2002-10-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: In most watersheds, live trees over 10 cm diameter-breast-height (dbh) were measured in a 10 m radius around each sampling point and smallerdiameter stems were counted by species in a 5 m radius. Basal area and stem density were calculated.

      • Site characteristics
        • Started: 2002-10-01
          Ended: 2004-09-30
        • Method Description: GIS position, slope aspect and angle were collected at each sampling point.

    Sampling Equipment

    • No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset

    Site Characteristics

    • Site Description: Lye Brook Wilderness watershed near Branch Pond