
Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award | Division of Faculty Affairs (DOFA) | ̽̽(title)

The Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award annually recognizes a faculty member at ̽̽ who has achieved displaying and enacting responsiveness, availability, concern, respect, depth of knowledge and excellence in undergraduate academic advising. This Award is a collaboration of the Office of the Provost, the Student Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate, and the Student Government Association. The Award recipient will receive a taxable cash award of $1,000. Recipients will be listed in a display in Waterman in recognition of their outstanding contributions as academic faculty advisors to undergraduate students.

The AY 2023-2024 Award Recipient is:

Dana Rowangould

Assistant Professor Dana Rowangould, Ph.D.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Dana Rowangould is an excellent teacher and advisor whose research draws from engineering, transportation and land use policy and planning, transportation justice, energy use, transportation accessibility, air quality, and health. She purposefully and thoughtfully connects her students in a way that puts them in a position to succeed. The sense of community and collaborative atmosphere she creates within her research group enhances the educational experience she provides her students with the space and opportunity to succeed. To quote one of her students, “…Dr. Rowangould’s attentiveness and willingness to have in-depth and wide-ranging conversations with her students helps us to explore our interests more freely. It is through many of these conversations with Dr. Rowangould that I have been able to more deeply explore my interests in transportation and related fields, and I am fairly certain that many of her other advisees feel the same.”


Any full-time ̽̽ faculty member engaged in undergraduate advising is eligible for the award.

The evidence must demonstrate the nominee’s performance is excellent in all or most or the following areas:

  • Helps students to understand academic requirements, policies and practices
  • Helps students clarify their goals and direction
  • Helps students make informed decisions
  • Helps students plan for life after graduation
  • Makes students aware of opportunities for academic and personal growth and development
  • Helps students create and make use of formal and informal networks throughout the University
  • Helps students realize their maximum educational potential
  • Connects students with on-campus resources and support services as appropriate
  • Displays responsiveness, availability, concern, respect and depth of knowledge
  • Strives for continuous improvement as an advisor
Nomination Process

Any student, faculty or staff member at ̽̽ may nominate an advisor. The primary nomination must be endorsed by three other individuals who have direct knowledge of the candidate’s performance as an academic advisor:

  • The faculty member’s department chair or other direct supervisor;
  • A current student; and
  • At least one other individual (student, staff, faculty, alumni).

The primary nominator is responsible for soliciting the additional endorsements.

̽̽ faculty nominated for The Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award will be asked for a personal statement on their philosophy, approach to and methods for academic advising.

Nomination material should be submitted with the "Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award Nomination” as the file name no later than 11:59 PM on February 1st.

Award Committee

Nominations will be vetted by a special committee composed of two members of the Senate Student Affairs Committee, two undergraduate students appointed by the Student Government Association, the previous year's recipient and chaired by a Faculty Senate Representative. The Committee may choose to conduct interviews with the strongest nominees and will develop a short list of finalists with recommendations to the Office of the Provost for approval. The final decision for the award will rest with the Provost.

Award Review Committee

Review Committee Chair: Scott Van Keuren, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences

Review Committee Members:

  • Matthew Carlson, Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Arts & Sciences
  • Alison K. Brody, Professor, Department of Biology, College of Arts & Sciences; a recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award and 1998 Assistant Professor Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award 
  • Isra (Izzie) Khan, First-Year Student; Senator, SGA Club Affairs Committee
  • Raemi Charles, Junior Year Student; Senator, SGA Committee on the Environment
  • Jennifer Dickinson, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Student Success; Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences (ex-officio committee member)
Selection Timeline
  • December 1, annually:  Call for nominations opens.
  • February 1, annually:  Nominations due.
  • February 1 - March 30: Nomination reviewed by Awards Committee.
  • April 1 - Awards Committee submits list of finalists to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at Jokech@uvm.edu. Copy submissions to Jennifer Diaz (she/her) at Jennifer.Diaz@uvm.edu.
  • May 1 - The Provost announces award recipient.

For more information contact Jennifer Diaz (she/her) at Jennifer.Diaz@uvm.edu