Dataset Overview

Aerosol monitoring reports since 1991 at Lye Brook

See Full Dataset Documentation


To determine concentrations and composition of fine aerosols (PM-2.5) of relevance to light scattering, light absorption, human health and biological effects.

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset has been completed

Start date


End date



2410 records with 67 fields

Data Availability

Available for download

Data License

Preferred Citation

Malm, W. C., J. F. Sisler, D. Huffman, R. A. Eldred, and T. A. Cahill (1994), Spatial and seasonal trends in particle concentration and optical extinction in the United States, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 1347-1370. This dataset is (2017) Lye Brook Wilderness IMPROVE Aerosol Monitoring 1991-2012. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/fine-aerosol-monitoring-interagency-monitoring-protected/dataset/lye-brook-wilderness-improve-aerosol-monitoring

Update Frequency

Not planned

Maintenance Plan

No maintenance planned


No links available for this dataset

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