Shelburne Pond Buoy: Shelburne Pond Buoy Data - Current Year
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► Metadata Provider
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
► Abstract
High-frequency monitoring of weather and water quality metrics at Shelburne Pond, Vermont, USA, a shallow hyper-eutrophic system. Data provides information on weather conditions (air temperature, RH, wind speed and direction, and incoming solar radiation) and water quality metrics (DO, water temperature, pH, relative abundance of chlorophyll and phycocyanin, water level, specific conductivity) to examine relationships among biotic and abiotic variables. Data are used for research and teaching to examine the structure and function of a pond system susceptible to frequent, consistent, and intense cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms.
► People
- Jason Stockwell: Principal Investigator
► Geographic Coverage
- Coordinates
► Data Table
- Title: Shelburne Pond Buoy Data - Current Year
- Start Date: 2016-05-25
- Description: Weather and water quality data from Shelburne Pond, Vermont, collected using high-frequency sensors in the current year
- Purpose: Monitor weather and water quality to examine how limnological dynamics of the system in relation to weather forcing.
- Condensed Title: Z0339_ShelburnePondBuoy
- Object Name: VMC.339.444
- Data Type: mySQL
- Citation: Jason Stockwell. 2017. Shelburne Pond Buoy Data - Current Year. University of Vermont. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/shelburne-pond-buoy/dataset/shelburne-pond-buoy-data
- Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/shelburne-pond-buoy/dataset/shelburne-pond-buoy-data
► Attribute List
- Attribute Name: DATETIME
- Label: Date and time of observation
- Description: Date and time of observation
- Storage Type: datetime
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
- Attribute Name: DATE
- Label: Date of observation
- Description: Date of observation
- Storage Type: datetime
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Attribute Name: TIME
- Label: Greenwich time of observation
- Description: Greenwich time of observation
- Storage Type: datetime
- Measurment Type: datetime
- String Format: hh:mm:ss
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_1
- Label: Water temperature depth 1
- Description: Depth 1 is closest to the buoy (nearest surface) on the thermistor chain
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_2
- Label: Water temperature depth 2
- Description: Depth 2 is next below depth 1 on the thermistor chain; degrees Celsius
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_3
- Label: Water temperature depth 3
- Description: Depth 3 is next below depth 2 on the thermistor chain; degrees Celsius
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_4
- Label: Water temperature depth 4
- Description: Depth 4 is next below depth 3 on the thermistor chain; degrees Celsius
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_5
- Label: Water temperature depth 5
- Description: Depth 5 is next below depth 4 on the thermistor chain; degrees Celsius
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_6
- Label: Water temperature depth 6
- Description: Depth 6 is furthest from the buoy (nearest bottom) on the thermistor chain; degrees Celsius
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_DISSOLVED_O2_1
- Label: Dissolved oxygen near surface
- Description: Dissolved oxygen sensor approximately 1 m below surface; mg/L
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Precision: 0.01
- String Format: MM/DD/YYYY
- Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_DISSOLVED_O2_2
- Label: Dissolved oxygen at 3m
- Description: Dissolved oxygen sensor approximately 3 m below surface; mg/L
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_DISSOLVED_O2_3
- Label: Dissolved oxygen at 4m
- Description: Dissolved oxygen sensor approximately 4 m below surface
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_DISSOLVED_O2_4
- Label: Dissolved oxygen near bottom
- Description: Dissolved oxygen sensor near bottom, approximately 0.5 m above bottom under calm conditions
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: milligramsPerLiter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_CHLOROPHYLL
- Label: Chlorophyll fluorescence
- Description: Relative units of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: volt
- Precision: 0.000001
- Unit: volt
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_PHYCOCYANIN
- Label: Phycocyanin fluorescence
- Description: Relative units of phycocyanin fluorescence
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: volt
- Precision: 0.000001
- Unit: volt
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_DEPTH_M
- Label: Depth range
- Description: Depth range from the transducer to bottom; requires offset from surface to get true depth; m
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_WIND_ANGLE_TRUE
- Label: Wind direction
- Description: Direction from which the wind is blowing; degrees
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: degree
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: degree
- Number Type: real
- Bounds:
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 360
- Attribute Name: S_WIND_SPEED_N
- Label: Wind speed
- Description: Speed of wind; knots (nautical miles per hour)
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: metersPerSecond
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: metersPerSecond
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_SOLAR_RADIATION
- Label: Incoming solar radiation
- Description: Irradiance in W/m^2
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: wattsPerMeterSquared
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_TEMPERATURE_AIR
- Label: Air temperature
- Description: Air temperature; degrees Celsius
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: celsius
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: celsius
- Number Type: real
- Label: Air relative humidity
- Description: Air relative humidity in %
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: percent
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: percent
- Number Type: real
- Bounds:
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 100
- Attribute Name: S_PRESSURE_BAR
- Label: Barometric pressure
- Description: Air pressure in Bars
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: bar
- Precision: 0.000001
- Unit: bar
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_HEADING
- Label: Buoy heading
- Description: Direction the buoy is facing; for purposes here, the heading faces north which is the backside of the solar panels; degrees
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: degree
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: degree
- Number Type: real
- Bounds:
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 360
- Attribute Name: S_LATITUDE
- Label: Buoy latitude
- Description: Buoy latitude in decimal degrees
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: degree
- Precision: 0.00000001
- Unit: degree
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_LONGITUDE
- Label: Buoy longitude
- Description: Buoy longitude in decimal degrees
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: degree
- Precision: 0.00000001
- Unit: degree
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_ALTITUDE
- Label: Buoy altitude
- Description: altitude above sea level; m
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: meter
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: meter
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_1
- Label: Wind speed
- Description: Speed of wind; m/sec
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: metersPerSecond
- Precision: 0.01
- Unit: metersPerSecond
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_2
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_3
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_4
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_5
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_6
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_7
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_8
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_9
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_10
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_11
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_12
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_13
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_14
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_15
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_16
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_17
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_18
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_19
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: GENERIC_20
- Label: Open channel
- Attribute Name: S_PH
- Label: pH values
- Description: pH of the lake water. Collection ended 11/3/2015 2:44:00 PM.
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: interval
- Standard Unit: dimensionless
- Precision: 0.01
- Number Type: real
- Attribute Name: S_CONDUCTIVITY
- Label: Specific conductivity
- Description: Conductivity of water standardized to 25 degrees celsius; uS/m. Collection ended 11/3/2015 2:44:00 PM.
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- Standard Unit: customMicrosiemensPerMeter
- Precision: 0.1
- Unit: MicrosiemensPerMeter
- Number Type: real
► Methods
- Current Methods
- Sampling overview
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: The sensors on the Shelburne Pond buoy are continuously "sampled", with averages recorded over 15 minute intervals. The sampling rate varies across sensors (see below), therefore the number of samples used for average values for each 15 minutes varies among some sensors.
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Water Temperature
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: Six temperature sensors measure water temperature in celsius along a thermistor chain, with Sensor 1 nearest the buoy and sensor 6 at the deepest end of the chain. Quality Control Measures: At start and end of field seasons, all six temperature sensors are placed in same mixed water bath to evaluate precision among sensors.
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: Dissolved oxygen is measured by two sensors, one near the buoy and one on the thermistor chain near the end. Instrumentation: Sensorex DO6400Quality Control Measures: Sensor is calibrated in air-saturated water according to manufacturer's instructions.
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Chlorophyll
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: In vivo chlorophyll fluorescence is measured Instrumentation: Turner Designs CYCLOPS submersible fluorometer, Serial No. 2180559Quality Control Measures: Calibrate to deionized water for zero reading. Measure for relative chlorophyll fluorescence.
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Phycocyanin
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: In vivo phycocyanin fluoresence is measured Instrumentation: Turner Designs CYCLOPS submersible fluorometer, Serial No. 2180560Quality Control Measures: Calibrate to deionized water for zero reading. Measure for relative phycocyanin fluorescence.
- Started: 2015-04-21
- pH
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: In vivo pH of the water is measured Instrumentation: Campbell Scientific CSIM11Quality Control Measures: Calibrated at pH 7 and pH 10 solutions
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Conductivity
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: The specific conductance of the water is regularly measured Instrumentation: Global water conductivity sensor WQ301FQuality Control Measures: Calibrated by manufacturere for specific conductance
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Depth
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: Depth range measured using transducer Instrumentation: Airmar NMEA 0183 DT800
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Wind
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: True (vs relative) wind direction and wind speed in knots are measured Instrumentation: Airmar 150WX, ID 3075418Quality Control Measures: Calibrated by manufacturer (test procedure 96-154-02)
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Solar Radiation
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: Incoming solar radiation in W per m^2 is measured with a pyranometer Instrumentation: Kipp & Zonen CMP 6, Serial No. 133626Quality Control Measures: Calibrated by manufacturer (certificate no. 008116133626)
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Meteorology
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: Meteorological conditions are regularly measured, including temperature, humidity and barometric pressure Instrumentation: Airmar 150WX, ID 3075418Quality Control Measures: Calibrated by manufacturer (test procedure 96-154-02)
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Position
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Method Description: Buoy heading, location and altitude are measured Instrumentation: Airmar 150WX, ID 3075418Quality Control Measures: Calibrated by manufacturer (test procedure 96-154-02)
- Started: 2015-04-21
► Sampling Equipment
- Current Equipment
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Sampling Description: The sensors on the Shelburne Pond buoy are continuously "sampled", with averages recorded over 15 minute intervals. The sampling rate varies across sensors (see below), therefore the number of samples used for average values for each 15 minutes varies among some sensors.
- Frequency: 15 minutes
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Sampling Description: Temperature is sampled at 0.166 Hz
- Frequency: 0.1667 Hz
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Sampling Description: Dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, phycocyanin and pH are sampled at 2 Hz
- Frequency: 2 Hz
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Sampling Description: Depth is sampled at 1 Hz
- Frequency: 1 Hz
- Started: 2015-04-21
- Sampling Description: Meteorological conditions and buoy position and orientation are sampled at 1 Hz
- Frequency: 1 Hz
► Site Characteristics
- Site Description: Northern end of Shelburne Pond in Shelburne, Vermont, USA