
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableBaseline Tree Nutrition Data for Long-Term Soil Monitoring PlotsDetect changes in soils due to human caused impactsTree nutrition data2002-01-01 to 2003-12-31
Description onlyCore Soil ChemistryA 200-year forest soil monitoring study that will aid future efforts to detect changes in forest soil properties, essential plant nutrient, mineral, trace element concentrations, soil morphology and s
oil taxonomy.

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As part of a 200-year forest soil monitoring study, soil samples are taken from 5 different locations (three sites in Mt. Mansfield in northern Vermont and two sites in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area i
n southern Vermont) every 5 years. At each of the five sites 1 50m x 50m plot has been permanently established, with 100 5m x 5m subplots. Samples were taken from the side of the pit that was described, using a knife and trowel. If Oe was sampled, a larger area of soil surface was peeled backward and “mined”. All samples were collected into 60-ounce clear polyethylene sterile bags (Fisher Scientific) and labeled with soil site, soil pit number, and date. Samples collected for mercury analysis were collected using sampling methods that prevent atmospheric contamination. Samples were sent to labs belonging to NRCS, USFS, and ̽̽ for analysis.

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2002-06-01 to 2202-06-01
DownloadableMercury 2002 to 2022Total mercury in the uppermost Oa or A horizon from each of the sampled subplots from 2002 through 2022. Additional data include total organic carbon, total nitrogen, horizon thickness, calculated bul
k density, and estimated mercury pool in the sampled horizon.

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2002-01-01 (ongoing)
By requestPlot Identifying InformationProvide information for relocation of plot quadrantsPlot-level information that will aid in the relocation of plots. In 2002 plots corners coordinates were measured using a Trimble. From these plot corner coordinates the center, northeastern, southeast
ern, southwestern, and northwestern coordinates of the four quadrants in each of the 100 subplots were calculated.

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2002-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadablePlot Visit InformationTracking plot quadrant visitsTracking plot level visit information such as purpose, year, and specific quadrant visited.2002-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableRegenerationEstimate regeneration rates.Count of all seedling and saplings tree species that were under 2 inches in DBH. Counts were done on each of the 10 sampling plots at each site. A 5 m^2 PVC square was placed on the perimeter of each
plot and all seedlings whose stems originated in the square were counted. Seedlings were only counted if they had true leaves (More than just cotyledons).

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2007-01-01 (ongoing)
Description onlySampling ScheduleTrack sampling events for the LTSM This dataset contains the years that each quadrant for each plot was sampled. In addition, there are notes explaining any changes made.2002-01-01 (ongoing)
By requestSite Identifying InformationTracking site-specific information Within the long-term soil monitoring network, there are 5 permanent sites. Three sites were established within the boundaries of Mount. Mansfield within northern Vermont and two were established withi
n the boundaries of the Lye Brook Wilderness Area in southern Vermont.

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2002-01-01 (ongoing)
Description onlySoil sample descriptionsSoils were described using NRCS procedures referenced in the Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, version 2.0, September, 2002. The following soil physical properties were described, and the
numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the Field Book referencing that property: Horizon Designation and lower Boundary (pgs 2-2 to 2-6).; Depth of horizon (upper and lower) in centimeters; Matrix color, moist, Munsell notation; Texture (pgs 2-29 to 2-31); Percent rock fragments by volume (shape- pg 2-40, note basic Percent Chart on page 2-9 – some Munsell color books also have a Percent Chart); structure; grade, size, and type (pgs 2-41 to 2-48); consistence, moist (also referred to as Rupture Resistance, pgs 2-49 to 2-50); Redoximorphic features; quantity, size, contrast – and Munsell color (pgs 2-14 to 2-17; see also quantity, size and contrast charts under Mottles on pgs 2-9 to 2-12); Roots (pgs 2-56 to 2-58); other features such as: organic streaks and stains, type of organic material, moisture status, slope percent, aspect and horizons sampled. Soil chemical properties (such as pH) was not recorded in the field since these were analyzed more accurately in the lab at a later date.

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2002-06-01 (ongoing)
Description onlySoil Sampling Identifying InformationTracking collected samplesIdentifying information for all soil samples collected during the sampling year.2002-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTree Health MeasurementsAssessment of the species and size classes of tree species present on each of the 5 plots. Trees with DBHs greater than 2 inches were measured if they fell within the boundaries of the 50m^2 plot.2002-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableUnderstory Herbaceous CoverMeasure herbaceous species abundance per plot.In addition to collecting presence/absence of herbaceous species at each plot, beginning in 2012 abundance measure (percent cover). A 5m^2 PVC square was placed on the perimeter or each plot, then all
plants whose stem originated in the square were recorded by species and percent cover.

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2012-06-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableUnderstory Herbaceous Plant ListTrack presence/absence of vegetative understory within Long-Term Soil Monitoring plot network.Tracking presence-absence of all plant species encountered between each of the 5 sites. A survey of each 50m^2 site was conducted in 2002 to identify all plants to species where possible without recor
ding abundance data. In 2007, using the data collected in 2002, an inventory of plants present across each 50m^2 site was completed in addition to other inventory work. In 2012 the protocol was changed and presence/absence was no longer collected. Instead, the protocol switched to an abundance measure (percent cover) at each of the 10 assigned plots per site for that sampling year.

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2002-06-01 to 2007-06-01
DownloadableVermont Long-term Soil Monitoring DatabaseA database of all data collected as part of the Vermont Long-term Soils Monitoring program, including visit information, vegetation, soil descriptions and soil chemistry. 2002-01-01 to 2017-09-01