Dataset Overview
Provides daily average estimates of a wide range of physical properties of the water column for Lake Kasumigaura based on manual sonde lake data and daily average weather data, for 1977-2015. Manual sonde data typically consisted of a single water column profile collected at weekly or bi-weekly intervals and the sonde data were matched with the corresponding daily average weather data and then used as input into rLakeAnalyzer() package in R v3.6.0 (Read et al. 2011). The daily average weather data are included. Quantiles of each variable (i.e., the ranked order as a proportion) are provided to facilitate evaluation of extreme observations.
- Purpose
Please see GEISHA Project home page on FEMC website at /femc/data/archive/project/geisha-stormblitzfr or see the GEISHA website hosted by INRAE at
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset has been completed
- Start date
- End date
- Contents
3188 records with 60 fields
- Data Availability
Data are available upon request
- Preferred Citation
Please contact Ichiro Matsuzaki ( and Jason Stockwell ( if you are interested in the data set
- Update Frequency
As needed
- Maintenance Plan
Not provided
- Links
No links available for this dataset
- Related Datasets
- Determining Dataset Similarity
- Previous Versions