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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
See FIA Manual in the Documents tab for full details
See FIA Manual in the Documents tab for full details
Plot establishment
Plots to be visited are selected based on stratification of remote sensing interpretation
Plot establishment
Plots to be visited are selected based on stratification of remote sensing interpretation
Plots are designed to cover a 1-acre sample area, though not all trees in the plot are measured. Recent surveys use standard fixed-radius plot, while earlier inventories used mixtures of fixed-radius and variable-radius (prism) plot design
Plots are designed to cover a 1-acre sample area, though not all trees in the plot are measured. Recent surveys use standard fixed-radius plot, while earlier inventories used mixtures of fixed-radius and variable-radius (prism) plot design
Plot locations are 'fuzzed and swapped' to protect privacy and plot integrity in accordance with Federal laws. 'Fuzzed' plots are generally within 0.5 miles of original plot center, and plots where data was 'swapped' are generally similar in nature. See FIA manual for full details
Plot locations are 'fuzzed and swapped' to protect privacy and plot integrity in accordance with Federal laws. 'Fuzzed' plots are generally within 0.5 miles of original plot center, and plots where data was 'swapped' are generally similar in nature. See FIA manual for full details
The standard plot consists of four 24.0-foot radius subplots (approximately 0.0415 or 1/24 acre), on which trees 5.0 inches and greater in diameter are measured. Within each of these subplots is nested a 6.8-foot radius microplot (approximately 1/300th acre) on which trees smaller than 5.0 inches in diameter are measured
The standard plot consists of four 24.0-foot radius subplots (approximately 0.0415 or 1/24 acre), on which trees 5.0 inches and greater in diameter are measured. Within each of these subplots is nested a 6.8-foot radius microplot (approximately 1/300th acre) on which trees smaller than 5.0 inches in diameter are measured
Conditions are defined by changes in land use or changes in vegetation that occur along more-or-less distinct boundaries. Reserved status, owner group, forest type, stand-size class, regeneration status, and stand density are used to define forest conditions. In older plot designs, plot center or subplots locations were rearranged such that the entire plot sampled a single condition, while in the current design, different conditions are āmappedā on the same plot.
Conditions are defined by changes in land use or changes in vegetation that occur along more-or-less distinct boundaries. Reserved status, owner group, forest type, stand-size class, regeneration status, and stand density are used to define forest conditions. In older plot designs, plot center or subplots locations were rearranged such that the entire plot sampled a single condition, while in the current design, different conditions are āmappedā on the same plot.
Field attributes
In addition to attributes that are collected in the field, FIADB includes attributes that are populated in the office. Examples of field attributes include tree diameter and height, and slope and aspect of the plot and subplot. Attributes that are populated in the office include assigned attributes, such as county and owner group codes, or computed attributes, such as tree and area expansion factors, and tree volumes
Field attributes
In addition to attributes that are collected in the field, FIADB includes attributes that are populated in the office. Examples of field attributes include tree diameter and height, and slope and aspect of the plot and subplot. Attributes that are populated in the office include assigned attributes, such as county and owner group codes, or computed attributes, such as tree and area expansion factors, and tree volumes
Standards and guidelines
Forest inventory plans are designed to meet sampling error standards for area, volume, growth, and removals provided in the Forest Service directive (FSH 4809.11) known as the Forest Survey Handbook (U.S. Department of Agriculture 2008). These standards, along with other guidelines, are aimed at obtaining comprehensive and comparable information on timber resources for all parts of the country
Standards and guidelines
Forest inventory plans are designed to meet sampling error standards for area, volume, growth, and removals provided in the Forest Service directive (FSH 4809.11) known as the Forest Survey Handbook (U.S. Department of Agriculture 2008). These standards, along with other guidelines, are aimed at obtaining comprehensive and comparable information on timber resources for all parts of the country
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information ACTUALHT ACTUALHT The length (height) of the tree to the nearest foot from ground level to the highest remaining portion of the tree still present and attached to the bole.
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:AGENTCD AGENTCD Agent code
Measurement type: Nominal AZIMUTH AZIMUTH AZIMUTH
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:BFSND BFSND Board-foot-cull soundness
Measurement type: Nominal BHAGE BHAGE Breast height age
Measurement type: Interval
Units:BOLEHT BOLEHT Bole Height
Measurement type: Interval
Units:BORED_CD_PNWRS BORED_CD_PNWRS Tree bored code, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal CARBON_AG CARBON_AG Aboveground carbon
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:CARBON_BG CARBON_BG Below ground carbon
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:CCLCD CCLCD Crown class code
Measurement type: Nominal CDENCD CDENCD Crown density code
Measurement type: Nominal CDIEBKCD CDIEBKCD Crown dieback code. A code indicating the amount of recent dead material in the upper and outer portion of the crown, estimated in percent classes. Collected for all live trees at least 5 inches DBH/DRC.
Measurement type: Nominal CENTROID_DIA CENTROID_DIA Measurement type: Nominal CENTROID_DIA_HT CENTROID_DIA_HT Measurement type: Nominal CENTROID_DIA_HT_ACTUAL CENTROID_DIA_HT_ACTUAL Measurement type: Nominal CFSND CFSND Cubic-foot-cull soundness
Measurement type: Interval
Units:CLIGHTCD CLIGHTCD Crown light exposure code
Measurement type: Nominal CN CN A unique sequence number used to identify a tree record.
Measurement type: Nominal CONDID CONDID Condition class number
Measurement type: Nominal COUNTYCD COUNTYCD County code
Measurement type: Nominal CPOSCD CPOSCD Crown position code
Measurement type: Nominal CR CR Compacted crown ratio
Measurement type: Ratio
Measurement type: DateTime
Measurement type: Nominal CULL CULL Rotten and missing cull
Measurement type: Interval
Units:CULLBF CULLBF Board-foot cull
Measurement type: Nominal CULLCF CULLCF Cubic-foot cull
Measurement type: Nominal CULLDEAD CULLDEAD Dead cull
Measurement type: Nominal CULLFORM CULLFORM Form cull
Measurement type: Nominal CULLMSTOP CULLMSTOP Missing top cull, field recorded
Measurement type: Nominal CULL_FLD CULL_FLD Rotten/missing cull, field recorded
Measurement type: Nominal CVIGORCD CVIGORCD Crown vigor code (sapling)
Measurement type: Nominal CYCLE CYCLE Inventory CYCLE
Measurement type: Nominal DAMAGE_AGENT_CD1 DAMAGE_AGENT_CD1 Measurement type: DAMAGE_AGENT_CD1_SRS DAMAGE_AGENT_CD1_SRS Measurement type: DAMAGE_AGENT_CD2 DAMAGE_AGENT_CD2 Measurement type: DAMAGE_AGENT_CD2_SRS DAMAGE_AGENT_CD2_SRS Measurement type: DAMAGE_AGENT_CD3 DAMAGE_AGENT_CD3 Measurement type: DAMAGE_AGENT_CD3_SRS DAMAGE_AGENT_CD3_SRS Measurement type: DAMLOC1 DAMLOC1 Damage location 1
Measurement type: Nominal DAMLOC1_PNWRS DAMLOC1_PNWRS Damage location 1, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal DAMLOC2 DAMLOC2 Damage location 2
Measurement type: Nominal DAMLOC2_PNWRS DAMLOC2_PNWRS Damage location 2, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal DAMSEV1 DAMSEV1 Damage Severity (1)
Measurement type: Ordinal DAMSEV2 DAMSEV2 Damage severity (2)
Measurement type: Ordinal DAMTYP1 DAMTYP1 Damage type (1)
Measurement type: Nominal DAMTYP2 DAMTYP2 Damage Type (2)
Measurement type: Nominal DECAYCD DECAYCD Decay code
Measurement type: Nominal DIA DIA The current diameter (in inches) of the sample tree at the point of diameter measurement. DIA is measured at either breast height (DBH) or at root collar (DRC).
Measurement type: Ratio
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:DIACHECK DIACHECK Diameter check code
Measurement type: Nominal DIACHECK_PNWRS DIACHECK_PNWRS Diameter check, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal DIAHTCD DIAHTCD Diameter height code
Measurement type: Nominal DIEBACK_SEVERITY_SRS DIEBACK_SEVERITY_SRS Measurement type: Nominal DISEASE_SRS DISEASE_SRS Measurement type: Nominal DIST DIST Horizontal distance
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:DMG_AGENT1_CD_PNWRS DMG_AGENT1_CD_PNWRS Damage agent 1, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal DMG_AGENT2_CD_PNWRS DMG_AGENT2_CD_PNWRS Damage agent 2, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal DMG_AGENT3_CD_PNWRS DMG_AGENT3_CD_PNWRS Damage agent 3, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal DRYBIO_AG DRYBIO_AG Measurement type: DRYBIO_BG DRYBIO_BG Dry biomass of the roots. The oven-dry biomass (pounds) of the belowground portion of a tree, includes coarse roots with a root diameter ? 0.1 inch. This is a modeled estimate, calculated on live trees with a diameter of ? 1 inch and dead trees with a diameter of ? 5 inches, for both timber and wood
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:DRYBIO_BOLE DRYBIO_BOLE Dry biomass in the merchantable bole
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:DRYBIO_SAPLING Dry Sapling Biomass The oven-dry biomass (pounds) of the aboveground portion, excluding foliage, of live trees with a diameter from 1 to 4.9 inches.
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: Pounds (lb)DRYBIO_SAWLOG DRYBIO_SAWLOG Measurement type: DRYBIO_STUMP Dry Biomass of Stump The oven-dry biomass (pounds) in the stump of timber species [trees where diameter is measured at breast height (DBH)] ? 5 inches in diameter.
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: Pounds (lb)DRYBIO_TOP Dry Biomass Top The oven-dry biomass (pounds) in the top and branches (combined) of timber species [trees where diameter is measured at breast height (DBH)] ? 5 inches in diameter.
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:DRYBIO_WDLD_SPP DRYBIO_WDLD_SPP The oven-dry biomass (pounds) of the aboveground portion of a live or dead tree, excluding foliage, the tree tip (top of the tree above 1Ā½ inches in diameter), and a portion of the stump from ground to diameter at root collar (DRC). Calculated for woodland species (trees where diameter is measured a
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FGROWBFSL FGROWBFSL Net annual merchantable board-foot growth of a sawtimber tree on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FGROWCFAL FGROWCFAL Net annual sound cubic-foot growth of a live tree on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FGROWCFGS FGROWCFGS Net annual merchantable cubic-foot growth of a growing-stock tree on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FMORTBFSL FMORTBFSL Board-foot volume of a sawtimber tree for mortality purposes on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FMORTCFAL FMORTCFAL Sound cubic-foot volume of a tree for mortality purposes on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FMORTCFGS FMORTCFGS Cubic-foot volume of a growing-stock tree for mortality purposes on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FORMCL FORMCL Form class
Measurement type: Nominal FREMVBFSL FREMVBFSL Board-foot volume of a sawtimber tree for removal purposes on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FREMVCFAL FREMVCFAL Sound cubic-foot volume of the tree for removal purposes on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:FREMVCFGS FREMVCFGS Cubic-foot volume of a growing-stock tree for removal purposes on forest land
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:GROWBFSL GROWBFSL Net annual merchantable board-foot growth of a sawtimber tree on timberland
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:GROWCFAL GROWCFAL Net annual sound cubic-foot growth of a live tree on timberland
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:GROWCFGS GROWCFGS Net annual merchantable cubic-foot growth of a growing-stock tree on timberland
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:HRDWD_CLUMP_CD HRDWD_CLUMP_CD Hardwood clump code
Measurement type: Nominal HT HT The total length (height) of a sample tree (in feet) from the ground to the tip of the apical meristem
Measurement type: Nominal HTCALC HTCALC Current height calculated
Measurement type: Nominal HTCD HTCD Height method code
Measurement type: Nominal HTDMP HTDMP Height to diameter measurement point
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:INVYR INVYR Inventory year
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: YYYYMIST_CL_CD MIST_CL_CD Mistletoe class code
Measurement type: Nominal MIST_CL_CD_PNWRS MIST_CL_CD_PNWRS Leafy mistletoe class code, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: DateTime
Measurement type: Nominal MORTBFSL MORTBFSL Board-foot volume of a sawtimber tree for mortality purposes on timberland
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:MORTCD MORTCD Mortality code
Measurement type: Nominal MORTCFAL MORTCFAL Sound cubic-foot volume of a tree on timberland for mortality purposes
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:MORTCFGS MORTCFGS Cubic-foot volume of a growing-stock tree on timberland for mortality purposes
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:MORTYR MORTYR Mortality Year
Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: YYYYP2A_GRM_FLG P2A_GRM_FLG Periodic to annual growth, removal, and mortality flag
Measurement type: Nominal PLOT PLOT Phase 2 plot number
Measurement type: Nominal PLT_CN PLT_CN Plot sequence number
Measurement type: Nominal PREVCOND PREVCOND Previous condition class number
Measurement type: Nominal PREVDIA PREVDIA Previous diameter
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:PREV_PNTN_SRS PREV_PNTN_SRS Previous periodic prism point, tree number, Southern Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal PREV_STATUS_CD PREV_STATUS_CD Previous tree status code
Measurement type: Nominal PREV_TRE_CN PREV_TRE_CN Previous tree sequence number
Measurement type: Nominal PREV_WDLDSTEM PREV_WDLDSTEM Previous woodland stem count
Measurement type: Nominal RECONCILECD RECONCILECD Reconcile code
Measurement type: Nominal REMVBFSL REMVBFSL Board-foot volume of a sawtimber tree on timberland for removal purposes
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:REMVCFAL REMVCFAL Sound cubic-foot volume of a tree on timberland for removal purposes
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:REMVCFGS REMVCFGS Cubic-foot volume of a growing-stock tree on timberland for removal purposes
Measurement type: Ratio
Measurement type: Nominal SALVCD SALVCD Salvable dead code
Measurement type: Nominal SAWHT SAWHT Sawlog height
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY1A_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY1A_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 1A, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY1B_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY1B_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 1B, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY1_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY1_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 1, Pacific Northwest Research Station for years 2001-2004
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY2A_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY2A_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 2A, Pacific Northwest Research Station starting in 2005
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY2B_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY2B_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 2B, Pacific Northwest Research Station starting in 2005
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY2_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY2_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 2, Pacific Northwest Research Station for years 2001-2004
Measurement type: Nominal SEVERITY3_CD_PNWRS SEVERITY3_CD_PNWRS Damage severity 3, Pacific Northwest Research Station for years 2001-2004
Measurement type: Nominal SITREE SITREE Site index for the tree
Measurement type: Nominal SPCD Species code Species Code
Measurement type: Nominal SPGRPCD SPGRPCD Species group code
Measurement type: Nominal STANDING_DEAD_CD STANDING_DEAD_CD Standing dead code
Measurement type: Nominal STATECD STATECD STATE Code
Measurement type: Nominal STATUSCD STATUSCD STATUS Code
Measurement type: Nominal STOCKING STOCKING Tree stocking
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:SUBCYCLE SUBCYCLE Inventory subcycle number
Measurement type: Nominal SUBP SUBP Subplot number
Measurement type: Nominal TOTAGE TOTAGE Total age
Measurement type: Interval
Units:TPAGROW_UNADJ TPAGROW_UNADJ Growth trees per acre unadjusted
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:TPAMORT_UNADJ TPAMORT_UNADJ Mortality trees per acre per year unadjusted
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:TPAREMV_UNADJ TPAREMV_UNADJ Removal trees per acre per year unadjusted
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:TPA_UNADJ TPA_UNADJ Trees per acre unadjusted
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:TRANSCD TRANSCD Transparency Code
Measurement type: Nominal TREE TREE Tree record number
Measurement type: Nominal TREECLCD TREECLCD Tree class code
Measurement type: Nominal TREECLCD_NCRS TREECLCD_NCRS Tree class code, North Central Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal TREECLCD_NERS TREECLCD_NERS Tree class code, Northeastern Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal TREECLCD_RMRS TREECLCD_RMRS Tree class code, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal TREECLCD_SRS TREECLCD_SRS Tree class code, Southern Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal TREEGRCD TREEGRCD Tree grade code
Measurement type: Nominal TREEHISTCD TREEHISTCD Tree history code
Measurement type: Nominal UNCRCD UNCRCD Uncompacted live crown ratio
Measurement type: Nominal UNITCD UNITCD Survey unit code
Measurement type: Nominal UNKNOWN_DAMTYP1_PNWRS UNKNOWN_DAMTYP1_PNWRS Unknown damage type 1, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal UNKNOWN_DAMTYP2_PNWRS UNKNOWN_DAMTYP2_PNWRS Unknown damage type 2, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Measurement type: Nominal UPPER_DIA UPPER_DIA Measurement type: Nominal UPPER_DIA_HT UPPER_DIA_HT Measurement type: Nominal VOLBFGRS VOLBFGRS Gross board-foot volume in the sawlog portion of a sawtimber tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLBFNET VOLBFNET Net board-foot volume in the sawlog portion of a sawtimber tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLCFGRS VOLCFGRS Gross cubic-foot volume
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLCFNET VOLCFNET Net cubic-foot volume
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLCFSND VOLCFSND Sound cubic-foot volume
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLCSGRS VOLCSGRS Gross cubic-foot volume in the sawlog portion of a sawtimber tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLCSNET VOLCSNET Net cubic-foot volume in the sawlog portion of a sawtimber tree
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:VOLCSSND VOLCSSND Measurement type: WDLDSTEM WDLDSTEM Woodland tree species stem count
Measurement type: Nominal Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
No site characteristics recorded for this dataset