public read Pear Thrips Proctor Maple Research Center and Stevensville BrookForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Total and average pear thrips countsForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeForest Pest Monitoring: Pear Thrips MonitoringTomSimmonscontentProviderSandraWilmotcontentProviderBarbaraSchultzcontentProviderTrishHansonprincipalInvestigatorSeanLawsoncontentProviderDetermine population trends, tree susceptibility based on emergence-tree phenology relationship, and resulting tree damage. Monitoring trends in major insect pest populations, and documenting the occurence of damage to forests.Pear Thrips Proctor Maple Research Center and Stevensville BrookTotal and average pear thrips countsVMC.22.20mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/forest-pest-monitoring-pear-thrips-monitoring/dataset/pear-thrips-proctor-maple-research-center1989-05-012004-12-31IDIDAutomated ID numberintLocationLocationLocation of data collectiontextElevationElevationElevation of study siteintmeterrealSampleDateSample DateSample datedatetimeotherEmergenceYearEmergence YearEmergence YeardatetimeTotalthrips_soilpreviousfallTotal ThripsGrand total number of thrips (from soil previous fall)intmeterintegerAveragethripsAverage Thrips per Soil SampleAverage thrips pers soil sample (grand total # of thrips divided by 10)intmeterintegerNumberofsamplesNumber of SamplesNumber of samples taken at the siteintmeterintegerEmergencefromstickytrapsEmergence from Sticky TrapsNumber of emergences from sticky trapsintmeterintegerCountySoilAverageCounty Soil AverageAverage numer of thrips for county soilintmeterintegerNorthernStateAverageNorthern State AverageAverage number of thrips for the northen stateintmeterrealStandDamageRatingStand Damage RatingStand damage ratingtextNone (0)no pear thrips damage detectableLight (1)Most leaves mottled with yellow spots, some slightly stunted or puckered. Leaf are reduced by 1-30%Moderate (2)Most leaves stunted, deformed and browned at the leaf edges. Some leaves may be tattered. Leaf area reduced by 31-60%Heavy (3)Most leaves tattered and severely stunted. Some buds may be killed. Leaf area is reduced by 61-80%Severe (4)Near or complete defoliation. Leaf area reduced by 81-100%StandRatingCommentsStand Rating CommentsStand rating commentstext