Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

Forest Pest Monitoring: Pear Thrips Monitoring: Pear Thrips Proctor Maple Research Center and Stevensville Brook

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  • Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

    • Address:
      705 Spear Street
      South Burlington, Vermont 05403
      United States of America

      Phone: (802) 391-4135


    Determine population trends, tree susceptibility based on emergence-tree phenology relationship, and resulting tree damage. Monitoring trends in major insect pest populations, and documenting the occurence of damage to forests.


  • Tom Simmons: Content Provider

  • Sandra Wilmot: Content Provider

  • Barbara Schultz: Content Provider

  • Trish Hanson: Principal Investigator

  • Sean Lawson: Content Provider


  • foliage, insects, plant phenology, populations,

Geographic Coverage

  • Coordinates
    • -72.864765, 44.504423
    • -72.826364, 44.504423
    • -72.826364, 44.525646
    • -72.864765, 44.525646
    • -72.864765, 44.504423

Data Table

  • Title: Pear Thrips Proctor Maple Research Center and Stevensville Brook
  • Start Date: 1989-05-01
  • End Date: 2004-12-31
  • Description: Total and average pear thrips counts

  • Purpose: Determine population trends, tree susceptibility based on emergence-tree phenology relationship, and resulting tree damage

  • Condensed Title: Z0022_PearThripsPMRC

  • Object Name: VMC.22.20

  • Data Type: mySQL
  • Citation: Trish Hanson. 2004. Pear Thrips Proctor Maple Research Center.VT Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-pest-monitoring-pear-thrips-monitoring/dataset/pear-thrips-proctor-maple-research-center

  • Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-pest-monitoring-pear-thrips-monitoring/dataset/pear-thrips-proctor-maple-research-center

Attribute List

    Attribute Name: ID
    • Label: ID
    • Description: Automated ID number
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ordinal
    Attribute Name: Location
    • Label: Location
    • Description: Location of data collection
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    Attribute Name: Elevation
    • Label: Elevation
    • Description: Elevation of study site
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: foot
    • Precision: 100
    • Unit: foot
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: SampleDate
    • Label: Sample Date
    • Description: Sample date
    • Storage Type: datetime
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    • String Format: other
    Attribute Name: EmergenceYear
    • Label: Emergence Year
    • Description: Emergence Year
    • Storage Type: datetime
    • Measurment Type: datetime
    Attribute Name: Totalthrips_soilpreviousfall
    • Label: Total Thrips
    • Description: Grand total number of thrips (from soil previous fall)
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: Averagethrips
    • Label: Average Thrips per Soil Sample
    • Description: Average thrips pers soil sample (grand total # of thrips divided by 10)
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: Numberofsamples
    • Label: Number of Samples
    • Description: Number of samples taken at the site
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: Emergencefromstickytraps
    • Label: Emergence from Sticky Traps
    • Description: Number of emergences from sticky traps
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: CountySoilAverage
    • Label: County Soil Average
    • Description: Average numer of thrips for county soil
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 1
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: integer
    Attribute Name: NorthernStateAverage
    • Label: Northern State Average
    • Description: Average number of thrips for the northen state
    • Storage Type: int
    • Measurment Type: ratio
    • Standard Unit: number
    • Precision: 10
    • Unit: number
    • Number Type: real
    Attribute Name: StandDamageRating
    • Label: Stand Damage Rating
    • Description: Stand damage rating
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal
    • Custom List: Stand Damage Rating
      • Code: None (0)
        • Definition: no pear thrips damage detectable
      • Code: Light (1)
        • Definition: Most leaves mottled with yellow spots, some slightly stunted or puckered. Leaf are reduced by 1-30%
      • Code: Moderate (2)
        • Definition: Most leaves stunted, deformed and browned at the leaf edges. Some leaves may be tattered. Leaf area reduced by 31-60%
      • Code: Heavy (3)
        • Definition: Most leaves tattered and severely stunted. Some buds may be killed. Leaf area is reduced by 61-80%
      • Code: Severe (4)
        • Definition: Near or complete defoliation. Leaf area reduced by 81-100%
    Attribute Name: StandRatingComments
    • Label: Stand Rating Comments
    • Description: Stand rating comments
    • Storage Type: text
    • Measurment Type: nominal


  • Current Methods
    • Soil population monitoring
      • Started: 1989-05-01
      • Method Description: Method 2. Soil populations are monitored using fall soil samples with forced emergence to estimate relative populations. Two bulb-planter soil samples are collected in the fall from 2 and 4 m from each of 5 selected sugar maple trees. Injury to foliage is recorded on associated trees.

  • Past Methods (no longer in use)
    • Adult population monitoring
      • Started: 1991-04-01
        Ended: 1991-06-13
      • Method Description: Method 1. Adult population levels are monitored weekly using 4 yellow sticky traps located at 3 feet above ground during flight period (April - June). Damage to sugar maple foliage is assessed using 8 trees.

Sampling Equipment

  • Current Equipment
    • Sticky traps, bulb planter
      • Started: 1989-05-01
      • Sampling Description: Yellow sticky traps. Bulb planter.

Site Characteristics

  • Site Description: West slope of Mt. Mansfield, in sugar maple stand at Proctor Maple Research Center, and at 3 elevations in the Stevensville Brook headwaters (1500, 2000, and 2500 feet) as part of the Forest Management Study.