Dataset Overview
This dataset contains the basic tree info such as plot ID, location within the plot (distance and azimuth), and species.
- Purpose
Identify a tree based off the existing data from previous years in order to continue monitoring efforts from year to year.
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset is ongoing
- Start date
- Anticipated end date
- Contents
1148 records with 8 fields
- Data Availability
Data are available upon request
- Preferred Citation
Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative and Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (2020) Tree Identifying Information. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/massfhm/dataset/tree-identifying-information-1
- Update Frequency
As needed
- Maintenance Plan
This dataset is actively maintained by FEMC staff
- Links
No links available for this dataset
- Related Datasets
- Determining Dataset Similarity
- Previous Versions
- Version 5 - 2019_MAFHM_TreeIdentifyingInfo (created 2020-03-30 by John Truong)
- Version 4 - 2019_MAFHM_TreeIdentifyingInfo (created 2020-03-30 by John Truong)
- Version 3 - 2019_TreeIdentifyingInfo (created 2020-03-27 by John Truong)
- Version 2 - Tree_Identifying_Information (created 2020-02-12 by Jake Van Deursen)
- Version 1 - Tree_Identifying_Information (created 2020-02-12 by Jake Van Deursen)