Dataset Overview

Survey and questionnaire data from the project.

See Full Dataset Documentation


Dataset used to address three questions: 1) What is the public’s acceptability of alternative levels of development? 2) Is acceptability of development influenced by wildlife presence information? and 3) Is the maximum amount of acceptable development influenced by views about wildlife, involvement in recreation, and demographic characteristics?

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset has been completed

Start date


End date



3641 records with 43 fields

Data Availability

Available for download

Data License

Preferred Citation

James Murdoch (2017) Survey and questionnaire data. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/development-acceptability/dataset/survey-questionnaire-data

Update Frequency

As needed

Maintenance Plan

Maintenance by project leads: Espenshade, Murdoch, and Donovan.


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