CEMS Administrative Contacts | College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | ¶¶Òõ̽̽(title)

The CEMS Administrative and Management staff are organized into functional teams.

Please find below two different presentations of our organization: the first presentation includes tables with contacts by functional area. The second is a listing of teams and the main contact email.

Purchases, Reimbursements, and Travel

Mathematics & Statistics
Computer Science
Complex Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Biomedical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Transportation Research Center
Nasa Space Grant Consortium
Any Purchasing Request

Cems Business Team

Any Travel Request

Cems Travel

Faculty/Staff Travel Authorization and Planning

Jane Madden

Gabriel Smestad

Graduate Student Travel Authorization And Planning

Penni French

Coco Hall

Faculty/Staff Travel & Expense Reimbursements

Jane Madden

Gabriel Smestad

Graduate Student Travel & Expense Reimbursements

Penni French

Coco Hall

Research & Event Participant Payments

Jane MaddenPenni French

Gabriel SmestadCoco Hall

Office Supplies Purchasing

Brianna Belleville

Brianna Belleville

Small (<$10k) Equipment Purchasing (Including Computers)

Jane Madden

Gabriel Smestad

Large (>$10k) Equipment Purchasing

 Emily Cummings

Consulting And Contract Services Review (Including Software/Tech Review)

Emily Cummings

Purcard Application

Jane Madden

Gabriel Smestad

Purcard Allocation Questions

Jane MaddenPattie Mcnatt

Gabriel SmestadPattie Mcnatt

Purcard Review

Pattie Mcnatt

CEMS Recruiting, Hiring, and Payroll

Mathematics & Statistics
Computer Science
Complex Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Biomedical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Transportation Research Center
NASA Space Grant Consortium
Any Request


Graduate Student Funding Requests (Including Changes)

Penni French

Coco Hall

Undergraduate Research Assistant Hiring

Penni French

Coco Hall

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant and Grader Hiring

Jess Romanelli

Temporary Employee Hiring

Jess Romanelli

Rpt Questions And Forms

Jacob Leopold

Faculty And Staff Recruitments

Katie Abbott


Katie Abbott

Other Inquiries

Jess RomanelliKatie Abbott

Operations and Event Support

Mathematics & Statistics
Computer Science
Complex Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Biomedical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Transportation Research Center
NASA Space Grant Consortium
Any Request

CEMS Department and Program Support Team

Printer And Copier Help

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Supplies Ordering (Paper, Pens, Binders, Books, Etc)

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Room Reservations

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Small Event Scheduling (<40 Attendees)

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Large Event Scheduling (>40 Attendees)

Jennifer Main

Research Seminars And Events (Any Size)

Penni French

Coco Hall

Catering Requests (Food Only)

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Space And Work Orders

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Catcard / Key Requests

Gretchen Schissel

Phone / Internet Requests

Brianna Belleville

Jennifer Main

Curriculum and Course Support



Mathematics & Statistics
Computer Science
Complex Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Biomedical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Transportation Research Center
NASA Space Grant Consortium
Any Request

CEMS Academic Admin Team

Schedule Of Courses Support

Gretchen Schissel, Courtney Giles

Advising Support

 CEMS Student Services

Facilities and Equipment



Mathematics & Statistics
Computer Science
Complex Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Biomedical Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Transportation Research Center
NASA Space Grant Consortium
Any Request

CEMS Lab Team

Lab Planning, Lab Equipment Service

CEMS Lab Team

Machine Shop / Advanced Prototyping Request


Fablab / Rapid Prototyping Request

CEMS Fablab

General Facilities Request

CEMS Department and Program Support Team

Chemical Ordering

Chemistry Order Form

Lab Access

Gretchen Schissel, Jamie Catalan




Please contact Chris Dissinger for any communications related items whether it be website changes, new pages, large correspondences, or other publications.

Research Administration


For any pre-award (budget development, proposal development) requests or for formal, financial sponsor correspondences (budget changes, subcontract development).

  • Dean’s Office, Electrical & Biomedical Engineering, Civil & Environmental, and Transportation Research Center
    Please contact: Steph Glock
  • Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics
    Please contact: Amy Wilson
  • Mechanical Engineering
    Please contact: Rachel Drew

Please contact Sara Powell for any post-award (budget management, effort planning, effort changes) requests.

Please contact Penni French or Coco Hall for any research workshop, conference, site-visit requests. 

Contacts by Functional Team

Graduate Education and Research
  • Graduate student letter requests
  • Graduate student events
  • Temp grad requests
  • Graduate application fee waivers
  • Graduate student salary changes

Contacts: cems.research@uvm.edu  |  Penni French  |  Coco Hall  |  Jane Kimble

Operations and Event Support
  • Room reservations
  • Event planning
  • Supply ordering
  • Copier/printer help
  • Phone requests
  • Work orders
  • Form approvals

Contacts: cemsadmins@uvm.edu  |  Brianna Belleville  |  Jennifer Main

Human Resources
  • UG hiring
  • Temp hiring
  • Payroll questions
  • Leaves
  • Faculty and staff recruiting

Contacts: cemshr@uvm.edu  |  Jess Romanelli  |  Katie Abbott  |  Jacob Leopold

  • Purchases
  • Reimbursements
  • Travel
  • Consulting services
  • Purcard requests
  • Purcard allocations
  • Purcard problems
  • Budgeting
  • Budget reports
  • Senior Design Help

Contacts: CEMS.Business@uvm.edu  |  CEMS.Travel@uvm.edu  |  Emily Cummings  |  Jane Madden  |  Pattie McNatt  |  Gabriel Smestad  |  Monika Ursiny

Academic Administration
  • Schedule of courses
  • Classroom requests
  • Brightspace
  • Curriculum approvals
  • Course evaluations
  • Catalogue edits
  • Assessment
  • Academic program data
  • Academic advising

Contacts:  cemssoc@uvm.edu  | cems.student.services@uvm.edu  |  Gretchen Schissel  |  Courtney Giles   |    Priyantha Wijesinghe  |   Matthew Manz


Any/all requests

Contacts:  cems.lab.help@uvm.edu  |  Jamie Catalan  |  Floyd Vilmont  |  Patrick Charron  |  Ken Mitchell  |  Josh Linker


Any/all requests

Contact: Chris Dissinger

Research Administration

For any pre-award (budget development, proposal development) requests or for formal, financial sponsor correspondences (budget changes, subcontract development).

  • Dean’s Office, Electrical & Biomedical Engineering, Civil & Environmental, and Transportation Research Center
    Please contact: Steph Glock
  • Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics
    Please contact: Amy Wilson
  • Mechanical Engineering
    Please contact: Rachel Drew

Post-award Requests (Budget Management, Budget Reporting, Effort Planning, Effort Management)

Contacts: Sara Powell

Research Support (Program Coordination, Site-visits, Workshop and Seminar planning and support, Program Reports)

Contacts: cems.research@uvm.edu  |  Penni French  |  Coco Hall