Dataset Overview

This dataset corresponds to a project investigating whether cold-air pooling influences forest composition and function. The data include hourly sub-canopy air temperatures (measured continuously via ibuttons) and forest forest composition data for 48 plots along 9 transects in 3 sites across New England, USA. The temperature data also include surface lapse rates and temperature gradients across transects, as well as a designation indicating the presence or absence of a temperature inversion. We found that sites with the most frequent temperature inversions also displayed vegetation inversions across slopes, with more cold-adapted species at low instead of high elevations.

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Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset is ongoing

Start date


Data Availability

This dataset is available to download from another website

Data License

Linked - Third party determines data license

Preferred Citation

Pastore, Melissa A.; Classen, Aimée T.; D'Amato, Anthony W.; English, Marie E.; Rand, Karin; Foster, Jane R.; Adair, E. Carol. 2024. Frequent and strong cold‐air pooling drives temperate forest composition. Ecology and Evolution. 14(4): e11126. 14 p.

Update Frequency

As needed

Maintenance Plan

Not provided


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