Dataset Overview
Lepidopteran (moth and butterfly) species found over 4 dates and 4 sites on Mt. Mansfield in 2000.
- Purpose
Survey insects to establish site specific data on species abundance and diversity, and to establish permanent monitoring sites for long term trend information. Document insect biodiversity with respect to elevation and habitat. Document taxonomic diverstiy and abundance Lepidopterans.
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset has been completed
- Start date
- End date
- Contents
320 records with 12 fields
- Data Availability
Available for download
- Data License
- Preferred Citation
Grehan J., and S. Griggs. 2000. Insect Diversity on Mount Mansfield: Lepidoptera Species List by Site and Date. Entomology Research Lab. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/insect-diversity-mount-mansfield-lepidoptera-resurvey/dataset/insect-diversity-mount-mansfield-lepidoptera-species
- Update Frequency
Not planned
- Maintenance Plan
Data collection complete
- Links
No links available for this dataset
- Related Datasets
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