On September 13th, the TRC hosted transportation modelers from the Quebec Ministry of Transportation, Marc-Andre Tessier and Tan Minh Phan, and Amy Lee a transportation planner from University of California Davis.  The group gathered at the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) to exchange technical and policy ideas about  travel demand and emissions modeling. The peer exchange workshop also included attendees from the VTrans, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, and the University of Montreal at Quebec.  While general modeling approaches were similar, data availability, policy concerns and planning regulations and requirements varied between locations.  Attendees are moving forward with collaborations related to modeling of electric vehicle adaptation.  Future partnerships include plans for data exchange and technical advising related to province-wide and regional level modeling.

Later that day, Ph.D. candidate Amy Lee presented a seminar on campus titled “Level of Disservice: Implications of Switching from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for Planning and Development Decisions.”  In addition to the group above, the audience included ̽̽ graduate students and many local transportation consultants.  The day’s events were sponsored by the National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST) whose mission includes bringing researchers and policy makers together in both formal and informal settings.

PUBLISHED 10-11-2019