While gaining valuable new skills through coursework, leadership retreats, and monthly programming, an intentionally designed program of support will help our STEM Scholars achieve academic excellence and career, research, and graduate school readiness. All students will participate in a minimum of two paid internships that are either a summer or a semester-long: a research-focused internship and an internship in industry or a medical facility.
Definition of Leadership
Leadership is the ability to influence and guide the direction forward for oneself and others. Becoming a leader might mean becoming the president of a club, but it can be many other things as well. It is discovering your passions and what you want to improve in the world, and then developing the skills and seeking the opportunities to make a difference. This could be through developing deep expertise in a field that you share with others, improving the culture of inclusion on a club team, or developing a project to help a local school community. Leadership is serving as a role model and helping others live up to the high standards of Our Common Ground.
STEM Scholars: Leading Change is a four-year program carefully curated to build experience and leadership skills progressively. The path described below shares what a student can expect in each of the four years:
STEM Scholars Pathway
Cultivating New Leaders
The program will not only allow students to excel in their chosen STEM discipline but also leverage valuable opportunities through networking, mentorship, and dialogue to develop the skills to become technological and social leaders.
Learn how to applyThe STEM Scholars program offers unique opportunities for students to realize their potential:
Scholars will live in the same residence hall for their first two years and have meals together at least once a week. The weekly dinners will offer the opportunity for students to meet with STEM faculty, administrators, community leaders, and heads of local enterprises.
Career Coaching
During the first year Scholars will be provided with focused study time, which will include opportunities to meet with faculty and GTAs from their foundational STEM courses. Scholars will also have a twice a semester meeting with a STEM Career Coach as they learn what they are passionate about and develop a portfolio of activities and skills that enhance their competitiveness for graduate school, medical school, and industry early career leadership programs. The STEM Career Coach, as well as the Fellowship Opportunities and Undergraduate Research (FOUR) office will also support the students as they find their research and internship opportunities.
Scholars will participate in an annual leadership retreat led by campus DEI and leadership development experts. Scholars will have an upper-class mentor, a faculty advisor, and the learning community will have full time staff member to manage program components as well as engage students in the Community Learning Model through themed activities and fun opportunities to meet students beyond the STEM Scholars program.
Example Leadership Retreat Topics
- Leading Change
- The Impact of Inclusive Spaces on Program and People’s success
- The Role of Advocacy in Making Change
- STEM Careers and Social Change
- Using Data for Impact
Example dinner topics
- Finding your leadership strengths
- Cultural Humility
- Walking the Walk
- Building Community
- Community Outreach
- STEM Leaders in the 21st Century
- Success stories in Inclusive Excellence
- Top 20 places to work and why