Details and Metadata
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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
No methods recorded for this dataset
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name | Caption | Description | Additional Information |
A-30_Climate | A-30_Climate | Measurement type: | |
ADph | ADph | Measurement type: | |
Al | Aluminum | Aluminum available | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
BaseSat_% | Base Sat | Percent positive cations of the sum of H, K, Ca, Mg | Measurement type: Ratio Units: percent |
Bedrock | Bedrock | Bedrock layer | Measurement type: Nominal |
Ca | Calcium | Calcium available | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
CanopyCover_% | Canopy Cover | Percent canopy cover | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
Decl_West | West Declination | West Declination | Measurement type: Interval Unit: unavailable |
Elevation_m | Elevation | Elevation of plot in meters | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
ExchAcid | ExchAcid | Measurement type: | |
Fe | Iron | Iron available | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
K | Potassium | Potassium available | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
Lat | Latitude | Measurement type: Interval Units: decimal degree | |
Lat_NAD27_GPS | Latitude NAD27 GPS | Measurement type: Interval Units: | |
Lat_NAD83_GPS | Latitude NAD83 GPS | Measurement type: Ratio Units: decimal degree | |
LightPenet_% | Light Penetration | Percent light penetration | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
Long | Long | Measurement type: | |
Location | Location | Plot location | Measurement type: Nominal |
Long_NAD27_GPS | Longitude NAD27 GPS | Measurement type: Interval Units: decimal degree | |
Long_NAD83_GPS | Longitude NAD83 GPS | Measurement type: Interval Units: decimal degree | |
MacClim | MacClim | Measurement type: | |
Magnetic_Azm | Magnetic Azimuth | Magnetic Azimuth | Measurement type: Interval Unit: unavailable |
Mg | Magnesium | Magnesium available mg/kg | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
MicClim | MicClim | Measurement type: | |
Mn | Manganese | Manganese available mg/kg | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
MoistureContent_% | Moisture Content | Measurement type: Ratio Units: percent | |
ObsDph | ObsDph | Measurement type: | |
Organic_matter_%_LOI | Organic Matter | Percent of organic matter within a soil sample using loss of ignition (LOI) analysis | Measurement type: Ratio Units: percent |
pH | pH | Measurement type: Ratio Units: | |
Plot | Plot | Study location | Measurement type: Nominal |
P_available | Phosphorus | Phosphorus available mg/kg | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
Sample_Day | Sample Day | Day sampled | Measurement type: Interval Units: day |
Sample_Month | Sample Month | Sample month | Measurement type: Interval Units: month |
Sample_Year | Sample Year | Sample year | Measurement type: Interval Units: Year |
SlopePos__1_-_9 | Slope Position | Slope position (1=crest, 3=upper, 4=flat plateau, 5=mid, 6=flat valley, 7=lower, 9=base (toe) | Measurement type: Nominal |
Slope_o | Slope_o | Measurement type: | |
soil_day_of_year | Soil Sample DOY | Day of year that soil was sampled | Measurement type: Interval Units: day |
Solar_27_Jul_pot_Iq | Solar_27_Jul_pot_Iq | Measurement type: | |
temp__dph | temp__dph | Measurement type: | |
Type | Plot Type | Type of plot ice storm or control plot | Measurement type: Nominal |
Zn | Zinc | Zinc available mg/kg | Measurement type: Ratio Unit: unavailable |
_True_Azm_ | True Azimuth | Azimuth using true north | Measurement type: Interval Unit: unavailable |
Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
No site characteristics recorded for this dataset