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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Started: 1984-01-01Continuous precipitation amount. Accumulated weekly wet-only precipitation samples. Measurements include precipitation amount, field pH and conductivity, lab pH and conductivity, Ca, K, Mg, Na, NH4, NO3, Cl, SO4, and PO4.
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information conduc conduc Measurement type: Criteria1 Criteria1 Measurement type: Criteria2 Criteria2 Measurement type: Criteria3 Criteria3 Measurement type: daysSample daysSample Measurement type: lastDate lastDate Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: M/D/YYYY hh:mmppt ppt Measurement type: seas seas Measurement type: Nominal siteID siteID Measurement type: Nominal svol svol Measurement type: yr yr Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: YYYYCa Ca Ca Concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/L
Precision: 0.001Cl Cl Cl concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LCond Conductivity Measurement type: Ratio
Units: ms/cm
Precision: 0.01Crit1 Criteria1 Percentage of the summary period for which there are valid samples.
Measurement type: Interval
Units:Crit2 Criteria2 Percentage of the summary period for which precipitation amounts are available either from the rain gage or from the sample volume
Measurement type: Interval
Units:Crit3 Criteria3 Percentage of the total measured precipitation associated with valid samples.
Measurement type: Interval
Units:Crit4 Crit4 Crit4
Measurement type: Interval
Units:Days Days_sampled Number of days included in the summary period.
Measurement type: Interval
Units:EndDate EndDate The ending date of the last sample included in the summary period
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: MM/DD/YYYYFldCond FldCond Field conductivity
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FldpH FldpH FldpH
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:K K K concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LMg Mg Mg concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LNa Na Na concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LNH4 NH4 NH4 concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LNO3 NO3 N03 Concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LpctPptFChem pctPptFChem pctPptFChem
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:pH pH negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration as measured at the CAL, in pH units
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Ppt_cm Ppt_cm Total amount of precipitation, in centimeters, measured by the rain gage during the summary period. This value includes precipitation amounts calculated from the sample volumes in cases where the weekly rain gage measurements were unavailable.
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:RatioC-A RatioC-A RatioC-A
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:SiteID__ SiteID Site Identifier
Measurement type: Nominal SO4 SO4 SO4 concentration
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LSvol_ml Svol_ml Total volume, in milliliters, of precipitation collected by the sampler for VALID samples during the summary period.
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mmStartDate StartDate StartDate
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: otherValidSamp_F ValidSamp_F ValidSamp_F
Measurement type: Nominal ValidSamp_L ValidSamp_L ValidSamp_L
Measurement type: Nominal Year Year Year
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: DD/MM/YYYYBr Br Br concentration, mg/L
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: mg/LfullChemlab fullChem Number of samples used in calculating the laboratory means. Only VALID samples with complete, valid LABORATORY (CAL) analyses and a valid measurement of precipitation amount (from the rain gage or sample volume) are used.
Measurement type: Interval
Units: mg/LSampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
No site characteristics recorded for this dataset