The table below shows the courses approved for students to fulfill their Arts & Humanities (AH) and Social Science (SS) core electives as well as courses approved to fulfill the General Education (GenEd) requirement in Engineering programs.
CE, EENV, BIOM, and EE students starting in 2020-2021 Catalogue are required to complete 3 cr. Arts & Humanities (AH) and 3 cr. Social Science (SS).
Many of the courses listed below satisfy the University Diversity Requirement (D1 & D2) and the University Sustainability (SU) requirement. Students may double count the CEMS and University requirements only when courses are approved for both requirements.
CEMS Core Curriculum
Program Electives for catalogues 22-23 and earlier
Courses approved for CEMS core and engineering GenEd Requirements
AH: Arts & Humanities Elective
SS: Social Sciences Elective
GenEd: General Education Elective (for engineering students)
Course | AH | SS | Engr. GenEd |
ANTH (all courses) | x | x | |
ARBC (all courses) | x | x | |
ARTH (all courses) | x | x | |
ARTS (all courses) | x | x | |
AS (all courses) | x | ||
ASL (all courses) | x | x | |
BSAD 009. Personal Finance & Investing | x | ||
BSAD 010. SU:The Business Enterprise | x | ||
BSAD 015. Business Communications | x | ||
BSAD 025. Sustainable Bus Strategies | x | ||
BSAD 028. Intro Mgmt US Health Care Syst | x | ||
BSAD 030. Decision Analysis | x | ||
BSAD 101. Business Savvy | x | ||
BSAD 117. Business Law I | x | ||
BSAD 118. Business Law II | x | ||
BSAD 119. Real Estate Law | x | ||
BSAD 120. Leadership & Org Behavior | x | ||
BSAD 123. Collective Barg & Conflict Res | x | ||
BSAD 127. D2: International Management | x | ||
BSAD 128. Doing Business Internationally | x | ||
BSAD 132. Political Envir of Business | x | x | |
BSAD 137. Entrepreneurial Leadership | x | ||
BSAD 147. Green IT & Virtualization | x | ||
BSAD 150. Marketing Management | x | ||
BSAD 153. Consumer Behavior | x | x | |
BSAD 155. Marketing Communications | x | ||
BSAD 156. Product Management | x | ||
BSAD 165. Marketing Analysis and Action | x | ||
BSAD 173. Operations Management | x | ||
BSAD 180. Managerial Finance | x | ||
BSAD 181. Intermediate Financial Mgmt | x | ||
BSAD 183. International Finance Mgmt | x | x | |
BSAD 184. Free Markets & Free Enterprise | x | x | |
BSAD 192. Business Process Improvement | x | ||
BSAD 222. Human Resource Management | x | ||
BSAD 226. Current Iss in Mgmt & Org Thry | x | ||
BSAD 230. Tech, Entr & Commercialization | x | ||
BSAD 235. Entrepreneurial Family Firms | x | ||
BSAD 251. Marketing Research | x | ||
BSAD 252. Marketing Research Practicum | x | ||
BSAD 256. Retail Management | x | ||
BSAD 258. D2: Intn'l Market Analysis | x | x | |
BSAD 259. Sustainable Marketing | x | ||
BSAD 260. Financial Statement Analysis | x | ||
BSAD 263. SU:Environmntl & Social Rprtng | x | ||
CALS 001. Foundations:Communication Meth | x | x | |
CALS 183. Communication Methods | x | x | |
CDAE 002. D2:SU:World Food,Pop & Develop | x | x | |
CDAE 004. D1:US Food, Social Equity &Dev | x | x | |
CDAE 006. Energy Alternatives | x | ||
CDAE 014. Visual Design Studio | x | ||
CDAE 015. Visual Communication | x | ||
CDAE 016. Digital Illustration | x | ||
CDAE 024. Fund of Public Communication | x | x | |
CDAE 030. Applied Design Studio: Wood | x | ||
CDAE 045. Career Builder | x | ||
CDAE 061. SU:Principles of Comm Dev | x | ||
CDAE 066. Comm Entrepren Planning Basics | x | ||
CDAE 095. Career Builder: Resumes | x | ||
CDAE 102. Sustainable Community Dev | x | ||
CDAE 106. Renewable Energy Workshop | x | ||
CDAE 108. Comparative Food Systems | x | x | |
CDAE 118. Visual Presentation Techniques | x | ||
CDAE 119. Event Planning for Athletics | x | ||
CDAE 120. Strategic Writing for PCOM | x | ||
CDAE 121. News Writing Across Media | x | ||
CDAE 123. Media-Policy-Action | x | x | |
CDAE 124. Public Communication Media | x | x | |
CDAE 127. Consumer,Markets&Public Policy | x | x | |
CDAE 128. Strategic Communication | x | x | |
CDAE 129. Communication Law | x | x | |
CDAE 131. Appl Des Studio: Lt Frame Bldg | x | ||
CDAE 137. Landscape Design Fundamentals | x | ||
CDAE 145. Propaganda, Media, & Cit Respn | x | x | |
CDAE 157. Consumer Law and Policy | x | x | |
CDAE 158. Personal and Family Finance | x | ||
CDAE 159. Consumer Assistance Program | x | ||
CDAE 166. Intro to Comm Entrepreneurship | x | ||
CDAE 167. Fin Mgmt: Comm Entrepreneurs | x | ||
CDAE 168. SU:Marketing:Com Entrepreneurs | x | ||
CDAE 170. Solar Strategies Bldg Constrct | x | ||
CDAE 171. Community&Int'l Econ Transform | x | x | |
CDAE 173. Evolving Trends in Int'l Devel | x | x | |
CDAE 174. Global Media & Intl Developmen | x | x | |
CDAE 176. Communicating Science | x | x | |
CDAE 178. Socially Responsible Marketing | x | ||
CDAE 186. Sustain Dev Sm Island States | x | ||
CDAE 205. Rural Comm in Modern Society | x | x | |
CDAE 207. The Real Cost of Food | x | x | |
CDAE 208. Agricultural Policy and Ethics | x | x | |
CDAE 218. Community Org & Development | x | x | |
CDAE 224. Public Communication Capstone | x | ||
CDAE 237. Economics of Sustainability | x | ||
CDAE 238. Ecological Landscape Design | x | ||
CDAE 250. Applied Research Methods | x | ||
CDAE 251. Contemp Policy Iss:Comm Dev | x | x | |
CDAE 253. Macroeconomics for Appl Econ | x | ||
CDAE 254. Microeconomics for Appl Econ | x | ||
CDAE 255. Applied Consumption Economics | x | ||
CDAE 260. Smart Resilient Communities | x | x | |
CDAE 266. Dec Making:Comm Entrepreneurs | x | ||
CDAE 267. Strat Plan:Comm Entrepreneurs | x | ||
CDAE 271. Local Community Initiatives | x | x | |
CDAE 272. Int'l Economic Development | x | x | |
CDAE 273. Project Development & Planning | x | ||
CDAE 276. Community Design Studio | x | ||
CDAE 286. Adv Sust Dev Sm Island States | x | x | |
CHIN (all courses) | x | x | |
CIS 001. SU: Cybersecurity Law & Policy | x | ||
CLAS (all courses) | x | x | |
COMU (all courses) | x | ||
CRES (all courses) | x | ||
CSD (all courses) | x | x | |
DNCE (all courses) | x | ||
EC (all courses) | x | x | |
EDFS 001. D1:Race and Racism in the U.S. | x | x | |
EDFS 002. School and Society | x | x | |
EDFS 203. Soc, Hst & Phil Found of Educ | x | x | |
EDHE (all courses) | x | ||
EDHI (all courses) | x | ||
EDSC (all courses) | x | ||
EDSP (all courses) | x | ||
EDSS (all courses) | x | ||
EDTE 001. Teaching to Make a Difference | x | ||
EDTE 074. SU:Science of Sustainability | x | ||
ENGR 010. D1:Dvrsty Issues:Math/Sci/Egr | x | ||
ENGR 101. Engineering Communications | x | ||
ENGS 005-290 | x | x | |
ENSC (all courses) | x | ||
ENSC 201. Recovery&Restor Altered Ecosys | x | x | |
ENVS (all courses) [2] | x | ||
ENVS 001. SU:Intro to Envrnmtl Studies | x | ||
ENVS 002. D2:SU:International Env Stdies | x | ||
ENVS 107. SU: Human Health & Envirnmt | x | ||
ENVS 121. Ecosystems' Nonmaterial Values | x | x | |
ENVS 142. Intro to Environmental Policy | x | x | |
ENVS 143. Political Ecology | x | x | |
ENVS 165. Enviro Literature, Arts, Media | x | x | |
ENVS 167. D2: Global Env History | x | x | |
ENVS 178. Environmental Ethics | x | x | |
ENVS 179. D2: Ecofeminism | x | x | |
ENVS 180. Radical Environmentalism | x | x | |
ENVS 181. D1:Environmental Justice | x | x | |
ENVS 185. Topics in Enviro Activism | x | x | |
ENVS 188. SU:Sustainability Science | x | x | |
ENVS 189. SU: Intro to Systems Thinking | x | ||
ENVS 212. SU:Advanced Agroecology | x | ||
ENVS 293. Environmental Law | x | x | |
FREN (all courses) | x | x | |
FTS (all courses) [3] | x | ||
FTS 009. History of Television | x | x | |
FTS 010. Contemporary Cinema | x | x | |
FTS 123. Global Studies in Film/TV | x | x | |
FTS 131. Advanced Film/TV Theory | x | x | |
GEOG (all courses) [4] | x | x | |
GEOG 050. D2:SU:Global Envmnts& Cultures | x | x | |
GEOG 060. D1:Geography/Race&Ethnic in US | x | x | |
GEOG 061. Place, Lndscpe, Environment VT | x | x | |
GEOG 070. SU: Society, Place, and Power | x | x | |
GEOG 145. SU: Geography of Water | x | ||
GEOG 148. Global Environmental Change | x | x | |
GEOG 150. D2:Geography of Africa | x | x | |
GEOG 153. The Circumpolar Arctic | x | x | |
GEOG 160. The United States | x | x | |
GEOG 170. Historical Geography | x | x | |
GEOG 173. Political Ecology | x | x | |
GEOG 174. Rural Geography | x | x | |
GEOG 175. Urban Geography | x | x | |
GEOG 178. Gender, Space & Environment | x | x | |
GEOG 184. Geog Info:Cncpts & Applic | x | x | |
GEOG 244. Adv Top: Global Change | x | x | |
GEOG 245. Adv Top:Human Env Interactions | x | x | |
GEOG 272. Adv Top:Space, Power, Identity | x | x | |
GERM (all courses) | x | x | |
GRK (all courses) | x | x | |
GRS (all courses) | x | x | |
GSWS (all courses) | x | x | |
HCOL 086 | x | ||
HCOL 185 | x | ||
HCOL 186 | x | ||
HEBR (all courses) | x | x | |
HLTH (all courses) | x | ||
HP (all courses) | x | x | |
HST (all courses) | x | x | |
HUMN (all courses) | x | x | |
ITAL (all courses) | x | x | |
JAPN (all courses) | x | x | |
JS (all courses) | x | x | |
LANG (all courses) | x | x | |
LAT (all courses) | x | x | |
LING (all courses) | x | x | |
MATH 161 Development of Math | x | x | |
MMG 002. SU:Unseen Wrlds:Microbes & You | x | ||
MS 011. Intro to ROTC & US Army | x | ||
MS 012. Intro Mil Skills&Followership | x | ||
MS 021. Leadership&Team Development | x | ||
MS 022. Individual&Team Leading | x | ||
MS 131. Lead&Train Small Organizations | x | ||
MS 132. Lead&Manage Small Organization | x | ||
MS 241. Ldrshp Challenges&Goal Setting | x | ||
MS 242. Lead Org Ethically&Competently | x | ||
MU (all courses) [5] | x | ||
MU 111. Music History & Literature I | x | x | |
MU 001. Exploring Music History | x | x | |
MU 005. D1: Intro to Jazz History | x | x | |
MU 007. D2: Intro World Music Cultures | x | x | |
MU 010. D1: Blues & Related Traditions | x | x | |
MU 014. D2: Music of Latin Am & Carib | x | x | |
MU 015. History of Rock and Roll | x | x | |
MU 105. History of Jazz | x | x | |
MU 107. D2: World Music Cultures | x | x | |
MU 112. Music History & Literature II | x | x | |
NFS (all courses) | x | ||
NH (all courses) | x | ||
NR (all courses) [6] | x | ||
NR 001. Natural Hist & Human Ecology 1 | x | x | |
NR 002. Natural Hist & Human Ecology 2 | x | x | |
NR 006. D1:Race & Culture in NR | x | x | |
NR 009. SU:VT: Natural & Cultural Hst | x | x | |
NR 102. SU:Water as a Natural Resource | x | ||
NR 104. Social Proc & the Environment | x | x | |
NR 107. SU:Human Health & the Envirnmt | x | ||
NR 153. Intro Environmental Policy | x | x | |
NR 205. SU:Ecosys Mgt:Intg Sci,Soc&Pol | x | x | |
NR 207. D1: Power, Privilege & Envrnmt | x | x | |
NSCI (all courses) | x | ||
PA (all courses) | x | ||
PBIO (all courses) | x | ||
PH (all courses) | x | ||
PHIL (all courses) | x | x | |
POLS (all courses) | x | x | |
PORT (all courses) | x | x | |
PRT 010. Intr Sustainable Rec & Tourism | x | ||
PRT 050. Tourism Planning | x | ||
PRT 138. Landsc. Arch for Parks & Rec | x | ||
PRT 149. Wilderness Educ & Leadership | x | ||
PRT 152. Forest Resource Values | x | ||
PRT 153. Recreation Admin & Operations | x | ||
PRT 157. Ski Area Management | x | ||
PRT 158. Resort Mgmt & Marketing | x | ||
PRT 230. SU: Ecotourism | x | ||
PRT 235. Outdoor Recreation Planning | x | ||
PRT 240. Park and Wilderness Management | x | ||
PRT 255. Environmental Interpretation | x | x | |
PRT 258. Entrepreneurship Rec&Tourism | x | ||
PSS (all courses) | x | ||
PSYC (all courses) | x | x | |
REL (all courses) | x | x | |
RUSS (all courses) | x | x | |
SOC (all courses) | x | x | |
SPAN (all courses) | x | x | |
SPCH (all courses) | x | x | |
STAT 052. D2:QR: Stat & Social Justice | x | x | |
SWSS (all courses) | x | ||
THE (all courses) [7] | x | ||
THE 017. Performance and Society | x | x | |
THE 075. D1:Diversity:Cont US Theatre | x | ||
THE 076. D1:Contemp US Latina/o Theatre | x | ||
THE 077. D2:Intro Asian Theatre & Dance | x | ||
THE 150. Hist I:Class/Med/Ren Thtr | x | x | |
THE 252. History II:17th - 21st Century | x | x | |
VS 052. SU:Sustainable Vermont | x | ||
VS 184. Vermont History | x | x | |
WLIT (all courses) | x | x |
Professional Development Electives
Students majoring in Computer Science, Computer Science and Information Systems, Data Science, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or Engineering Management may choose a professional development elective from the list below:
ME 003 | Introduction to Robotics |
ME 081 | Engineering Shop Experience |
ME 111 | System Dynamics |
ME 210 | Control Systems |
ME 218 | Numerical Methods for Engineering |
ME 249 | Computational Fluids Engineering |
ME 259 | Computational Solid Mechanics |
ENGR 114 | Advanced 3D Drafting |
CIS 001 | Cybersecurity Law & Policy |
CIS 196 | Privacy Law & Policy |
CS 006 | Exploring Cybersecurity |
CS 008 | Intro to Web Site Dev |
CS 091 | Instructing in Computer Sci |
CS/ EE 106 QR | Embedded Programming in C |
CS 142 | Advanced Web Design |
CS 145 | Web Client Programming |
CS 148 | Database Design for Web |
CS 166 | Cybersecurity Defense |
CS 191 | Teaching Assistantship |
CS 192 | Service Learning in CS |
CS 196 | Undergraduate Research |
CS 198 | Independent Study |
CS 205 | Software Engineering |
CS 275 | Mobile App Development |
CS 293 | Computer Career Preparation |
CEMS 290 | Internship |
CEMS 299 | Cooperative Education Experience |
Students in Mathematics & Statistics should consult with their advisor to identify appropriate courses and/or experiences to fulfill the Professional Development requirement (document via Substitution Form (DOC).
Students in Civil & Environmental Engineering should consult with their advisor to develop a Professional Preparation Portfolio to meet the Professional Development requirement (document via Substitution Form(DOC).