Dataset Overview

Gives the species codes and corresponding taxonomic information for trees monitored as part of the Forest Health Monitoring Project. Also correlates to other project code lists

See Full Dataset Documentation


Annual remeasurements of forest plots to determine the condition, trends and relationship to stressors using the same plot design as in the National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHM).

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset is ongoing

Start date


Anticipated end date



73 records with 16 fields

Data Availability

Available for download

Data License

Preferred Citation

Pontius, J., and S. Wilmot. 2017. Forest Health Monitoring Tree Species Codes. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/people

Update Frequency

As needed

Maintenance Plan

Maintained as needed


No links available for this dataset

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