Dataset Overview
Gives the species codes and corresponding taxonomic information for trees monitored as part of the Forest Health Monitoring Project. Also correlates to other project code lists
- Purpose
Annual remeasurements of forest plots to determine the condition, trends and relationship to stressors using the same plot design as in the National Forest Health Monitoring Program (NFHM).
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset is ongoing
- Start date
- Anticipated end date
- Contents
73 records with 16 fields
- Data Availability
Available for download
- Data License
- Preferred Citation
Pontius, J., and S. Wilmot. 2017. Forest Health Monitoring Tree Species Codes. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring/people
- Update Frequency
As needed
- Maintenance Plan
Maintained as needed
- Links
No links available for this dataset
- Related Datasets
- Determining Dataset Similarity
- Previous Versions
- Version 1 - TreeSpeciesCode_V1 (created 2020-01-06 by Julia Pupko)