
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
DownloadableAcorn mast data (1995-2023), Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NYAcorn abundance has been tracked annually since 1995 at Black Rock Forest (BRF), Cornwall, NY between September and October to coincide with peak acorn drop. From 1995 to 2010 all acorns were counted
within a circular plot thrown 10 times at 15 to 20 locations throughout BRF. Beginning in 2004 individual oak trees were visited and DBH and number of acorns under the drip line of the tree were counted at the same 15 to 20 locations within BRF.

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1995-01-02 to 2024-07-29
DownloadablePrecipitation record from Old Headquarters, Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NY 1960 - 2023Black Rock Forest has been measuring precipitation using an aluminum bucket gauge since 1960. Total rainfall is measured after each event to the nearest hundredth of an inch. Snow depth is measured ad
jacent to the bucket and snow in the collection bucket is melted to determine the snow water equivalent. The gauge is located in a meadow at 129 Continental Road, Cornwall, New York.

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1960-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTree species identity, diameter and qualitative canopy health measurements (full, partial or dead) from 2005 to 2023 on 12 experimental oak loss plots in Black Rock Forest, NY.Black Rock Forest established a series of 12, 0.56 ha plots in 2005 to assess impacts of the loss of tree in the genus Quercus on the forest ecosystem (entitled the Future of Oak Forests experimen
t). Three trunk girdling treatments, with control plots were instituted in 2008. Each plot also contained an ~10m by ~15m deer exclosure to assess the impact of herbivory post-disturbance. Trees were measured twice per year from 2008 to 2013 (except 2009 when trees were measured once) and once per year from 2014 to 2023. Data include tree species identity, diameter at breast height (DBH), canopy health (a qualitative assessment of approximate cover as full, partial or dead), presence/absence of sprouts, and location within the plot. All live trees equal to or larger than 2.5 cm DBH are included in the dataset.

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2005-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTree species, diameter, and canopy class records for 4-paired plots in Black Rock Forest, NY, since 1931Black Rock Forest maintains eight long-term forest monitoring plots in Cornwall, NY. Four pairs of plots were established in 1931 to compare thinning treatments to nearby control plots. Four plots are
approximately 0.25 acres and the other four are 0.1 acres. Tree species, diameter at breast height, height and canopy class have been measured on all stems greater than 1 inch in diameter since 1931. Plots were revisited every five years until the 1990s and annually from 1994 to 2023.

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1931-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableTree species, diameter, regeneration, and herbaceous cover from 218 plots in 1985 in Black Rock Forest, NYA stand inventory was completed in 1985 in Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NY across 3112 acres. Trees greater than 2" in diameter at breast height (DBH) were tallied using a 10 basal area factor prism i
n 218 plots across 71 stands. For each tree, species, DBH, number of eight foot pieces, overall form, crown class, and any special notes were recorded. Regeneration was measured at each location by tallying all trees less than 2" DBH in a 2-m radius plot. Shrub and herbaceous cover at each location were also tallied in a 2-m radius plot.

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1985-01-01 (ongoing)