Dataset Overview

Daily average values of high-frequency lake data (water temperature, dissolved oxygen) from Lake Kivu collected at Station Baseline Gisenyi every 10 meters between 0.5 and 70 meters. Original data collected at 5-minutes intervals. Platform was deployed year-round, 2012-2013 . The limnological data were collected during the “Biological baseline of Lake Kivu” financed by BTC (Belgian Technical Cooperation, now ENABEL, for “Agence Belge de Développement”).

See Full Dataset Documentation


Please see GEISHA Project home page on FEMC website at /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr or see the GEISHA website hosted by INRAE at

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset has been completed

Start date


End date



3370 records with 11 fields

Data Availability

Available for download

Data License

Preferred Citation

Descy JP, Guillard J (2014) Biological Baseline of Lake Kivu: Final report. Université de Namur & Carrtel, 33 p. Data available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr/dataset/kivu-daily-high-frequency-lake-data

Update Frequency

As needed

Maintenance Plan

Not provided


No links available for this dataset

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Previous Versions
    • Version 1 - 24Feb2021 (created 2021-02-24 by Jason Stockwell)