Viewing a version of dataset "Total Days of Snow Cover Regional"
Version name: NY_SE snow depth for indicators 20201111
This page provides information about a version of dataset "Total Days of Snow Cover Regional" that was created. This version information can be used to accurately cite the dataset at a particular point in time, and to define dynamic subsets of data as they were used in publications or reports.
This approach to creating versions is built upon the of the
- Purpose
Snow cover is projected to decrease in depth, duration, and extent under climate change. Lack of sufficient snow cover can make tree roots vulnerable to freezing damage and cause nutrients to be leached from the soil. Also, the melting of snow in late winter can provide a steady supply of water to trees when they are preparing for bud break. Snow cover fluctuations above or below the mean may result in undesirable conditions for native forest species.
- Version Name
- NY_SE snow depth for indicators 20201111
- Version ID
- 15
- Version Type
- Subset
- Created Date
- 2020-11-11 12:14:18
- Creator
- Matthias Sirch
- No DOI Assigned
- Download
Available for download
- Data License
- Parent Version
- Go to Parent Version