
Clinical Training Program Requirements | Department of Psychological Science | ¶¶̉ờ½̀½(title)

Students have a range of opportunities for obtaining clinical training hours, including Vermont Psychological Services, which is housed in the Department of Psychological Science, and has practicum opportunities at schools, adult primary care offices, pediatricians’ offices, and the Larner College of Medicine.

Usually our students complete five full-time academic years of graduate training in residence at ¶¶̉ờ½̀½, apply for internships in the fifth year, and go on internship during the sixth year. Therefore, the typical time to degree completion is six years. Students who enter with a master’s degree in psychology may complete the degree requirements in five years, including four full-time academic years of graduate training in residence at ¶¶̉ờ½̀½, followed by internship in the fifth year. A successful dissertation proposal defense by October 15 is required to be eligible to submit internship applications in a given academic year. We recommend students complete all program requirements before they leave campus for the internship year. At a minimum, students complete all requirements (except for the dissertation) before beginning internship. All program requirements, including the internship, are satisfactorily completed prior to awarding the doctoral degree. Most commonly, our students have their degrees conferred in October following completion of their internship, assuming the dissertation has been defended and submitted in final form to the Graduate College.

American Psychological Association (APA) Requirements

The course work of clinical students is largely determined by the American Psychological Association's requirements for accrediting Clinical programs. There is some flexibility, however, and the selection of "electives" is decided by students with advice and guidance from their advisors.


All clinical graduate students gain teaching experience through presentations in graduate courses, mentoring junior graduate students on their clinical practicum team and research team, and completing at least three of six additional teaching experiences. See 

Research Requirements

All students are involved in research during all years that they are enrolled in the program. The  presents the minimum research requirements: students are strongly encouraged to exceed these minimum requirements. During years one and two all clinical students initiate and complete a masters research project. It is expected that, if appropriate, the article will be submitted for publication.

In addition, students are required to complete a research-based dissertation. The dissertation proposal is written and proposed to a doctoral committee; the data-based study is conducted, analyzed, written, and finally defended in front of this committee.

Policies and Procedures

The policies and procedures for the clinical psychology doctoral program can be found in this manual. This document includes information for current and prospective graduate students regarding the clinical program.

Course Work

All graduate students must have at least 78 hours of course credit for completion of their doctoral degree. See

Students can use the Record of Courses and Requirements to track their progress through the program:

American Psychological Association (APA) Accredited Clinical Internship

This year-long experience (2000 hours) is most typically completed in the sixth year of the program. Students apply for an internship at various medical centers, VA hospitals, and mental health centers throughout the country. Internship sites selected by students must be accredited by the , except in unusual circumstances. Please see Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data for information on student placements in internships.

Clinical Requirements

Students have a range of opportunities for obtaining clinical training hours, including Vermont Psychological Services, which is housed in the Department of Psychological Science, and has practicum opportunities at schools, adult primary care offices, pediatricians’ offices, and the Larner College of Medicine. Students may also participate in training at other affiliated practicum sites, including the Champlain Valley Physician’s Hospital, the Association of Africans Living in Vermont, and the Vermont Department of Corrections.