Dataset Overview

Raw sonde profile data collected from Lake Kinneret at the Station A approximately every 1-2 weeks each year, 1969-2014. Parameters sampled include water temperature.

See Full Dataset Documentation


Please see GEISHA Project home page on FEMC website at /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr or see the GEISHA website hosted by INRAE at

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset has been completed

Start date


End date



83736 records with 13 fields

Data Availability

Available for download

Data License

Preferred Citation

Imberger J, Marti CL (2014) The seasonal hydrodynamic habitat. Chap. 9, In: Zohary T., Sukenik A, Berman T, Nishri A. [eds] Lake Kinneret: Ecology and Management, pp. 133-157. Springer, Heidelberg. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr/dataset/kinneret-raw-sonde-data

Update Frequency

As needed

Maintenance Plan

Not provided


No links available for this dataset

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Previous Versions
    • Version 1 - 19Feb2021 (created 2021-02-19 by Jason Stockwell)