Details and Metadata
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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Sample Locations
Started: 2012-08-13The majority of sample locations were established using a grid system at the scale of the entire SFMA area. Additional samples have been established in specific stands or forest areas, also on area specific grids. All sample locations are given and recorded using UTM coordinates in meters for UTM Zone 19 with reference to the North American Datum for 1983 (NAD83). If a sample location is substantially different (>30-50+ft) of the location given by the GPS unit (the catalogued location) the correct location should be recorded in the field. A minimum of 100 averaged readings must be taken. *Record the actual (not as planned) GPS coordinates as UTM northing and easting on the data sheet.
Finding/Marking the Sample Center:
Started: 2012-08-13When approaching the GPS location, look for bark-scribed trees and witness tree tags as well as tree ID numbers in blue paint. Look for the rebar/steel center pin, plastic flagging may be visible on the pin or trees around it, the witness tree azimuths and distances can help in finding an obscured pin. If the plot center pin cannot be found, consider returning with a metal detector to find the pin if it became buried. Otherwise re-establish the plot center, marked with a rebar pin driven partly into the ground, based on tree azimuths and distances. Hang a long-tailed flag as close to the plot center as possible.
Instrumentation: Garmin GPS unit with averaging capability, Spare Batteries, Suunto compass or mirror type sighting compass set for azimuths, Metal Detector, Flagging, Rebar Pin
Plot Perimeter
Started: 2012-08-13Tree distance will be measured from plot center to the center side of the tree stump. Borderline “out” trees will be marked with an “X” at approximate DBH using blue tube paint.
Instrumentation: Garmin GPS unit with averaging capability, Spare Batteries, Suunto compass or mirror type sighting compass set for azimuths, Metal Detector, Flagging, Rebar Pin, Blue Tube Paint
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information Aspect Aspect Measurement type: Briggs_Site_Class Briggs_Site_Class Measurement type: BSPAID BSPAID Measurement type: Cruisers Cruisers Measurement type: Nominal Date_Established Date_Established Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: M/D/YYYYDatum Datum Measurement type: Nominal DBH DBH Measurement type: DiaRange_in DiaRange_in Measurement type: Nominal Elevation Elevation Measurement type: Exp_Factor Exp_Factor Measurement type: H_Line_Azi H_Line_Azi Measurement type: H_Line_Dist H_Line_Dist Measurement type: Measurement_Year Measurement_Year Measurement type: MUID MUID Measurement type: Nominal NRCSSoilDrainage NRCSSoilDrainage Measurement type: Nominal NRCSSoilmusym NRCSSoilmusym Measurement type: Nominal NRCSSoilname NRCSSoilname Measurement type: Nominal OBJECTID OBJECTID Measurement type: ParentSID ParentSID Measurement type: Nominal Projection Projection Measurement type: Nominal Quality Quality Measurement type: Nominal Remark Remark Measurement type: Nominal Remarks Remarks Measurement type: Nominal SamClass SamClass Measurement type: Nominal SamPopType SamPopType Measurement type: Nominal SamSysType SamSysType Measurement type: Nominal SID SID Measurement type: Site_Index Site_Index Measurement type: Site_Index_SP_FVS_ Site_Index_SP_FVS_ Measurement type: Nominal Slope_Percent Slope_Percent Measurement type: Species Species Measurement type: Nominal Status Status Measurement type: Nominal Stem_Count Stem_Count Measurement type: Strata Strata Measurement type: Nominal TallyGT0 TallyGT0 Measurement type: Nominal TenYrBaseStartYr TenYrBaseStartYr Measurement type: Total_HGT Total_HGT Measurement type: Tree_Number Tree_Number Measurement type: Units Units Measurement type: Nominal X_east_END X_east_END Measurement type: X_east_Start X_east_Start Measurement type: Year_Established Year_Established Measurement type: Y_north_END Y_north_END Measurement type: Y_north_Start Y_north_Start Measurement type: Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
Current Equipment
100' Loggers or fiberglass tape
Acts as back up for Haglof Vertex Hypsometer to measure distances from center.
Aluminum nails
Used for marking trees
Blue Nel-spot paint and paintgun: spare nozzles, tip cleaning probe, and small pliers
Used to mark trees
D-tape (inches)
Used to measure tree diameters
Diameter Fork
Used as an alternative method to measure tree diameter
Extra plot center pins
Used in the case that center pins are ruined or can't be found
Flat aluminum tags
Used to tag witness trees around plot center
Garmin GPS unit with averaging capability: spare batteries
Used to relocate plots and to mark new plots if needed
Haglof plot center pole and 360 degree mount
Used with Haglof Vertex IV Hypsometer to hold unit up while researcher measures tree heights and horizontal distances
Haglof Vertex IV Hypsometer: spare batteries (AA)
Used to measure tree heights and horizontal distance
Used to fix or pulls nails
Nelson blue tree marking tube paint
Used to mark trees
Suunto compass or mirror type sighting compass set for azimuths
Used with Garmin GPS to navigate to and from plots.
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
North West Corner of Baxter State Park (SFMA)