Areas of Expertise
Professor • Department Chair
Biomechanics of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, exoskeletons and low back injury risk, balance and falls, ergonomics
Reuben Escorpizo, PT, M.Sc., D.P.T.
Clinical Professor
Functioning and disability, work rehabilitation, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, outcomes measurement, instrument development and validation, clinical practice guideline, general physical therapy
Associate Professor
Sports medicine, knee injury prevention and treatment, shoulder injury prevention and treatment
Ann Marie Feretti, Ed.D., OTR/L, CHT
Clinical Assistant Professor
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), orthotic fabrication and design, traumatic injuries of the upper extremity, rehabilitation for brachial plexus reconstruction, mentoring and professional clinical education, healthcare leadership and management
Associate Professor
Exercise and physical activity adherence, influence of environment and technology on physical activity behavior, strategies for healthy aging.
Clinical Assistant Professor • Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Low Vision Certification, treatments related to fall prevention, geriatrics, neurological rehabilitation, progressive degenerative conditions
Postural control and fall risk in adults with multiple sclerosis, physical and psychological outcomes of exercise for individuals with multiple sclerosis, physical activity and health in people with multiple sclerosis.
Margaret Maynard M.Ed., OTR/L, OTD, BCP, CHT, FNAP
Capstone Coordinator
Certified hand therapist, board certified in pediatrics, sensory integration and praxis test certified, therapeutic listening
Rebecca Ouellette-Morton, PT, M.S., D.P.T.
Clinical Associate Professor
Integration of function, nutrition, and cardiovascular components to address individual and community wellness and quality of life, interprofessional oncology rehabilitation, lymphedema and swelling disorders, cultural immersion experiences and cultural competency, travel study.
Denise Peters, PT, D.P.T., Ph.D.
Associate Professor • Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Director
Neural correlates of motor impairment and recovery post-stroke, gait rehabilitation and neuromechanics, wearable technologies, physical activity assessment
Victoria Priganc, Ph.D., OTR, CHT, CLT, ECHM, FNAP
Occupational Therapy Program Director • Clinical Associate Professor
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT), hand rehabilitation, manual edema mobilization, orthosis, Executive Certificate in Home Modifications (ECHM) from the University of Southern California, aging-in-place
Jeremy Sibold, Ed.D., ATC, NBC - HWC
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
The relationship between exercise and mental health, the relationship between psychosocial variables and athletic injury
Paula Smith, PT, M.A.S., D.P.T., GCS
Clinical Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Education
Analysis of structured clinical education in transition to workplace, service learning to engage student learning in geriatrics, leadership in D.P.T. education.
Associate Professor of Exercise Science • Graduate Program Director of Physical Activity and Wellness Science • Director of Physical Activity and Wellness Laboratory
Prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent obesity.
Associate Professor
Treatment of post-traumatic osteoarthritis and chronic disease with therapeutic exercise and its relationship with changes in biochemical, biomechanical, MRI, clinical- and patient-oriented outcomes, Osteoarthritis imaging (radiographic and MRI) and biomarker evaluation, effectiveness of surgical techniques and rehabilitation following orthopaedic injuries, physical activity as it relates to the prevention, evaluation, and rehabilitation of orthopaedic injuries
Lecturer and Research Affiliate • Clinical Assistant Professor
Instructional programs: Environmental Studies, Natural Resources, Integrative Health
Research: Human health and the environment, socio-ecological consequences of medical care, health benefits of nature contact, ethnographic methods
Carissa Wengrovius, PT, D.P.T., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Pediatric physical therapy, infant and child development, mind-body practices
Karen Westervelt, PT, ATC, NBC-HWC, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate Professor • Osher Center for Integrative Health Education Director
Integrative Health & Wellness Coaching, Integrative Health, Physical Therapy, orthopedic manual therapy, post-professional physical therapist education, international collaborations in health care, novel mentoring techniques for new clinicians and clinicians in rural settings, Kinesiology, biomechanics, travel study