Viewing a version of dataset "Subplot Vegetation data"
Version name: 2018 LEMP Subplot Veg Data
This page provides information about a version of dataset "Subplot Vegetation data" that was created. This version information can be used to accurately cite the dataset at a particular point in time, and to define dynamic subsets of data as they were used in publications or reports.
This approach to creating versions is built upon the of the
- Purpose
The purpose of this dataset is to assess the cover of ground variables (cryptobiotic crust, lichen, leaf litter, mineral soil, moss, road/trail, rock, standing water, streams/lakes, wood, trash/junk/other) as well as total canopy cover for each canopy layer (0-6 feet, >6-16 feet, >16 feet).
- Version Name
- 2018 LEMP Subplot Veg Data
- Version ID
- 3
- Version Type
- Edit
- Created Date
- 2019-02-22 09:37:16
- Creator
- John Truong
- No DOI Assigned
- Download
Available for download
- Data License