public read Shelburne Pond Buoy Data - Current YearForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Weather and water quality data from Shelburne Pond, Vermont, collected using high-frequency sensors in the current yearForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeShelburne Pond BuoyJasonStockwellprincipalInvestigatorHigh-frequency monitoring of weather and water quality metrics at Shelburne Pond, Vermont, USA, a shallow hyper-eutrophic system. Data provides information on weather conditions (air temperature, RH, wind speed and direction, and incoming solar radiation) and water quality metrics (DO, water temperature, pH, relative abundance of chlorophyll and phycocyanin, water level, specific conductivity) to examine relationships among biotic and abiotic variables. Data are used for research and teaching to examine the structure and function of a pond system susceptible to frequent, consistent, and intense cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms.Shelburne Pond Buoy Data - Current YearWeather and water quality data from Shelburne Pond, Vermont, collected using high-frequency sensors in the current yearVMC.339.444mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/shelburne-pond-buoy/dataset/shelburne-pond-buoy-data2016-05-25DATETIMEDate and time of observationDate and time of observationdatetimeYYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssDATEDate of observationDate of observationdatetimeYYYY-MM-DDTIMEGreenwich time of observationGreenwich time of observationdatetimehh:mm:ssS_TEMPERATURE_1Water temperature depth 1Depth 1 is closest to the buoy (nearest surface) on the thermistor chaindecimalmeterrealS_TEMPERATURE_2Water temperature depth 2Depth 2 is next below depth 1 on the thermistor chain; degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealS_TEMPERATURE_3Water temperature depth 3Depth 3 is next below depth 2 on the thermistor chain; degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealS_TEMPERATURE_4Water temperature depth 4Depth 4 is next below depth 3 on the thermistor chain; degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealS_TEMPERATURE_5Water temperature depth 5Depth 5 is next below depth 4 on the thermistor chain; degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealS_TEMPERATURE_6Water temperature depth 6Depth 6 is furthest from the buoy (nearest bottom) on the thermistor chain; degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealS_DISSOLVED_O2_1Dissolved oxygen near surfaceDissolved oxygen sensor approximately 1 m below surface; mg/LdecimalmeterrealS_DISSOLVED_O2_2Dissolved oxygen at 3mDissolved oxygen sensor approximately 3 m below surface; mg/LdecimalmeterrealS_DISSOLVED_O2_3Dissolved oxygen at 4mDissolved oxygen sensor approximately 4 m below surfacedecimalmeterrealS_DISSOLVED_O2_4Dissolved oxygen near bottomDissolved oxygen sensor near bottom, approximately 0.5 m above bottom under calm conditionsdecimalmeterrealS_CHLOROPHYLLChlorophyll fluorescenceRelative units of chlorophyll fluorescencedecimalmeterrealS_PHYCOCYANINPhycocyanin fluorescenceRelative units of phycocyanin fluorescencedecimalmeterrealS_DEPTH_MDepth rangeDepth range from the transducer to bottom; requires offset from surface to get true depth; mdecimalmeterrealS_WIND_ANGLE_TRUEWind directionDirection from which the wind is blowing; degreesdecimalmeterreal0360S_WIND_SPEED_NWind speedSpeed of wind; knots (nautical miles per hour)decimalmeterrealS_SOLAR_RADIATIONIncoming solar radiationIrradiance in W/m^2decimalmeterrealS_TEMPERATURE_AIRAir temperatureAir temperature; degrees CelsiusdecimalmeterrealS_RELATIVE_HUMIDITYAir relative humidityAir relative humidity in %decimalmeterreal0100S_PRESSURE_BARBarometric pressureAir pressure in BarsdecimalmeterrealS_HEADINGBuoy headingDirection the buoy is facing; for purposes here, the heading faces north which is the backside of the solar panels; degreesdecimalmeterreal0360S_LATITUDEBuoy latitudeBuoy latitude in decimal degreesdecimalmeterrealS_LONGITUDEBuoy longitudeBuoy longitude in decimal degreesdecimalmeterrealS_ALTITUDEBuoy altitudealtitude above sea level; mdecimalmeterrealGENERIC_1Wind speedSpeed of wind; m/secdecimalmeterrealGENERIC_2Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_3Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_4Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_5Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_6Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_7Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_8Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_9Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_10Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_11Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_12Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_13Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_14Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_15Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_16Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_17Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_18Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_19Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataGENERIC_20Open channelNo description for this attributeno dataS_PHpH valuespH of the lake water. Collection ended 11/3/2015 2:44:00 PM.decimalmeterrealS_CONDUCTIVITYSpecific conductivityConductivity of water standardized to 25 degrees celsius; uS/m. Collection ended 11/3/2015 2:44:00 PM.decimalmeterreal