The purpose of this effort is to support the adoption of farm practices that promote the well-being of pollinators, through education and applied research, in collaboration with other agencies, organizations. and people doing similar work.
Pollinators are essential to the production of many food crops. More than 100 U.S. grown crops rely on pollinators, which add an estimated $18 billion in crop production revenue. Pollinators also support healthy ecosystems needed for clean air, stable soils, and a diverse wildlife.
Both wild and domesticated pollinators are at risk. Honeybees are of concern nationwide, as the number of hives has decreased from 6 million in the 1940s to about 2.5 million today. Wild pollinators such as some species of bumblebees are also in serious decline. The reasons for these declines include exposure to parasites and pesticides, loss of floral abundance and diversity due to changes in land use, and habitat destruction which limits nesting sites for wild pollinators.
The good news is that there are many well-described practices that farmers and other landowners can take to support pollinator health. This web site includes a collection of links to information that is relevant to pollinator health in agricultural settings in Vermont and the region.
The education and applied research provided by this program are primarily funded through grants and gifts, and we .
"Do You Know Your 5?" Pollinator Support Factsheet Series (PSFS)
There are more than 350 species of wild bees in Vermont and each of the following factsheets spotlights the five bees which are most important to pollination of these fruits or vegetables. Each factsheet explains pollination factors, habitat, and species identification. By identifying and understanding the natural history of these bees, you can provide the specific habitat that will help to ensure resilient and abundant pollination, and the tasty treats that result from the bee/plant relationship.
- Apple (PDF) (PSFS-001)
- Blueberry (PSFS-002, PDF) (PSFS-002)
- Bramble (PSFS-003, PDF) (PSFS-003)
- Ground Cherry and Tomatillo (PDF) (PSFS-004)
- Squash (PDF) (PSFS-005)
- Stone Fruit (PDF) (PSFS-006)
- Strawberry (PDF) (PSFS-007)
- Cover Crop Insects (PDF) (PSFS-008)
The “Do You Know Your 5?” factsheet series is a project of the Vermont Pollinator Working Group, with funding from the Gund Institute’s Apis Fund.
Farming Practices to Support Pollinators
- Creating Pollinator Habitat to Help Northeast Farmers Adapt to Climate Change (PDF)
- Data sheet for monitoring pollinators in crops - ̽̽ Extension (PDF)
- Managing Legume Cover Crops to Optimize Pollinators - ̽̽ Extension (PDF)
- Protecting Wild Bees with Commercial Bumble Bee Queen Excluders - ̽̽ Extension (PDF)
- Bee Pollination in Vermont Highbush Blueberries - ̽̽ Extension (PDF)
- Pollinators in Vermont Blueberries - Univ. of Vermont (PDF)
- Using Commercial Bumble Bees for Highbush Blueberry Pollination - ̽̽ Extension (PDF)
- Homestead Pollinator Habitat Enhancement Planning - Jane Sorensen (PDF)
- Vermont Pollinator Plants - annual and perennial flowers and trees with descriptions - Jane Sorenson (PDF)
Pasture and Hay
- Developing a Bee-Friendly Pasture System - Univ. of Vermont (PDF)
- Flowering Legumes for Horse, Pollinator, and Perennial Pasture Health (PDF)
Pumpkins and Squash
Identifying Wild Pollinators
Managing Pesticide Use to Protect Pollinators
Organizations Working to Protect Pollinators
- Gund Institute - University of Vermont
- - Wild Bee Survey
Pollinator Habitat
Pollinator Research
- Enhancing Nectar Production with...Alsike and White Clover in Vermont Hay Fields (PDF)
- Mulch Effects on Floral Resources and Fruit Production of Squash, and on Pollination and Nesting by Squash Bees (PDF)
- Pollinators in Vermont Blueberries (PDF)
- Potential Influence of Bumble Bee Visitation on Foraging Behaviors and Assemblages of Honey Bees on Squash Flowers in Highland Agricultural Ecosystems (PDF)
- Soil Properties and Biochemical Composition of Ground-dwelling Bee Nests in Agricultural Settings (PDF)
- To Mow or to Mow Less: Lawn mowing frequency affects bee abundance and diversity in suburban yards (PDF)
- [Northeast region]
- Wild Bee Visitation Rates Exceed Pollination Thresholds in Commercial Curcubita Agroecosystems (PDF)
Events and Projects
See the winter 2024 VVBGA / ̽̽ Extension webinar series (PDF)
in support of the program. Thank You!
For more information about this program, contact:
- Laura Johnson (, ̽̽ Extension Pollinator Support Specialist
- Vern Grubinger (, ̽̽ Extension Vegetable and Berry Specialist