Transportation Workforce Development and Education

Since its inception, the ̽̽ TRC has had a focus on developing resources, programs, and partnerships to advance the education of future generations of transportation workers, and support the continuous learning and upskilling necessary for the current workforce to be successful. The ̽̽ TRC currently hosts the Northeast Transportation Workforce Center () and has supported graduate and undergraduate learning in Sustainable Transportation Systems across the disciplines and can now point to a wide array of alumni working in many different capacities around the country (See ̽̽ TRC Alumni Profiles).

Transportation Education Development Pilot Project (TEDPP)

̽̽ Transportation Research Center established the Transportation Education Development Pilot Project (TEDPP) to address these key challenges through four demonstration programs. The pilot program was initiated in 2008 with a U.S. Department of Transportation million-dollar award. The results of that work can be accessed below. The ̽̽ TRC was part of the leadership team that hosted the National Transportation Workforce Summit in April 2012 and organized the 2013 TRB session “After the National Transportation Workforce Summit: Answering the Call for Action.” The final report on the summit is the PDF icon Framework for Action.

Since the end of the pilot program, FHWA consolidated their workforce efforts into the . They also funded the creation of five regional surface transportation workforce centers, the , with the intent of building on the success of the pilot programs, creating active resource centers and new partnerships around the country. The ̽̽ TRC was chosen to host the .


Our Four Demonstration Projects*

*This material is based upon work supported by the Federal Highway Administration under Grant No. DTFH61-08-G-00007. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the Authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Federal Highway Administration. For more information, contact Glenn McRae ( or 802-656-1317).