March 28th, 2024

Dear students,

̽̽ Police and Safety Teams were contacted early this week by staff from ̽̽ Medical Center Emergency Department. Staff reported that, over the weekend, more than one college-aged woman sought medical attention for a suspected incapacitating or “date rape” drug incident. ̽̽ Police received a similar anonymous report from a third party over the weekend as well. These incidents were reported to have occurred in more than one off-campus location. Investigation is ongoing and anyone with information is urged to contact ̽̽ Police at 802-656-3473.

Additionally, we urge all ̽̽ community members to be vigilant if attending a party or frequenting bars and restaurants. Anyone can be targeted in an incident such as this, through no fault of their own. Here are a few important steps you can take to reduce risk:
• Don't put your drink down. If your drink is out of sight, even for a few minutes, don't finish it. Get a new one.
• Don't accept an open drink from anyone. If you order a drink in a bar, make sure you watch the bartender open the bottle or mix your drink.
• Avoid drinking from punch bowls or open containers being shared.
• Consider using a drink cover. The Student Government Association will be distributing them during a tabling event in April.
• If you feel any of the symptoms—including but not limited to weakness, slurred speech, loss of motor coordination, visual impairment, or blackout/loss of consciousness—get help immediately. Ask for a screening test. Though traces of the drug may still appear up to 72 hours after ingestion (depending on dosage and individual metabolism), the chances of getting an accurate test are best when the sample is obtained quickly.
The university has an incapacitating drug screening initiative to lower barriers to testing. Details can be found on the Incapacitating Drug Screening Initiative Webpage.

Michael Schirling
Chief Safety and Compliance Officer