Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative(802) Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of AmericaCross-site Study of Soil Nitrification and Stream Nitrate ExportExamine the link between soil nitrification and stream nitrate export.Cross-site Study of Soil Nitrification and Stream Nitrate ExportCampbellJohnBurtNancyShanleyJamieBellHalBaileyScottRossDonaldWempleBeverleyDonnaKathleenLawrenceGregsoil nitrogenbiogeochemical processesstreamsSoil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metrics2002-10-012004-09-30Nitrate and ammonium concentration and rates, soil C and N measurements, other soil and landscape metrics including pH, and basal area of common tree species.Examine the link between soil nitrification and stream nitrate export at various sites in the northeastern region. Identify factors which influence or control soil nitrification rates (NR) to understand watershed N export. Examine 10 small, forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. to investigate the relationship of topographic, vegetative, and soil controls with soil NR.Z0163_SoilNitrification_StreamNitrateExportVMC.163.321mySQLDonald Ross. 2004. Soil nitrification rates and associated soil and landscape metrics. FEMC. /femc/data/archive/project/soil-nitrification-stream-export/dataset/soil-nitrification-rates-landscape-metrics/femc/data/archive/project/soil-nitrification-stream-export/dataset/soil-nitrification-rates-landscape-metricswsWatershed NameThe name of the watershedtextSiteWatershed SiteThe site within the watershedtextwatershedWatershed ID NumberWatershed ID numberintidSample Point IDUnique number for each sampling point (except Sleepers and Buck)decimalzeroNO3Field Nitrate ConcentrationNitrate concentration in the fielddecimal0.0001rationaloneNO3Nitrate Concentration After 20 HoursNitrate concentration after about 20 hdecimal0.0001rationalnitrNet Nitrification RateNet nitrification ratedecimal0.0001rationalzeroNH4Field Ammonium ConcentrationAmmonium concentration in the fielddecimal0.0001rationaloneNH4Ammonium Concentration after 20 HoursAmmonium concentration after about 20 hdecimal0.0001rationalammoAmmonification RateAmmonification ratedecimal0.0001rationalsumNitrification and Ammonification Rate SumSum of the nitrification and ammonification ratesdecimal0.0001rationalnitrNNitrification Rate Per kg NNitrification rate per kg Ndecimal0.0001rationalnitrCNitrification Rate Per kg CNitrification rate per kg Cdecimal0.0001rationalfnitrNitrate Fraction of Inorganic N After 20 HoursFraction of inorganic N that is nitrate, after about 20 hFdecimalcustomProportion0.0001rationalCTotal Soil CTotal soil Cdecimal0.0001rationalNTotal Soil NTotal soil Ndecimal0.0001rationalCNC / NCarbon-to-nitrogen ratiodecimalcustomProportion0.0001rationaltenmLwtSoil Dry WeightDry weight of 10 mL of soil (volume used in extraction), surrogate for bulk densitydecimal0.0001rationalPwMoisture ContentWeight of water / dry weight of soil; unit is percent decimalpercent0.0001rationalwetnessSoil WetnessSoil wetness calculated from regression with C and moisturedecimal0.0001HTotal Soil HydrogenTotal soil H (run on defunct CHN analyzer)decimal0.0001rationalpHwField-Moist Soil pH (Water)pH of field-moist soil in water (2:1 V:V)decimalcustomPH0.01rationalpHsField-Most Soil pH (CaCl2)pH of field-moist soil in 1 mmol/L CaCl2 (2:1 V:V)decimalcustomPH0.01realOiOeOi+Oe Horizon DepthDepth of the Oi + Oe layerdecimal0.01rationalOaOa or A Horizon DepthjDepth of the Oa or A horizon (horizon sampled)decimal0.01rationalforfloorOiOe and Oa SumSum of OiOe and Oadecimal0.01rationalEE Horizon PresentPresence or absence of E horizon, Y = 1, N = 0intCodeMeaning0No E horizon is absent1Yes E horizon is presentlslopeLocal SlopeLocal slope at sampling site (24")decimal0.1rationalSouthnessSouthnessSouthness of site calculated from compass bearing of slope, cos (180 + degrees)decimal0.1rationalGIS_slopeGIS-Derived Slope10 m (?) slope calculated from DEM, unit?decimal0.1rationalSlopeClinometer-Measured Slope10 m slope measured with a clinometer,decimal100rational0180Topo_indexTopographical IndexTopographical index calculated from DEMdecimalElevationElevation from DEMElevation from DEMdecimal0.1rational-110008850SM_baSugar Maple Basal AreaSugar maple basal areadecimal0.0001rationalYB_baYellow Birch Basal Areayellow birch basal areadecimalBE_baAmerican Beech Basal AreaAmerican beech basal areadecimalBF_baBalsam Fir Basal AreaBalsam fir basal areadecimalPBI_baPaper Birch Basal AreaPaper birch basal areadecimalM_baMountain Maple Basal AreaMountain maple basal areadecimalSTM_baStriped Maple Basal AreaStriped maple basal areadecimalRS_baRed Spruce Basal AreaRed spruce basal areadecimalWA_baWhite Ash Basal AreaWhite ash basal area (includes 1 mountain ash from Brush D)decimalBA_baBasswood Basal AreaBasswood basal areadecimalH_baHemlock Basal AreaHemlock basal areadecimalTotal_baAll Species Basal AreaSum of basal area of all speciesdecimalConifer_baConifer Basal AreaSum of basal area of red spruce, balsam fir and hemlockdecimalCon_domConifer Share of Basal AreaPercentage of total basal area comprised of conifersdecimalSM_domSugar Maple Share of Basal AreaPercentage of total basal area comprised of sugar mapledecimalYB_domYellow Birch Share of Basal AreaPercentage of total basal area comprised of yellow birchdecimalBE_domAmerican Beech Share of Basal AreaPercentage of total basal area comprised of American beechdecimalSM_denSugar Maple DensitySugar maple densitydecimalYB_denYellow Birch DensityYellow birch densitydecimalBE_denAmerican Beech DensityAmerican beech densitydecimalRS_denRed Spruce DensityRed spruce densitydecimalConifer_denConifer DensityRed spruce + balsam fir + hemlockdecimalCaCalcium Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of calcium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalAlAluminum Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of aluminum, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalFeIron Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of iron, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalMnManganese Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of manganese, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalKPotassium Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of potassium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalMgMagnesium Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of magnesium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalNaSodium Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of sodium, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalSSulfur Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of sulfur, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalBBoron Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of boron, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalCuCopper Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of copper, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalZnZinc Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of zinc, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalPPhosphorus Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of phosphorus, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimalMoMolybdenum Concentration (Extractable)Extractable concentration of molybdenum, extracted with NH4-acetate (1.25 mol/L acetate) at pH 4.8, mmol/kgdecimal