
College Honors in German or Russian


The Program in German, Russian, and Hebrew allows students to pursue College Honors in German or Russian. The College Honors Program is a rigorous program designed for students with unusual initiative and intellectual curiosity. It provides an opportunity to pursue two semesters (six credits) of independent research on a German or Russian topic of great interest to the student under the direction of a faculty sponsor. Students may pursue a thesis or creative project. Students may apply for College Honors if they have a GPA of 3.40 or higher. Connect to the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program for detailed information and the requirements of this program and to see if it is an endeavor you would wish to undertake.

Students who wish to pursue College Honors must submit their applications early in the first term of their senior year and generally begin working on the proposal during the second semester of their junior year. Please contact Professor Helga Schreckenberger (Helga.Schreckenberger@uvm.edu) or Professor Kathleen Scollins (Kathleen.Scollins@uvm.edu) (Russian) for more information, details, requirements, and deadlines if you are interested in pursuing College Honors in German or Russian. Permission of the chair is required to enroll in an Honors course.

Special Requirement Concerning Thesis Defense

Students in College Honors (German or Russian) must submit printed copies of their completed theses to each member of their thesis committee (advisor, committee chair, and second reader) at least one week before the scheduled defense of their thesis, to allow committee members to prepare for the defense.