• Approximately

The Student Government at ̽̽ is made up of 42 senators, as well as a President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Each of the 42 senators are placed on one of eight standing committees. These committees focus on areas of student experience ranging from academic policy to social equity. Read about what we’re currently working on to learn more about SGA committees.


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Mahder Teferra


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Liv Bednarik


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Matt Sorensen


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Speaker of the Senate

Kennedy Connors



Mission Statement: “WE, the students of ̽̽ Student Government Association, in order to establish the official representative voice of the undergraduate student body: to realize student power, to have a major role in the decision-making process at the University, and to promote the welfare of the academic, cultural, and social aspects of ̽̽ Community, and, with the authority recognized and vested by the Board of Trustees and by this Constitution, we do hereby establish an association of governance.

̽̽ Student Government Association, as a representative of ̽̽ community, values and upholds the pillars of Our Common Ground: Respect, Integrity, Innovation, Openness, Justice, and Responsibility. This association or any part thereof shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, sex, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, veteran status, age, economic or social class, major, or minor.”

Club Affairs Committee

The Club Affairs Committee is responsible for overseeing all activities related to SGA organizations. They consider all requests for new club recognitions and submit them before the SGA Senate for approval. This committee is responsible for keeping close contact with club officials to ensure that things are running smoothly and that they are correctly following all SGA and ̽̽ policies and guidelines. The Club Affairs Committee will assist in conduct violations in conjunction with Student Conduct and .

Chair: McKenna Halvorson
Senators: Robert Demeo, Kennedy Connors, Merrick Modun, and Jaden Grace

Find out more on the Club Affairs Committee's website, on the or contact Committee Chair: McKenna.Halvorson@uvm.edu.

Committee on the Environment

The Committee on the Environment (CoE) is responsible for making ̽̽'s campus a truly environmentally aware space through their many sustainable clubs and events. CoE encourages these clubs to take action through a monthly meeting called ECO (The Environmental Collaboration Organization) where together clubs collaborate and engage on different environmental concerns. They work on planning different events on campus and communicate to administrators ways to make ̽̽ climate ready, sustainable, and a healthy ecosystem that includes campus in an overall environmental ecosystem.

Chair: James Surak
Senators: Matisse Arnone, Wyatt Washko, Kelsey Lynch, and Rawley Gottfurcht

Find out more on the Committee on the Environment's website, on the or contact Committee Chair: James.Surak@uvm.edu

Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

The Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (CODIE) is committed to ensuring that all students on our University’s campus are heard, supported, and included. There is always room for improvement within the realm of Social Justice, and CODIE’s job is to continue this work in a variety of ways. They strive to never ignore, and always act on the issues facing ̽̽ students pertaining to their identities.They are not only a resource to guide students in the right direction, but they also serve as the official liaison between the students and the ̽̽ Administration when dealing with such matters. CODIE is always eager to hear how we at ̽̽ can do better, along with what we can continue to work on to make our campus climate better for everyone.

Chair: Rubi Espejo
Senators: Chiara Petracek, Leah Theroux, Sara Ambrose, and Suraj Joshi

Find out more on the Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity's website, on the or contact Committee Chair: Rubi.Espejo@uvm.edu

Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations (PR) Committee is responsible for branding, marketing, and outreach to the ̽̽ student body. The committee works diligently to inform the student body of ̽̽ and SGA events, activities, and policies. The PR committee creates enticing promotional materials for SGA events, drafts statements to local organizations and media outlets, and manages SGA social media outlets to ensure awareness and accessibility of SGA.

Chair: Merrick Modun

Find out more on the Public Relations Committee's website, on the or contact Committee Chair: Merrick.Modun@uvm.edu

Committee on Student Action and Well-Being (CSAW)

The Committee on Student Action and Well-Being (CSAW) is dedicated to helping the student body navigate the many facets of campus life by aiding in propelling students’ initiatives and by spreading awareness of the resources available to them. CSAW engages with many different issues and conversations on-campus, such as transportation, , counseling, and . Our focus is on student health and well-being, specifically working to normalize the conversation around mental health, and by facilitating an environment of mindfulness, good health, and self-love.

Chair: Zorianna Petrosyan
Senators: Magda Keppel, Carter Purple, Megan Steele, Rachel Bibens

Find out more on the Committee on Student Action and Well-Being's website, on the or contact Committee Chair: Zorianna.Petrosyan@uvm.edu

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the SGA’s club budgets. They make decisions and recommend allocation actions to the Senate on proposed funding of SGA organizations. It is the goal of the Finance Committee to assist clubs in funding events and provide them with resources to fulfill their club’s mission, while enhancing the ̽̽ student experience. The Finance Committee makes decisions with careful calculation, by considering the club’s reach to their members and affiliates, the longevity of their group, current and past actions, and SGA Financial Documents. The committee works in conjunction with the SGA Treasurer and Business Manager to ensure that all financial information is accounted for and transparent to the clubs.

The committee meets weekly with clubs and organizations requesting supplemental funding and manages the budgeting process that occurs each February.

Chair: Eloise Murphy
Senators: Thomas Peterson, Andrew Ranallo, Maddie Rice, and Polina Zubarev

Find out more on the or contact Committee Chair: Eloise.Murphy@uvm.edu

Committee on Legislative and Community Affairs (COLCA)

The Committee on Legislative and Community Affairs (COLCA) acts as the student link between ̽̽ and the local, state, and federal communities. One of COLCA’s main priorities is to cultivate the unique, dependent relationship between ̽̽, Burlington, and the state of Vermont, and to include students in conversations between these entities. COLCA works closely with the to plan community clean-ups, assist with off-campus outreach, and to help chair the Community Coalition - a space for both students and community members to talk about previous work, progress, and complaints that involve the university and/or the Burlington community. Utilizing all of its relationships, COLCA will foster amicable, productive relationships between the ̽̽, Burlington, and Vermont communities.

Chair: Emily Garcia
Senators: Nathan Reeder, Cat Jones, Cameron Laychak, and Vikyat Mulpuri

Find out more on the Committee on Legislative and Community Affairs' website, on or contact Committee Chair: Emily.A.Garcia@uvm.edu

Academic Affairs Committee (AA)

The Academic Affairs Committee (AA) addresses matters of student interest regarding academic policy, curriculum, and faculty-student relations and brings concerns to the Senate. Committee members sit on the Curricular Committee and the Student Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate and address student concerns at meetings. The committee formed and oversees the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Advisory Board: a group of twelve undergraduate students that advise the Dean on student concerns. The committee engages in projects intended to improve academic life and accessibility across all colleges. Recent projects include efforts to include course descriptions in registration information, increase the number of credits allowed per semester, and review academic advising.

Chair: Lauren Knopp
Senators: David Richardson, Amblen Isenhour, and Nora Carroll-Millins

Find out more on the Academic Affairs Committee's website, on the or contact Committee Chair: Lauren.Knopp@uvm.edu

Judicial Committee

The Judicial Committee works to ensure that the Constitution, SGA Operational Documents, Our Common Ground, and the Speaker’s Rules of Order are properly interpreted and followed by all members of the SGA. The Judicial Committee also acts asa resource to promote accountability and to establish a means of resolving internal SGA issues. A link to the SGA Violation Report form can be found .

Chair: TBD
Senators: TBD

Find out more via the or contact Committee Chair: TBD

people presenting in front of a display at an sga meeting

Meeting Minutes

Get a play-by-play on what was discussed at each SGA meeting, check out your senator's voting record, and see what legislation is being talked about.

View SGA Meeting Recaps→

Engaging Events

We host and partner with different clubs, offices, and departments to bring amazing, informative, and helpful events to our campus throughout the academic year.

students using the sga office space

Let's Chat

Student Government Association
Dudley H. Davis Center
590 Main Street, Room 311
Burlington, VT 05405

Phone: (802) 656-2053
Fax: (802) 656-7719
E-Mail: uvmsga@uvm.edu

Judicial Review

An anonymous form for students/faculty/staff to fill out if they have any concerns about a senator's actions or behavior.

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